P1 Education - The Organisation of Teaching and Learning Flashcards
What is setting and grouping pupils?
The way that pupils are organised to teaching groups shapes what pupils are taught and their ultimate success.
- This affects both their qualifications and their subsequent progression opportunities.
- These groupings can involve labelling and the self fulfilling prophecy.
Mixed Ability
Where pupils of all abilities are taught together. Teaching is differentiated within lessons. Supporters of this method say there are social and education benefits - reduces conflict in society through mixes and recognised that ability is not set for life
Where students are grouped by ability for most or all of their lessons. The top stream is the most academic; the bottom streams the low achievers. Supports believe this ensures the more able are not held back in education.
Where pupils are placed in ability groups for particular subjects - they may be in the top set for one subject but in the bottom for another. This helps teachers support students at GCSE prepare for a particular examination tier
Within Class Grouping
Where the teacher males ability groups within the class (usually the most common type of grouping). However, research shows when students are aware of their group their self esteem and motivation are negatively impacted
What is ability setting?
The introduction of league tables has been argued by some, to be the cause of ability setting by some in some schools
What does Ireson et al argue?
-That setting was not always based on attainment in a particular subject.
- Behaviour and a means of socially controlling particular groups have also been strong influences on this type of grouping
What is ethnic minority grouping?
Tikly argues that African Caribean pupils are underrepresented in higher ability sets higher examination tiers and in gifted and talented cohorts
What does Hallam et al argue?
He illustrates the impact of ability grouping as the pupils see it as primary school
What research was done?
6 pupils of mixed ability and genders were interviewed in each of 9 primary schools adopting different methods of grouping practices including setting, streaming, within class ability and mixed ability grouping
What were the results of the research?
- In reading, pupils wished to be in the top set, as it gave them status. However pupils preferred whole class or individual work.
- Social adjustment, social attitude and attitude to peers of different ability were healthier among children in non streamed classes
- The more streams there were the more negative were the attitudes of those in the lower sets
- Below average ability pupils could become friendless or neglected by others
Secondary research suggests what?
Streaming may play a major role in polarising pro and anti school attitudes among pupils
Setting may produce more negative than positive consequences among mathematician students, most students wanted to move sets or change to mixed ability teaching.
The greater the level of mixed ability teaching in the school, the more it is the preferred method.
What is the conclusion on ability grouping?
The research on ability grouping is inconclusive.
Generally it has little or not effect on school achievement levels but:
- Those in the top set do better than they otherwise might and those in the bottom sets do worse
Ability setting is however becoming more popular in line with the league table system and schools competing for pupils and resources