Pectoral Girdle and Upper limbs Flashcards
How many bones comprise the pectoral girdle and what are they
4, scapula and clavicles
Glenoid cavity
lateral shallow cavity of the shoulder joint where the humerus fits
What does clavicle mean
small key
What is the only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton
the clavicle
descended from ancient segments of armor designed to protect the easily broken clavicle
sternoclavicular joint
The articulation of the clavicle to the sternum
Acromioclavicular joint (A-C joint)
The articulation of the clavicle with the acromion
What does acromion mean
shoulder peak
Conoid tubercle
on the inferior surface of the later end of the clavicle
What does conoid mean
small cone swelling
broad flat triangular bone positioned on the posterior aspect of the rib cage overlying ribs 2-7
Spine of scapula
prominent diagonal bony ridge on the posterior surface of the scapula
supraspinous fossa
above the spine of the scapula
infraspinous fossa
below the spine of the scapula
forms the bony tip of the shoulder
inferior to the acromion, helps to stabilize the anterior portion of the shoulder joint
subscapular fossa
anterior surface of the scapula
large muscle that overlies the subscapular foss
Greater tubercle
on the humerus, is positioned laterally and helps form the rounded contour of the shoulder
lesser tubercle
smaller than the greater tubercle and located more medially
intertubercular groove
in between the two tubercles of the humerus
anatomical neck
between the tubercles and the head of the humerus
surgical neck
narrowing of the bone immediately distal to the tubercles
Deltoid tuberosity
roughened area on the shaft of the humerus along its lateral mid region where the deltoid muscle attaches
lateral rounded condyle that articulates with the radius
What does capitulum mean
little head
the medial condyle that articulates with the ulna
What does trochlea mean
Ulnar nerve
nerve in the medial epicondyle of the humerus. often called the funny bone
radial fossa
accommodates the head of the radius when the elbow is flexed
Coronoid fossa
accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna
medial bone of the antebrachium
lateral bone of the antebrachium
What does radius mean
rod or spoke of wheel
head of the radius
on the proximal end and articulates with the capitulum of the humerus
Radial notch
on the proximal end of the ulna where the radius articulates with the ulna
Radial tuberosity
proximal end of the radius where the biceps brachii muscle attaches
styloid process of radius
lateral bump on the antebrachium that is confused for a wrist bone
What does styloid mean
resembles a pillar or post
Ulnar notch
on the distal end of the radius where he ulna articulates with the radius
Trochlear notch
interlocks with the trochlea of the humerus to form a firm hinge joint
Coronoid process
forms the anterior portion of the trochlear notch and fits into the coronoid fossa of the humerus
forms the posterior portion of the trochlear notch and fits into the olecranon fossa of the humerus
Head of ulna
on the distal end
interosseous membranes
dense regular connective tissue between the ulna and radius; tibia and fibula
median nerve
is damaged in crucifixion causing inward contraction of the thumb
carpal bones
wrist bones. There are 8
A-C separation
dislocation of clavicle and acromion
Lateral epicondylitis
(tennis elbow) strain on the muscles or tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle
Medial epicondylitis
repetitive stress is applied to the medial epicondyle
Colles fracture
results on silver fork deformity