History bacte Flashcards
What is microbiology the study of?
Microbiology is the study of organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
Diseases caused by “invisible living creatures”
Lucretius & Girolamo Fracastoro
Earliest observations in bees & weevils using a microscope
Francesco Stelluti
First true microbiologist, observed living microorganisms
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek refer to as “animacules”?
He referred to them as tiny living and moving cells observed under the microscope.
What does spontaneous generation (abiogenesis) state?
It states that life arises from non-living matter.
What was Aristotle’s view on spontaneous generation?
He believed that simple invertebrates could come from spontaneous generation.
How did Francesco Redi contribute to disproving abiogenesis?
demonstrated that maggots could not arise spontaneously.
What was John Needham’s argument in support of abiogenesis?
organic matter possessed a “vital force” that could give rise to life.
How did Lazzaro Spallanzani improve upon Needham’s experiment?
He heated the broth transferred to a sealed jar and observed no growth.
What conclusion did Spallanzani reach regarding Needham’s experiment?
He concluded that microorganisms in the air probably caused contamination in Needham’s experiment.
states that living cells could only arise from pre-existing living cells.
Who challenged the concept of spontaneous generation with biogenesis?
Rudolf Virchow
He observed no growth in a flask containing a nutrient solution after allowing air to pass through a heated tube.
Theodor Schwann
They demonstrated no growth after allowing air to pass through sterile cotton wool placed on a flask with heat-sterilized culture medium.
Heinrich Schroder and Theodore von Dusch
What was Louis Pasteur’s significant experiment that disproved abiogenesis?
Swan-Neck Flask Experiment.
air does not generate microbes, but microorganisms can contaminate a sterile solution.
Swan-Neck Flask Experiment by Pasteur prove
What technique did Louis Pasteur propose to prevent contamination?
aseptic technique, which involves using heat to kill microorganisms.
He developed vaccines against anthrax and rabies.
Louis Pasteur
is minimal heating of beers and wine to kill most of the bacteria.
Who discovered Bacillus anthracis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
Robert Koch
Who introduced the use of culture media?
Walther Hesse
Who was responsible for the use of agar in the preparation of media?
Fanny Hesse
He developed the petri-dish for holding media.
Julius Richard Petri
the study of parasites, hosts, and their relationship
is the study of fungi
is the study of algae
phycology (algology)
is the study of viruses
is the study of bacteria, which are unicellular and contain RNA and DNA
Discovered structure of DNA
Francis Crick and James Watson
Identified and Isolated HIV
Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier
Developed Polymerse chain reaction
Karry Mullis
Discovered the streptomycin and neomycin antibiotics
Selman Waksman
Discovered the antibiotic penicillin (Penicillum notalum)
Discovered the lysozyme
Alexander Fleming
First to propose the correct biochemical structure of penicillin
Edward Abraham
Discovered salvarsan for the treatment of syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
Developed the yellow fever vaccine
Max Theiler
Father of Handwashing
demonstrated the routine handwashing
Ignaz Semmelweis
Introduced antiseptic surgery, including handwashing, wearing gloves, and sterilizing surgical instruments.
Joseph Lister
Showed importance of oxygen to life
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
Introduced concept of tyndallization
John Tyndall
Discovered that there are bacteria that could withstand a series of boiling due to endospores
Ferdinand Cohn
submicroscopic creatures living in clusters and having a short life and said to pervade each and every part of the universe
postulated the existence of unseen microbiological life
Jainism (ancient religion in India)