Conjugation of Eo; Place and Time Constructions + pg 315-316 Vocab Flashcards
Athenae, Athenarum
f. pl., Athens
domus, domus (domi)
f., house, home
humus, humi
f., ground, earth; soil
iter, itineris
n., journey, route, road (itinerary)
rus, ruris
n., the country, countryside
Syracusae, Syracusarum
f. pl, Syracuse
absens, gen. absentis
absent, away
gratus, grata, gratum
pleasing, agreeable, grateful
idoneus, idonea, idoneum
suitable, fit, appropriate
immotus, immota, immotum
unmoved; unchanged; unrelenting
adv., out of doors, outside
eo, ire, ii, itum
to go
abeo, abire, abii, abitum
to go away, depart, leave
adeo, adire, adii, aditum
to go to, approach
exeo, exire, exii, exitum
to go out, exit
ineo, inire, inii, initum
to go in, enter; enter into, begin
obeo, obire, obii, obitum
to go up against, meet; die
pereo, perire, perii, peritum
to pass away, be destroyed
redeo, redire, redii, reditum
to go back, return
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum
to kill, murder
licet, licere, licuit
impers., + dat + infinitive, it is permitted, one may
peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum
to travel abroad, wander
requiesco, requiescere, requievi, requietum
to rest
soleo, solere, solitus sum
to be accustomed
present indicative of eo
eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt
imperfect indicative of eo
ibam, ibas, etc.
future indicative of eo
ibo, ibis, ibit, ibimus, ibitis, ibunt
perfect indicative of eo
ii, isti, iit, iimus, istis, ierunt
pluperfect indicatve of eo
ieram, ieras, etc.
future perfect indicative of eo
iero, ieris, etc.
present subjunctive of eo
eam, eas, eat, eamus, eatis, eant
imperfect subjunctive of eo
irem, ires, iret, etc.
perfect subjunctive of eo
ierim, ieris, etc.
pluperfect subjunctive of eo
issem, isses, etc.
singular imperative of eo
plural imperative of eo
gerund of eo
present active participle of eo
iens (euntis, eunti, etc.)
future active particple of eo
iturus, -a, -um
future infinitive of eo
iturus esse
perfect infinitive of eo
place where: in or sub + ablative. Ex: In illa urbe visus est.
He was seen in that city.
place where: in or sub + ablative. Ex: Nihil sub sole est novum.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Place to which: in, ad, or sub + accusative. Ex: In illam urbem ibit.
He will go into that city.
Place to which: in, ad, or sub + accusative. Ex: Sub hastam hostis occidit.
He fell under the enemy’s spear.
Place from which: ab, de, or ex + ablative. Ex: Ex illa urbe iit.
He went out of that city.
Cities, towns, small islands, domus, humus, and rus: locative
identical to the genitive for the singular of first and second declension nouns; otherwise the locative is identical to the ablative
Visus est Romae, Ephesi, Athenis, et Carthagine.
He was seen at Rome, Ephesus, Athens, and Carthage.
Cities, towns, small islands, domus, humus, and rus: place to which:
accusative without a preposition
Ibit Romam, Ephesum, Athenas, et Carthaginem.
He will go to Rome, Ephesus, Athens, and Carthage.
Cities, towns, small islands, domus, humus, and rus: place from which:
ablative without a preposition
Iit Roma, Epheso, Athenis, et Carthagine.
He went from Rome, Ephesus, Athens, and Carthage.
locative of domus
domi (at home)
accusative of domus
ablative of domus
locative of humus
humi (follows the rule for 1st/2nd singular). Translate as “on the ground”
locative of rus
ruri or rure, in the country
ablative of time within which: paucis horis
within a few hours
ablative of time when: aestate
in the summer
accusative of duration of time: paucas horas
for a few hours
locuti sunt nocte
they spoke at night
locuti sunt noctem
they spoke all night/for the night/through the night
accusative of extent of space: ambulat quinque pedes
he walks for five feet
ab =
ad =