Deponent Verbs; Ablative with Special Deponents + pg 286-287 vocab Flashcards
anima, animae
f., air, breath; soul, spirit
remissio, remissionis
f., letting go, release, relaxation
vox, vocis
f., voice, word (vocal)
adversus, adversa, adversum
opposite, adverse (adversary)
talis, tale
such, of such a sort
interj., often + dat. or acc., alas, woe to
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum
to judge, think (arbiter)
conor, conari, conatus sum
to try, attempt
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum
to increase (crescendo)
egredior, egredi, egressus sum
to go out
fateor, fateri, fassus sum
to confess, admit
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum
to encourage, urge (exhortation)
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
to say, speak, tell (loquacious)
molior, moliri, molitus sum
to work at, build, undertake, plan (demolish)
morior, mori, mortuus sum
fut. act. partic. moriturus, to die (mortuary)
nascor, nasci, natus sum
to be born; spring forth, arise
patior, pati, passum sum
to suffer, endure; permit (passive)
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
to set out, start
rusticor, rusticari, rusticatus sum
to live in the country (rural)
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum
to sit (sedentary)
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
to follow (consequent)
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum
to look at, see (spectator)
utor, uti, usus sum
+abl. to use; enjoy, experience (abuse)
deponent verbs are verbs that have ____ endings but ____ meanings
passive endings but active meanings
exceptions to the general deponent rule
- present and future participles: active forms with active meanings. 2. Gerundive (future passive participle): passive form with passive meaning. 3. Future infinitive: active form with active meaning.
semi-deponent verbs are
normal in the present system but deponent in the perfect system
some semi-deponent verbs:
audeo, audere, ausus sum and gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum
deponent verbs that take an ablative object
utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor
note that for the 3rd conjugation to form the 2nd person singular present indicative of a deponent verb you use __ not ___ as your connecting vowel
e, i. Sequeris, not sequiris
an alternative form of the 2nd person singular present indicative of deponent verbs is
-re. So hortaris = hortare
for the imperfect indicative of 3rd, 3rd -io, and 4th conjugation deponent verbs make sure you have an ___ before the ba
e. Sequebatur, moliebamini
how to form the singular imperative for deponent verbs
its the alternate 2nd person singular present indicative form (the one that looks like a present active infinitive). Ex: hortare, molire: urge! work at!
how to form the plural imperative for deponent verbs
its the second person plural present indicative. Ex: fatemini, patimini: confess! endure!
ablative of degree of difference example: paucis diebus
by a few days