P3 - E.P. - Stressors in the Environment Flashcards
EVALUATION - Nature/Nurture
NATure - the environment that causes the stressors; less able to deal with them
NURture - we can change behaviour to deal with stressors
EVALUATION - Free Will/Determinism
DETERminism - Environmenal Noise, e.g. Traffic = out of our control. Chronic Stressors - behaviour based off of past Trauma, not F.W.
EVALUATION - Reductionism/Holism
REDuctionist - Black&Black doesn’t take into account that other factors can cause Stress
EVALUATION - Individual/Situational
It is more situational because it is saying about all the factors of the environment that can cause stress and says that you are stressed because of the situation you are in.
EVALUATION - Mindfullness (GANS Study)
- Studied people w/Tinnitus (~10% of UK pop.)
- Mindfullness made participants more relieved from stress caused by Tinnitus
- “Perceptions of Chronic Tinitus changed, with participants noting that they had felt an increased tolerance, acceptance and courage to live with it, even after 12 monthds of completing the program”
- Only 7 Participants, Self Report - low Val.&Rel.
- Usefull (E.g. military veterans) & ethical