p1 - case studies Flashcards
p1 - case studies
Meaning, Scope and Development of Anthropology
Meaning, Scope and Development of Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Franz Boas; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: Various Native American tribes (e.g., Kwakiutl, Sioux); Book: Boas, F. (1911). Handbook of American Indian Languages; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Boas emphasized cultural relativism and the importance of fieldwork in anthropology, shaping the discipline’s scope and development.”
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Relationships with Other Disciplines
Relationships with Other Disciplines,”Anthropologist: Clifford Geertz; Place: Indonesia (Java); Community or Tribe: Javanese society; Book: Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Geertz explored the intersection of anthropology with sociology, psychology, and literary theory, illustrating how anthropology can enrich interdisciplinary understanding.”
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Main Branches of Anthropology
Main Branches of Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Bronisław Malinowski; Place: Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea); Community or Tribe: Trobriand Islanders; Book: Malinowski, B. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Malinowski’s ethnographic research established the foundations of cultural anthropology, focusing on participant observation and functionalism.”
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Human Evolution and Emergence of Man
Human Evolution and Emergence of Man,”Anthropologist: Louis Leakey; Place: Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania); Community or Tribe: Early hominins; Book: Leakey, L.S.B. (1965). Olduvai Gorge: My Search for Early Man; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Leakey’s discoveries of fossil hominins provided crucial evidence for understanding human evolution and the emergence of early humans.”
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Characteristics of Primates
Characteristics of Primates,”Anthropologist: Jane Goodall; Place: Gombe Stream National Park (Tanzania); Community or Tribe: Chimpanzees; Book: Goodall, J. (1986). The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Goodall’s long-term study of chimpanzees revealed their complex social behaviors and similarities to humans, contributing to primatology and understanding primate characteristics.”
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Phylogenetic Status of Hominids
Phylogenetic Status of Hominids,”Anthropologist: Mary Leakey; Place: Laetoli (Tanzania); Community or Tribe: Early hominids; Book: Leakey, M. (1981). Disclosing the Past: An Autobiography; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Leakey’s discovery of fossilized footprints at Laetoli provided evidence of bipedalism in early hominids, advancing our understanding of hominid phylogeny.”
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The Biological Basis of Life
The Biological Basis of Life,”Anthropologist: Alfred Russel Wallace; Place: Southeast Asia, South America; Community or Tribe: Indigenous peoples; Book: Wallace, A.R. (1869). The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Wallace’s work in biogeography and evolution, including his co-discovery of natural selection, laid foundational principles for understanding the biological basis of life.”
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Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology
Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology,”Anthropologist: Sir Mortimer Wheeler; Place: Harappa (Pakistan), Mohenjo-daro (Pakistan); Community or Tribe: Indus Valley Civilization; Book: Wheeler, M. (1954). Archaeology from the Earth; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Wheeler’s excavations at Harappa and Mohenjo-daro revealed urban planning, sanitation systems, and cultural artifacts, shaping principles of prehistoric archaeology.”
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The Nature of Culture
The Nature of Culture,”Anthropologist: Edward Tylor; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various cultures worldwide; Book: Tylor, E.B. (1871). Primitive Culture: Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Tylor’s concept of culture as a complex whole encompassing beliefs, practices, and artifacts laid the foundation for understanding the nature of culture in anthropology.”
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The Nature of Society
The Nature of Society,”Anthropologist: Émile Durkheim; Place: France; Community or Tribe: European societies; Book: Durkheim, E. (1893). The Division of Labor in Society; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Durkheim’s study of social integration and the division of labor highlighted the interdependence of individuals within society, contributing to sociological and anthropological understandings of social structures.”
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Marriage,”Anthropologist: Bronisław Malinowski; Place: Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea); Community or Tribe: Trobriand Islanders; Book: Malinowski, B. (1927). Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Malinowski studied the institution of marriage among the Trobriand Islanders, emphasizing its functional role in regulating kinship, economic exchange, and social stability.”
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Family,”Anthropologist: Margaret Mead; Place: Samoa; Community or Tribe: Samoan society; Book: Mead, M. (1928). Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Mead’s research highlighted cultural variations in family structure and dynamics, challenging Western notions of universal family norms.”
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Kinship,”Anthropologist: Lewis Henry Morgan; Place: Iroquois (North America); Community or Tribe: Iroquois Confederacy; Book: Morgan, L.H. (1871). Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Morgan’s classification of kinship systems (e.g., Eskimo, Iroquois) laid foundational theories for understanding kinship structures and social organization.”
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Economic Organization
Economic Organization,”Anthropologist: Karl Polanyi; Place: Various societies; Community or Tribe: Global analysis; Book: Polanyi, K. (1944). The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Polanyi’s study of economic systems emphasized the embeddedness of economic activities in social relations and cultural contexts, influencing anthropological perspectives on economic organization.”
