Osteology of The Abdomen Flashcards
What are the primary bones of the abdomen?
Primary bones include lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, ilium, ischium, pubis, femur, innominate bone.
Which bones form the anterior border of the abdomen?
Anterior border: Rectus abdominis muscle, Pubic symphysis.
Name the posterior border bones of the abdomen.
Posterior border: Lumbar vertebrae, Sacrum, Coccyx.
What are the lateral border bones of the abdomen?
Lateral border: Ilium.
Which bone forms the superior border of the abdomen?
Superior border: Costal margin.
What is the function of the abdominal skeleton?
Abdominal skeleton provides structural support and protection for abdominal organs.
Define the term “Axial Skeleton.”
Axial Skeleton: Central skeleton comprising the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.
Describe the location and function of the lumbar vertebrae.
Lumbar vertebrae are located in the lower back and provide support for the upper body.
What are the distinguishing features of the lumbar vertebrae?
Features: Large body, thick vertebral arch, short and thick spinous processes.
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
Five lumbar vertebrae.
What are the characteristics of the sacrum bone?
Sacrum: Triangular bone formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae.
Define the term “Coccyx.”
Coccyx: Small triangular bone at the base of the vertebral column.
What is the purpose of the pelvic girdle?
Pelvic girdle supports the weight of the body and protects pelvic organs.
Name the bones that make up the pelvic girdle.
Bones: Ilium, Ischium, Pubis.
Describe the anatomy of the ilium bone.
Ilium: Largest bone of the pelvis with a broad, fan-shaped structure.
What are the functions of the ilium bone?
Functions: Support for abdominal organs, attachment site for muscles.
Define the term “Acetabulum.”
Acetabulum: Cup-shaped socket of the hip bone where the femur articulates.
Describe the anatomy and function of the ischium bone.
Ischium: Forms the lower and back part of the hip bone.
What is the pubis bone, and what is its function?
Pubis: Forms the anterior part of the hip bone and pubic symphysis.
Explain the composition and function of the sacroiliac joint.
Sacroiliac joint connects the sacrum to the ilium.
What is the importance of the pubic symphysis?
Pubic symphysis: Cartilaginous joint between the pubic bones.
Describe the anatomy and function of the femur bone.
Femur: Thigh bone, longest and strongest bone in the body.
What is the role of the femur in the abdominal skeleton?
Role: Transfers weight from the trunk to the lower limbs.
Define the term “Innominate bone.”
Innominate bone: Hip bone formed by fusion of ilium, ischium, and pubis.
Explain the significance of the obturator foramen.
Obturator foramen: Opening in the hip bone, closed by the obturator membrane.
What is the function of the psoas major muscle?
Psoas major muscle flexes the hip joint and vertebral column.
Describe the anatomy and function of the quadratus lumborum muscle.
Quadratus lumborum muscle stabilizes the lumbar spine and pelvis.
What are the attachments and actions of the transversus abdominis muscle?
Transversus abdominis muscle: Originates from lower ribs and iliac crest, aids in abdominal compression.
Explain the anatomy and function of the rectus abdominis muscle.
Rectus abdominis muscle: Extends from pubic symphysis to sternum, flexes vertebral column.
What is the significance of the linea alba in the abdomen?
Linea alba: Fibrous band in the midline of the abdomen, formed by fusion of abdominal muscles.
Describe the anatomy and function of the internal oblique muscle.
Internal oblique muscle: Lies beneath the external oblique, aids in rotation and lateral flexion of the trunk.
What are the attachments and actions of the external oblique muscle?
External oblique muscle: Largest and most superficial abdominal muscle, aids in trunk flexion and rotation.
Explain the role of the cremaster muscle in the abdomen.
Cremaster muscle: Elevates the testes to regulate temperature.
Describe the anatomy and function of the pyramidalis muscle.
Pyramidalis muscle: Small triangular muscle in the lower abdomen, tenses linea alba.
What is the function of the inguinal ligament in the abdomen?
Inguinal ligament: Fibrous band running from pubic tubercle to anterior superior iliac spine.
Explain the significance of the inguinal canal.
Inguinal canal: Passage through the abdominal wall, carries spermatic cord or round ligament of uterus.
Describe the anatomy and function of the round ligament of the uterus.
Round ligament of uterus: Fibrous band attaching uterus to labia majora.
What are the characteristics and functions of the anterior abdominal wall?
Anterior abdominal wall: Comprises skin, fascia, muscles, and peritoneum.
Explain the significance of the rectus sheath.
Rectus sheath: Fibrous envelope enclosing rectus abdominis muscles.
Describe the anatomy and function of the peritoneum.
Peritoneum: Serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering abdominal organs.
What is the importance of the mesentery in the abdomen?
Mesentery: Double layer of peritoneum supporting and suspending abdominal organs.
Explain the role of the greater omentum in the abdominal cavity.
Greater omentum: Fold of peritoneum connecting stomach to other abdominal organs.
Describe the anatomy and function of the lesser omentum.
Lesser omentum: Double layer of peritoneum attaching stomach and duodenum to liver.
What is the function of the falciform ligament?
Falciform ligament: Connects liver to anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm.
Explain the significance of the hepatorenal recess.
Hepatorenal recess: Space between liver and right kidney.
Describe the anatomy and function of the gastrocolic ligament.
Gastrocolic ligament: Connects greater curvature of stomach to transverse colon.
What are the attachments and functions of the gastrosplenic ligament?
Gastrosplenic ligament: Connects greater curvature of stomach to spleen.
Explain the role of the splenorenal ligament in the abdomen.
Splenorenal ligament: Connects spleen to posterior abdominal wall and left kidney.
Describe the anatomy and function of the hepatogastric ligament.
Hepatogastric ligament: Connects liver to lesser curvature of stomach.
What is the importance of the ligamentum teres in the abdomen?
Ligamentum teres: Fibrous remnant of fetal umbilical vein, attached to liver and umbilicus.