P3 - E.P. - Built Environment Flashcards
BACKGROUND - Definitions
Built Environment - built for humans, by humans, to be used by humans
* cities, buildings, urban spaces, roads, pathways, parks
* The principles of Psychology can improve these areas
* Opposite of Natural Environment
Theraputic influences - processes that contribute to improvement in someone’s condition, e.g. animal sounds
Postoperative - after surgery
Restoritative Environments - environments that promote psychological and emotional recovery, reduce stress and increase mental well-being
* Social benifit - more likely to go outside etc.
* NYC view - grey, colossal, repeated, concrete, overwhelmed
* Switzerland - grand, peacefull, natural, calm, awesome, safe
Effect of Nature on environment - positive; more natural light, plants inside, views outside
Hard to test - self report (social desirability, subjective), participant variables (mood & preferenes may differ)
Ulrich aimed to find if a view of a green space or a brick wall impacted the recovery of postoperative patients, involving 46 patients (thus 23 highly standardised pairs), from a hospital in Pensilvannia. Ulrich used second hand data of patients assigned to different rooms - all recovering from gallblader surgery. They found green view patients spent shorter time in hospital, took weaker painkillers, & less minor complications (e.g. pain), thus he concluded that a view of a green space had a significant positive effect on postoperative surgery.
Ethnocentrism - States that the results apply at least to Americans & Europeans