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Political Organization and Social Control
Political Organization and Social Control,”Anthropologist: E.E. Evans-Pritchard; Place: Nuer (Sudan); Community or Tribe: Nuer people; Book: Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1940). The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Evans-Pritchard’s analysis of Nuer political organization and social control demonstrated how kinship and ritual practices shape authority and governance systems.”
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Religion,”Anthropologist: Émile Durkheim; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various societies; Book: Durkheim, E. (1912). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Durkheim’s study of religion focused on its social functions in reinforcing collective beliefs and norms, illustrating its role in social cohesion and identity formation.”
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Classical Evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan, and Frazer)
Classical Evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan, and Frazer),”Anthropologist: Edward Burnett Tylor; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various cultures; Book: Tylor, E.B. (1871). Primitive Culture: Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Custom; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Tylor’s evolutionary approach posited that cultures evolve from simple to complex forms, laying foundations for understanding cultural development and human progress.”
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Historical Particularism (Boas)
Historical Particularism (Boas),”Anthropologist: Franz Boas; Place: North America (United States); Community or Tribe: Various Native American tribes; Book: Boas, F. (1911). Handbook of American Indian Languages; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Boas rejected universal theories of cultural evolution, advocating for the study of cultures in their historical and environmental contexts, shaping historical particularism in anthropology.”
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Diffusionism (British, German, and American)
Diffusionism (British, German, and American),”Anthropologist: Grafton Elliot Smith; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various cultures; Book: Smith, G.E. (1915). The Ancient Egyptians and Their Influence Upon the Civilization of Europe; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Smith’s diffusionist approach examined cultural similarities as products of cultural diffusion and migration, influencing early anthropological theories of cultural transmission.”
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Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural-Functionalism (Radcliffe-Brown)
Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural-Functionalism (Radcliffe-Brown),”Anthropologist: Bronisław Malinowski; A.R. Radcliffe-Brown; Place: Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea); Various societies; Community or Tribe: Trobriand Islanders; Global analysis; Book: Malinowski, B. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific; Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. (1952). Structure and Function in Primitive Society; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Malinowski’s functionalism focused on how cultural practices fulfill specific social needs, while Radcliffe-Brown’s structural-functionalism emphasized social structures and their functional interrelations in maintaining social order.”
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Structuralism (Lévi-Strauss and E. Leach)
Structuralism (Lévi-Strauss and E. Leach),”Anthropologist: Claude Lévi-Strauss; Place: Brazil (Amazon); Community or Tribe: Various indigenous tribes; Book: Lévi-Strauss, C. (1955). Tristes Tropiques; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Lévi-Strauss applied structural analysis to kinship systems and myths, demonstrating how underlying structures govern cultural expressions.”
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Culture and Personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner, and Cora-du Bois)
Culture and Personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner, and Cora-du Bois),”Anthropologist: Ruth Benedict; Place: United States, Japan; Community or Tribe: Various cultures (e.g., Pueblo, Japanese); Book: Benedict, R. (1946). The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Benedict explored how culture shapes personality and behavior, contrasting cultural patterns between Western and non-Western societies.”
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Neo-evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins, and Service)
Neo-evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins, and Service),”Anthropologist: Julian Steward; Place: Great Basin (North America), Southwestern United States; Community or Tribe: Shoshone, Pueblo peoples; Book: Steward, J. (1955). Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Steward proposed that cultures evolve through adaptation to environments, emphasizing ecology and cultural ecology in understanding cultural change.”
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Cultural Materialism (Harris)
Cultural Materialism (Harris),”Anthropologist: Marvin Harris; Place: Various societies; Community or Tribe: Global analysis; Book: Harris, M. (1979). Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Harris applied materialist theories to analyze cultural practices and societal structures, emphasizing how material conditions influence cultural behaviors and institutions.”
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Symbolic and Interpretive Theories (Turner, Schneider, and Geertz)
Symbolic and Interpretive Theories (Turner, Schneider, and Geertz),”Anthropologist: Clifford Geertz; Place: Indonesia (Java); Community or Tribe: Balinese society; Book: Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Geertz introduced interpretive anthropology, focusing on symbols and their meanings in cultural systems, influencing symbolic anthropology and interpretive theories.”
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Cognitive Theories (Tyler, Conklin)
Cognitive Theories (Tyler, Conklin),”Anthropologist: Edward T. Hall; Place: Various societies; Community or Tribe: Global analysis; Book: Hall, E.T. (1959). The Silent Language; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Hall explored how cultural contexts shape communication styles, distinguishing between high-context and low-context cultures in verbal and non-verbal communication.”
