P3 Theories and Debates - Is sociology a science? Yes argument Flashcards
What does Wallace argue are the 4 sources that we gain knowledge from?
- Authoritarian sources: expert opinion
- Mystical sources: religious experiences
- Logico - rational sources: following the rules logic
- Scientific sources: rigorously tested ideas
What is the definition of a science?
A particular body of knowledge obtained by systematic, objective observation and testing
What is the definition of sociology?
The study of social behaviour, especially in relation to the development or changing of societies and social institutions.
What is science?
- Empirical –> information can be counted / measured
- Testable –> tested and revisited at any point to lead to verification
- Theoretical –> theory seeks to uncover causal relationships between phenomena
- Cumulative –> builds on previous knowledge
- Objective –> blocks out personal prejudice or political views ( value free)
What is positivists argument that sociology is a science?
The main feature within positivism is that society exists outside and independently of individuals:
- Nature is made up of observable, objective and physical facts e.g atoms which exist regardless of individuals
- Society is also an objective fact / reality exists regardless of individuals.
What does Emile Durkheim argue?
That society is made up of social facts and it is the job of the social scientist to discover real, measurable laws and patterns of society and behaviour e.g social class
What do positivists believe is the hypothetico - deductive method?
- A phenomena is observed
- A hypothesis is formulated
- An experiment is set up to test the hypothesis
- Effects or variable changes are observed and noted
- Data is collected, organised and quantified
- Conclusions are drawn
- Hypothesis is accepted or rejected
- A theory is formulated
- Other researchers scrutinise the theory
What was Emile Durkheim’s (positivist) study?
He looked for causal relationships between the statistics to see what social facts lead to suicide.
He concluded that suicide on this scale and consistency could not be the impact of individual motives.
Cause + Effect –> just like science.
Why do scientists say sociology is not empirical?
Sociology is not empirical as it tries to measure invisible phenomena, some of which cannot be measured e.g religion and faith
Why does Durkheim argue sociology is empirical?
Durkheim argues that there are external, independent, “real things” that exist in the social world that can be observed and measured e.g social class, language and religion etc.
Why does Marx argue that sociology is empirical?
Marx argues that the capitalist economic structure exists independently of individuals, it is very real and can be observed and measured
Why do scientists argue sociology is not theoretical?
Sociology is not theoretical as it studies different societies and different individuals which are unpredictable and therefore no causal predictive relationships can be found.
Why does Durkheim argue sociology is theoretical?
Durkheim concedes that individuals cannot be predicted but argues that group behaviour can.
He uses his study of suicide to show how it can be predicted that suicide is caused by the levels of integration of particular groups. e.g protestants and catholics.
Why do scientists argue sociology is not objective?
Sociology is not objective as anything social is subjective and value free as it is created by value biassed individuals
Why does Durkheim argue that sociology is objective?
Sociology can be value free as the hypothetico deductive method is followed strictly. This was again showed in Durkheim’s use of the comparative method in his study of suicide.
Why do scientists argue sociology is not testable?
Everything “social” is value-laden and bias and therefore sociological research is always bias and full of values . As such, knowledge is free to objective verification
Why do positivists argue sociology is testable?
Once a theory is put together it is open to verification from other theories.
This accounts for the differences between functionalism and marxism. Both are looking at the same social structure but both have different views - each theory is wide open to testing and re testing.