Bacte Metabolism Flashcards
Defined as the sum of all chemical processes that take place in a living organism and results in a growth, energy generation, waste disposal and other function related to cell nutrient distribution
Two phases on bacterial metabolism
Constructive phase; synthesize new bacterial molecules and energy production form resulting carbon skeletons
Destructive phase; large complex molecules are broken down into simpler, smaller molecules accompanied by energy utilization
A type of metabolism regulation where the production of an enzyme is regulated
A type of metabolism regulation where the activity of an enzyme is regulated
Starting carbohydrate for bacterial fermentation or oxidation
The 3 pathways which are designed to produce pyruvate
> Embdhen-Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway
Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Entner-Doudoroff Pathway
____________________ can be further catabolized either fermentatively or oxidatively
An efficient energy- generating process in which molecular oxygen (O2) is the final electron acceptor
Oxidation/ Aerobic Respiration
> 1st stage in carbohydrate metabolism
Oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid
Major route of glucose metabolism in most cells
> Most important process for the complete oxidation of a substrate under aerobic conditions
> An enzyme coverts pyruvate into CO2 and an acid
> Used to generate energy in the form of ATP
> Substrate used in this process: Acetyl coenzyme A
An anaerobic process, the use of Krebs Cycle or an electron transport chain
Ethanol (as a major end-product); used by yeasts
Alcoholic Fermentation
Only lactic acid is produced as an end-product
Homolactic Fermentation
Alcohol, CO2, Formic and acetic acid (aside from lactic acid) as end-products
Heterolactic Fermentation
Propionic acid is the major end product
Propionic acid Fermentation
Produce a number of acids as end products: lactic, acetic, succinic and formic acids; the strong acid produced is the basis for the positive reaction in the methyl red test
Mixed Acid Fermentation
Acetoin and 2,3-butanediol are end products; detection of ecetoin. Basis for positive reaction on Voges-Proskauer Test; little acid is produced
Butanediol Fermentation
Organisms that have positive Voges-Proskauer Test usually have negative reaction on _________________________
Methyl red test
Certain obligate anaerobes produce butyric acid as their major end product along with acetic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen
Butyric acid Fermentation
Enzyme for transport of lactose across the cell wall into the bacterial cytoplasm
Beta-galactoside permease
Break the galactoside bond, releasing glucose which will be fermented