Participles + pg 187-188 Wheelock vocab Flashcards
arx, arcis
f., citadel, stronghold
dux, ducis
m., leader, guide
equus, equi
m., horse
hasta, hastae
f., spear
insula, insulae
f., island
litus, litoris
n., shore, coast
miles, militis
m., soldier
orator, oratoris
m., orator, speaker
sacerdos, sacerdotis
m., priest
aliquis, aliquid
indef. pron., someone, somebody, something
quisquis, quidquid
indef. pron., whoever, whatever
magnanimus, magnanima, magnanimum
great-hearted, brave
adv., (in questions or negative clauses) ever, at any time
educo, educare, educavi, educatum
to bring up, educate
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum
to be glad, rejoice
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum
to exhibit, show, display
peto, petere, petivi, petitum
to seek, aim at, beg
premo, premere, pressi, pressum
to press, press hard, pursue
opprimo, opprimere, oppressi, oppressum
to suppress, overwhelm, overpower
verto, vertere, verti, versum
to turn; change
How to form the present active participle
present stem (2nd pp - re) + ns for nom. sing., nt+3rd declension endings for all other cases
How to translate the present active participle:
verbing. Ex: agens - doing
How to form the perfect passive participle:
decline the 4th pp like a 1st/2nd declension adj.
How to translate the perfect passive participle:
having been verbed
How to form the future active participle:
4th pp - us/a/um ending + urus, ura, urum. Decline like a 1st/2nd declension adjective.
How to translate the future active participle:
about to verb, going to verb
How to form the future passive participle:
present stem (2nd pp - re) + ndus, nda, ndum. Decline like a 1st/2nd declension adjective.
How to translate the future passive participle:
about to be verbed
Participles agree with the noun they are describing in
case, number and gender (like normal adjectives)
for fourth conjugation and third -io verbs you need to have an ___ in both the ___ and _____
-ie-, present active participle (-iens, -ientis) and the future passive participle (-iendus, -a, -um)