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Post-modernism in Anthropology
Post-modernism in Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Michel Foucault; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various cultures; Book: Foucault, M. (1966). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Foucault critiqued grand narratives and power dynamics in knowledge production, influencing post-modern critiques in anthropology.”
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Nature, Origin, and Characteristics of Language
Nature, Origin, and Characteristics of Language,”Anthropologist: Noam Chomsky; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Linguistic analysis; Book: Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic Structures; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Chomsky proposed a universal grammar and innate language acquisition mechanisms, revolutionizing linguistic and anthropological understandings of language.”
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Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication,”Anthropologist: Ray L. Birdwhistell; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: American society; Book: Birdwhistell, R.L. (1970). Kinesics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Birdwhistell pioneered the study of kinesics and non-verbal communication, analyzing how gestures and body language convey cultural meanings and social interactions.”
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Social Context of Language
Social Context of Language,”Anthropologist: Dell Hymes; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various cultures; Book: Hymes, D. (1972). Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Hymes developed the ethnography of communication, examining how language use reflects and shapes social contexts, including cultural norms and power dynamics.”
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Fieldwork Tradition in Anthropology
Fieldwork Tradition in Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Bronisław Malinowski; Place: Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea); Community or Tribe: Trobriand Islanders; Book: Malinowski, B. (1922). Argonauts of the Western Pacific; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Malinowski pioneered participant observation as a method in ethnographic fieldwork, emphasizing immersive study of culture and society.”
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Distinction between Technique, Method, and Methodology
Distinction between Technique, Method, and Methodology,”Anthropologist: Franz Boas; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: Various Native American tribes; Book: Boas, F. (1911). Handbook of American Indian Languages; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Boas distinguished between techniques (specific research tools), methods (overall research approaches), and methodologies (philosophical frameworks guiding research), influencing anthropological methodology.”
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Tools of Data Collection
Tools of Data Collection,”Anthropologist: Margaret Mead; Place: Samoa, Papua New Guinea; Community or Tribe: Samoan, Manus Islanders; Book: Mead, M. (1928). Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Mead utilized ethnographic interviews, participant observation, and surveys to collect cultural data, demonstrating diverse methods of data collection in anthropology.”
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Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation of Data
Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation of Data,”Anthropologist: Clifford Geertz; Place: Indonesia (Java); Community or Tribe: Balinese society; Book: Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Geertz emphasized thick description and interpretive analysis to uncover cultural meanings and contexts, influencing anthropological methods of data analysis and presentation.”
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Methods for Study of Genetic Principles in Humans
Methods for Study of Genetic Principles in Humans,”Anthropologist: A.R. Radcliffe-Brown; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various human populations; Book: Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. (1952). Structure and Function in Primitive Society; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Radcliffe-Brown applied kinship studies to understand genetic relationships and social structures, contributing to early anthropological genetics.”
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DNA Technology and Recombinant Technologies
DNA Technology and Recombinant Technologies,”Anthropologist: Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. (1994). The History and Geography of Human Genes; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Cavalli-Sforza used genetic markers and DNA analysis to study human migrations and evolutionary history, integrating genetics with anthropological research.”
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Mendelian Genetics in Humans
Mendelian Genetics in Humans,”Anthropologist: William S. Laughlin; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: Various human populations; Book: Laughlin, W.S. (1960). The Classification of Human Races; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Laughlin applied Mendelian principles to classify human races, influencing anthropological studies on human genetic diversity and inheritance.”
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Concept of Genetic Polymorphism and Selection
Concept of Genetic Polymorphism and Selection,”Anthropologist: Ashley Montagu; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Montagu, A. (1962). Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Montagu debunked race-based genetic theories, advocating for the concept of genetic polymorphism and human biological diversity, challenging racial stereotypes.”
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Numerical and Structural Aberrations (Disorders)
Numerical and Structural Aberrations (Disorders),”Anthropologist: Paul Broca; Place: France; Community or Tribe: European populations; Book: Broca, P. (1861). Instructions Craniologiques et Craniometriques; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Broca studied cranial abnormalities and anatomical variations in human populations, pioneering anthropological studies on physical abnormalities and their cultural interpretations.”
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Sex Chromosomal Aberrations
Sex Chromosomal Aberrations,”Anthropologist: Mary Lyon; Place: United Kingdom; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Lyon, M.F. (1961). Gene Action in the X-chromosome of the Mouse (Mus musculus L.); Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Lyon’s discovery of X-chromosome inactivation contributed to understanding sex chromosomal aberrations and genetic disorders in humans, influencing anthropological genetics.”
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Autosomal Aberrations
Autosomal Aberrations,”Anthropologist: William S. Laughlin; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: Various human populations; Book: Laughlin, W.S. (1960). The Classification of Human Races; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Laughlin studied genetic disorders and anomalies among different human races, contributing to anthropological understanding of autosomal aberrations.”
