-Ne, Num, and Nonne in Direct Questions; Fear Clauses; Genitive and Ablative of Description + pg 343 Vocab Flashcards
aes, aeris
n., bronze
dominus, domini
m., master (of a household), lord
domina, dominae
f., mistress, lady
lacrima, lacrimae
f., tear
meta, metae
f., turning point, goal; limit, boundary
monumentum, monumenti
n., monument
nasus, nasi
m., nose
saxum, saxi
n., rock, stone
vultus, vultus
m., countenance, face
iustus, iusta, iustum
just, right
indeclinable adjective, so many, as many
tot… quot
as many… as
prep. + acc., besides, except; beyond, past
interrogative adverb which introduces questions expecting the answer “yes”
interrogative adverb: (1) introduces direct questions which expect the answer “no”; (2) introduces indirect questions and means “whether”
adv., wholly, entirely, altogether; with negatives, at all
adv., after all, finally; for the last time
adv., indeed, in fact, furthermore
explico, explicare, explicavi, explicatum
to unfold; explain; spread out, deploy
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatum
to weary, tire out
for, fari, fatus sum
to speak (prophetically), talk, foretell
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum
to suppose
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum
to find, discover, learn; get
vereor, vereri, veritus sum
to show reverence for, respect; be afraid of, fear
how to ask a question in Latin in which you expect the answer to be “yes”
introduce the question with nonne
how to ask a question in Latin in which you expect the answer to be “no”
introduce the question with num
Nonne venit?
he is coming, isn’t he? or Isn’t he coming?
Num venit?
He isn’t coming, is he?
fear clauses:
introduced by a verb of fearing, then ut/ne, then a subjunctive
for fear clauses ne non =
how to translate ne fear clauses
fear that something will happen
how to translate ut fear clauses
fear the something will not happen
idea behind ut/ne of fear clauses: timeo ne abeas
I am afraid - don’t go away! i.e., I fear that you may go away.
genitive of description example: femina magnae sapientiae
a woman of great intellect
ablative of description example: miles firma manu
the soldier with the strong hand
ablative of description example: es moribus bonis
you are a person of good character
ut =
HOPE it will happen = FEAR it may NOT happen
ne =
HOPE it will NOT happen = FEAR it may happen