Biological - Regions of the Brain Flashcards
SPERRY - Background
- Investigate effects of Commissurotomy
- To Map Lateralisation
- Show information can be restricted to One Hemisphere
SPERRY - Method
- Opportunity sampling
- 11 patients who had a CoMM-iSS-uro-tom-y due to Epilepsy
- Quasi experiment, Lab experiment
- DV: performance in Stimuli tests that displayed information to only 1 Hemisphere
- Wrote Down or Said what they Saw/Felt
SPERRY - Procedure
- Expose 1 or 2 Hemispheres to a stimulus & evoke a response. Stimuli were either: Visual, Touch or Auditory.
SPERRY - Results
- Information presented to one Hemisphere/Visual Field can only be remembered by the same Hemisphere/Visual Field
- Only the left Hemisphere (RVF) can verbally describe/write about what it sees
- Only the right Hemisphere (LVF) can visually process/draw what is sees
- Both Hemispheres can operate simultaneously & individually
SPERRY - Conclusions
SPERRY - Generalisability
- Ethnocentic: all English-speaking
SPERRY - Reliability
SPERRY - Applications
- Suggestion of CoMM-iSS-uro-tom-y safety
SPERRY - Validity
SPERRY - Ethics
SPERRY - Link to Theme
- Illustrating the Function of the Corpus Callosum between Hemispheres
- Studies how a change in Brain Structure can effect Behaviour
SPERRY - Link to Area
SPERRY - Understanding of Individual, Social & Cultural Diversity
SPERRY - Remember by
SPERRY - Biological Terms
CoMM-iSS-ures - structures that join Hemispheres consisting of nerve fibres
CoMM-iSS-uro-tom-y - operation that seperates brain Hemispheres (cuts Commissures)
Contralateral Control - The motor function of each half of the body is controlled by the Opposite Hemisphere
Lateralisation - different Hemispheres are responsible for specific functions or behaviours
Localisation - different areas of the brain are responsible for specific functions or behaviors
Visual Fields (LVF)/(RVF) - part of unfocused vision to the Right/Left Respectively (opp.)
Right Hempishere Responsibilities: Creativity, Emotion, Drawing
Left Hemisphere Responsibilities: Language, Logic, Writing
CASEY - Background
CASEY - Method
- fMRI scanners
- Images of Happy & Sad faces
- 562 Pupils aged 4
- Stanford’s Bing Nursery School
- 155 Repeated in their 20s
- Gynocentric
- Longitudinal, Quasi/Natural
- 2x2 (exp. 1); Male OR Female face & Go OR No-Go
CASEY - Procedure
Experiment 1 - 59 Participants, Remotely done from Homes, One sex was the ‘go’ stimulus, regardless of emotion showed, L Delayers at 4 remained so
Experiment 2 - 15 High delayers, 11 Low Delayers
CASEY - Results
CASEY - Conclusions
CASEY - Generalisability
CASEY - Reliability
CASEY - Applications
CASEY - Validity
CASEY - Ethics
CASEY - Link to Theme
CASEY - Link to Area
CASEY - Understanding of Individual, Social & Cultural Diversity
CASEY - Remember by
CASEY - Biological Terms
Ventral Stratium - deep inside Hemispheres, receive information from many Brain Areas, e.g. RIFG
Inferior Frontal Gyrus - Frontal Lobe, the right one/the RIFG manages go/no-go tasks
SPERRY & CASEY - Similarities