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Genetic Imprints in Human Disease, Genetic Screening, Genetic Counseling, Human DNA Profiling, Gene Mapping, and Genome Study
Genetic Imprints in Human Disease, Genetic Screening, Genetic Counseling, Human DNA Profiling, Gene Mapping, and Genome Study,”Anthropologist: James V. Neel; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Neel, J.V. (1992). Human Genome Diversity Project: An Ethical, Social, and Cultural Guide; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Neel pioneered studies on genetic diseases and human diversity, advocating for ethical practices in genetic research and counseling.”
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Race and Racism, Biological Basis of Morphological Variation
Race and Racism, Biological Basis of Morphological Variation,”Anthropologist: Ashley Montagu; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Montagu, A. (1942). Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Montagu debunked race-based biological theories, emphasizing human biological variation and the social construction of race.”
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Age, Sex, and Population Variation as Genetic Markers
Age, Sex, and Population Variation as Genetic Markers,”Anthropologist: L.L. Cavalli-Sforza; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various human populations; Book: Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. (1994). The History and Geography of Human Genes; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Cavalli-Sforza used genetic markers to study human migrations and population variation, contributing to anthropological genetics and demographic studies.”
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Concepts and Methods of Ecological Anthropology
Concepts and Methods of Ecological Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Julian Steward; Place: Great Basin (North America), Southwestern United States; Community or Tribe: Shoshone, Pueblo peoples; Book: Steward, J. (1955). Theory of Culture Change: The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Steward applied ecological principles to study cultural adaptation and environmental impacts on human societies, founding cultural ecology in anthropology.”
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Epidemiological Anthropology
Epidemiological Anthropology,”Anthropologist: Nancy Howell; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Various human populations; Book: Howell, N. (1979). Demography of the Dobe !Kung; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Howell studied disease patterns and health disparities among !Kung San populations, integrating epidemiological methods with cultural anthropology.”
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Concept of Human Growth and Development
Concept of Human Growth and Development,”Anthropologist: Margaret Mead; Place: Samoa, Papua New Guinea; Community or Tribe: Samoan, Manus Islanders; Book: Mead, M. (1928). Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Mead examined cultural influences on human development, challenging Western norms of adolescence and psychological growth.”
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Relevance of Menarche, Menopause, and Other Bioevents to Fertility
Relevance of Menarche, Menopause, and Other Bioevents to Fertility,”Anthropologist: Sheila K. Marshall; Place: United States, Africa; Community or Tribe: Various cultural groups; Book: Marshall, S.K. (1981). Menarche and Menopause: Anthropological and Cross-cultural Perspectives; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Marshall explored cultural variations in menarche and menopause rituals, linking biological milestones to fertility practices and women’s health.”
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Demographic Theories
Demographic Theories,”Anthropologist: Alfred Kroeber; Place: United States; Community or Tribe: Global analysis; Book: Kroeber, A.L. (1948). Anthropology: Race, Language, Culture, Psychology, Prehistory; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Kroeber developed demographic theories on population dynamics and cultural change, influencing anthropological studies on population growth and decline.”
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Biological and Socio-ecological Factors Influencing Fertility, Natality, and Mortality
Biological and Socio-ecological Factors Influencing Fertility, Natality, and Mortality,”Anthropologist: John Bongaarts; Place: Global studies; Community or Tribe: Human populations; Book: Bongaarts, J. (1978). A Framework for Analyzing the Proximate Determinants of Fertility; Key Finding Relevant to Topic: Bongaarts analyzed factors affecting fertility rates, including socio-ecological variables such as education, healthcare, and environmental conditions.”
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Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology of Sports
Anthropology of Sports,John W. Loy,United States,Various sports communities,Sport and Culture: A Social-Structural Analysis of Olympic Competition (1971),Analyzing how cultural practices in sports contribute to identity formation and social cohesion.
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Applications of Anthropology: Nutritional Anthropology
Nutritional Anthropology,Margaret Mead,Samoa, Papua New Guinea,Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation (1928),Examining dietary habits and nutritional practices in different cultures.
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Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology in Designing Defense and Other Equipments
Anthropology in Designing Defense and Other Equipments,Gregory Bateson,United States, Europe,Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology (1972),Applying anthropological insights to human-machine interactions and system design.
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Applications of Anthropology: Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Anthropology,Clyde Snow,Global studies,Forensic and legal communities,The Archaeology of Forensic Anthropology: Perspectives from the Past and New Directions for the Future (1982),Pioneering forensic anthropology techniques for skeletal analysis and identification methods.
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Applications of Anthropology: Applied Human Genetics
Applied Human Genetics,L.L. Cavalli-Sforza,Global studies,Genetic research and healthcare communities,The History and Geography of Human Genes (1994),Applying genetic research to study human migrations and disease susceptibility.