expected question p1 Flashcards
Scope and uniqueness
Relevance of Anthropology
Anthropology and Social science
Four branches
Socio cultural anthropology vs Linguistic anthropology
Socio cultural anthropology vs Archaeology
Socio cultural anthropology vs Biological/ physical Anthropology
Micro and Macro Evolution
Development of Synthetic theory of Evolution
Types of locomotion
Changes due to erect posture
Primate behaviour
Homo erectus
Neanderthal man
Relative dating
Absolute dating
Lower palaeolithic culture in India
Madras culture
Middle palaeolithic in India
Upper palaeolithic in India
Chalcolithic in World and India
Iron age in India
Prehistoric art
Decline of Harappan Civilization theories
Town planning in Indus valley civilization
Cultural relativism and ethnocentrism
Cultural relativism and Human rights
Social stratification
Status and role
Marriage regulation
Marriage payments
Ways of acquiring spouse
Feminist view on marriage
Incest taboo
Gay and Lesbian marriage/ Homosexual marriage
L.H.Morgan classification on family
Feminist view on family
Changing trends in Family
Impact of Urbanisation/Industrialization
Descent and alliance theory
Kinship terminology
Formalist and Substantivist debate
Ceremonial exchange
Impact of globalization/ indigenous economic system on primitive economy
Law and justice in simple society
Social control
Magico-religious functionaries
Anthropological approaches
Forms of religion
Historical particularism (Boas)
Functionalism (Malinowski)
Structural— Functionalism (Radcliffe-Brown)
Structuralism (Levi-Strauss and E. Leach)
Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora-du Bois)
Neo—evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service)
Cultural materialism (Harris)
Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz)
Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)
Social context of language use
Salvage Anthropology
Noam Chomsky and linguistic Grammar
Fieldwork tradition in anthropology
Tools of Data collection
Man Family study
DNA recombinant technology
Polygenic inheritance in man
Genetic polymorphism
Factors affecting gene frequency
Genetic load
Chromosomal aberrations
Genetic imprint
Genetic screening
Gene mapping
Race crossing
Racial classification
Blood group
Body fat
Hot desert
High altitude
Infectious and non-infectious/ life style disorder
Nutrition deficiency
Heath and Carter
Factors affecting growth and development
Stages of growth
Factors influencing Fertility and fecundity
DNA technology in disease and medicine
Personal identification and reconstruction