Parasit Malaria 2 Flashcards
it is a medical emergency that should be treated aggressively with intravenous fluids and respiratory support
long term health complications of severe malaria include _________________________
liver and kidney failure, and a ruptured spleen
the pathological process of malaria are the result of ___________________
Erythrocytic Cycle
allows fluid leak to tissues and blood vessel congestion leading to infarction and necrosis
Increased capillary permeability
severe form of MALARIA are usually caused by ______________________
Plasmodium falciparum
electron dense membranous structure, so called ________ causes cytoadherence, rosette formation, and sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes lead to decrease in tissue perfusion resulting in decreased renal blood flow
proteins necessary for cytoadhesion which has the function of antigenic variation
proteins necessary for cytoadhesion which has the function of association in severe, malaria; antigenic function
proteins necessary for cytoadhesion which has the function of increasing the effectivity of ligand binding
Histidine-rich Protein (HRP)
proteins necessary for cytoadhesion which has the function of acting like LPS, stimulate monocyte to release TNF
Glycosylphophatidyl inositol (GPI)
proteins necessary for cytoadhesion which has the function of cytoadherence; antigenic variation
Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1
most adhesive protein for cytoadhesion
Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1
Seen in Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale infections
Seen in P. falciparum and P. malariae infections
is due to persistence of drug resistant parasites, even after completion of treatment
Few sporozoites don’t develop into pre-erythrocytic schizont, but remain dormant (Hypnozoites) for 3 weeks to 1 year
Hypnozoites can only be observed in (2) ___________________________
P. vivax and P. ovale
erythocytic cycle of P. vivax, P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale
P. vivax- 48 hours
P. falciparum- 36-48 hours
P. malariae- 72 hours
P. ovale- 42 hours
gold standard method for malarial diagnosis
are usually ring forms, immature, and mature
occasionally found; indicative of severer infection and should consider organ damage
have sexual stages, infective stage to mosquitos
non staining part of MALARIA
staining red part for MALARIA
staining blue part for MALARIA
most prevalent human malaria parasite
Plasmodium vivax
found in Asia, Latin America, and in some parts of Africa
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium vivax has dormant liver stages (________________________) that can activate and invade the blood (__________________________________) several months or years after the infecting mosquito bite
hypnozoites, causes relapse
infected RBC of P.vivax and P. ovale
young and immature
P. vivax eosinophilic stippling ____________________________-, all stages except early ring forms
Shuffner’s dots
infected RBC of P. vivax will increase ________________ the size of a normal cell
1.5 times
pigment for infected RBC of P. vivax
Golden Brown, inconspicuous
ring form with heavy red dot and blue cytoplasmic ring
relatively large and have delicate cytoplasmic ring and connected by single chromatin dot
P. vivax trophozoites
growing trophozoites will have a _____________________________________________ pigment granules in cytoplasm
small-yellowish brown
has loose, irregular, or close compact cytoplasm. Increasing the amount of brown pigments. Parasite fill cells in 30 to 40 hours
mature schizont of P. vivax contains ____________ , __________, Parasite almost fills enlarged cells
12-24 merozoites, and pigments in 1 to 2
parasite almost fills enlarged cells
Mature Schizont
large pink to purple chromatin mass surrounded by colorless to pale halo yellow structure
P. vivax microgametocyte
round to oval cytoplasm, smaller nucleus, eccentric chromatin mass, light brown pigment through out the cell
P. vivax Macrogametocyte
PHASES OF P. vivax
Schizogony phase:
Prepatent phase:
Incubation phase:
length of asexual period:
Internal between parasite patency and gametocyte appearance:
Developmental period in mosquito
48 hours
11-15 days
12-20 days (ave 14)
48 hours
3-5 days
10 days at 28 deg C to 30 deg C
P. vivax and P. ovale causes the disease
Benign Tertian Malaria
found mostly in Africa and the islands of the western pacific
P. ovale
Though P. ovale is biologically and morphologically similar to P. vivax, it is able to infect ____________ which is the case for many residents of sub-Saharan Africa
Duffy blood group negative
infected RBC of P. ovale will become _____________ and increase ________________ the size of a normal cell
oval & enlarged, 1.5 times
P. ovale eosinophilic stippling ____________________________-, all stages except early ring forms
James dots
pigment for infected RBC of P. ovale
Dark Brown, conspicuous
somewhat thick and ameboid appearance, larger than in P. vivax
Trophozoite (P. ovale)
medium in size often maintains circular shape early in development
Immature Schizont
round to oval cytoplasm, smaller nucleus, eccentric chromatin mass, light brown pigment through out the cell, smaller than in P. vivax
P. ovale macrogametocyte
large pink to purple chromatin mass surrounded by colorless to pale halo yellow structure. Smaller than in P. vivax
P. ovale microgametocyte
mature schizont of P. ovale contains ____________ ,
Merozoites occupy __________, of the RBC in a rosette formation
6-14 (ave, 8), 3 quarters
PHASES OF P. ovale
Schizogony phase:
Prepatent phase:
Incubation phase:
length of asexual period:
Internal between parasite patency and gametocyte appearance:
Developmental period in mosquito
48 hours
14-26 days
11-16 days (ave 14)
48 hours
5-6 days
16 days at 25 deg C; 14 days at 27 deg C
found worldwide, is the only human malaria parasite species that has a quartan cycle (three day cycle)
Plasmodium malariae
disease caused by plasmodium malariae
Quartan Malaria
causes a long lasting, chronic infection that in some cases can last a lifetime
Plasmodium malariae
In some chronically infected patients with P. malariae can cause serious complications such as the _________________________
In some chronically infected patients with P. malariae can cause serious complications such as the _________________________