Oral Surgery Flashcards
In Peralta’s 2015 study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996-2014),” how many dogs had a history of recent previous dental extractions and how many of those dogs had at least 1 ONJ site that conincided with areas of recent dental extractions?
Frontiers 2015
Recent previous dental extractions: 11/14 dogs
at least 1 ONJ site that coincided with areas of recent extractions: 10/11 dogs
When do non-absorbable sutures need to be removed?
7-21 days
What are the two phases that suture absorption occurs in chromic gut?
Collagenolysis and proteolytic enzyme digestion and absorption
What are the pros and cons to chromic gut?
Good handling ability and knot security
Poor tissue response –> moderate to severe inflammation, especially cats; premature resorption in tissue that is infected, inflamed, or very vascular; can induce allergic reaction in cats especially ones with stomatitis!
How are ALL synthetic sutures degraded?
Hydrolysis, which results in more predictable absorption times
What is Polyglactin 910 and when is there no detectable tensile strength left?
Vicryl, 28 days
What is monocryl?
Polyglecaprone 25
What has the longest complete absorption in absorbable suture?
PDS at 182 days
What are sutures that are contraindicated in the mouth?
Nonabsorbable sutures like nylon and polypropylene, and PDS
Poliglecaprone maintains what percent of its tensile strength for 7 days and when is it completely degraded by?
Pegg “Clinical Evaluation of Intraoral Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25 in Greyhound Dogs,” JVD 2022
maintains 50-60% of tensile strength through 7 days
Completely degraded by hydrolysis after 91-119 days
In Pegg’s 2022 article “Clinical Evaluation of Intraoral Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25 in Greyhound Dogs,” what differences exisited between SI and SC for dehiscence and tissue inflammation, and what teeth experienced sig more dehiscence than any other?
JVD 2022, Issue 2
No significant difference between dehiscence scores based on suture pattern
Stat sig increase in inflammation per suture for SI pattern between rechecks 1 and 2
SC faster to apply
When patterns compared at a site → trend observed for SI to have higher dehiscence scores
Mandibular canine teeth sig more likely to dehisce
6 of the 7 sites with major dehiscence occurred with the SI pattern
In Pegg’s study “Cadaveric Evaluation of Load to Failure in Canine Gingiva Apposed With Varied Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25,” which suture method was most liekly to fail?
A. Simple continuous
B. Simple continuous barbed
C. Cruciate pattern
D. Simple interrupted
JVD 2021 issue 1
B. Simple continuous barbed
In Pegg’s study “Cadaveric Evaluation of Load to Failure in Canine Gingiva Apposed With Varied Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25,” what suture pattern at what length withstood less tension?
JVD 2021
Knotless barbed at 3cm length
In Pegg’s 2021 study “Cadaveric Evaluation of Load to Failure in Canine Gingiva Apposed With Varied Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25,” what was the difference in tension at initial failure and maximum tension between simple interrupted, simple continuous and cruciate patterns?
JVD 2021
No stat sig differences
In Pegg’s 2021 study “Cadaveric Evaluation of Load to Failure in Canine Gingiva Apposed With Varied Suture Patterns Using Poliglecaprone 25,” what were the statistically significant findings?
JVD 2021
Cruciate, simple continuous, and knotless continuous barbed suture (SF) faster to perform than simple interrupted
SF more likely to fail by breakage than tissue tearing
SF withstood less tension at 3cm length
In Mulherin’s 2021 case report Unerupted “Supernumerary Mandibular Fourth Premolar in a Dog,” what imaging modalities were used to identify the location of the supernumerary tooth?
JVD 2021, Issue 3
Dental radiographs with the aid of pieces of gutta percha cone
Conventional CT without contrast
In Mulherin’s 2021 case report Unerupted “Supernumerary Mandibular Fourth Premolar in a Dog,” what was the suspected etiology of the supernumerary tooth?
JVD 2021
Reversion to ancestral condition
ruled out other potential etiologies: Mechanical splitting of tooth germ, Retention of a deciduous tooth, Genetic mutation causing formation of an additional tooth
What kHz of piezoelectric surgery cuts mineralized tissues?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
25-35 kHz
What kHz is required to cut soft tissues with piezoelectric surgery?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
> 50 kHz
How much longer do procedures take when performed with piezoelectric surgery vs oscillating saw?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
at least 35% longer
What force in N should be applied to bone when cutting with a piezotome?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
Handwriting force 1N
Beyond what force in N is cutting efficiency with a piezotome not improved and thermal damage increased?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
What effect is responsible for reduced hemorrhage with piezoelectric surgery?
Hennet. Piezoelectric bone surgery: a review of the literature and potential applications in veterinary oromaxillofacial surgery. Frontiers 2015
Cavitation effect
CO2 lasers can coagulate and seal what diameter of vessels?
Ibarra. Anatomy of the Brachycephalic Canine Hard Palate and Treatment of Acquired Palatitis Using CO2 Laser. JVD 2019
< 0.6mm
To prophylatically treat deep palatal folds with a CO2 laser, what settings should be used?
Ibarra, Legendre. “Anatomy of the Brachycephalic Canine Hard Palate and Treatment of Acquired Palatitis Using CO2 Laser.” JVD 2019, Issue 3
cutting setting with super pulse or continuous wave
What CO2 laser setting should be used for therapeutic/curative intent to treat palatitis or if there is an ulcer present?
Vaporization setting with pulse wave
In Somrak’s 2015 study “Comparison of Dorsal and Buccal Approaches for Surgical Extraction of the Mandibular Canine Tooth in Cat Specimens Using Radiographic and Computed Tomographic Analysis,” what parameters were statistically significant and which were not between the two approaches?
JVD 2015, Issue 4
Closure time for the dorsal approach was stat sig lower
overall procedure time and bone loss were not stat sig different
No complications for either approach
In Bellei’s 2019 study “A Clinical, Radiographic and Histological Study of Unerupted Teeth in Dogs and Cats: 73 Cases (2001-2018),” what was the most common unerupted tooth and what percent of unerupted teeth had dentigerous cysts associated with them?
Frontiers 2019
Most common unerupted tooth: PM1 78%
Dentigerous cysts associated with 44% of unerupted teeth in dogs, 20% unerupted teeth in cats
In Bellei’s 2019 study “A Clinical, Radiographic and Histological Study of Unerupted Teeth in Dogs and Cats: 73 Cases (2001-2018),” what breed of dog is associated with only unerupted PM1 and a high incidence of cystic lesions?
Frontiers 2019
90% developed lesions
25 dentigerous cysts, 1 tumor
In Bellei’s 2019 study “A Clinical, Radiographic and Histological Study of Unerupted Teeth in Dogs and Cats: 73 Cases (2001-2018),” smaller body weights were associated with what unerupted teeth and larger body weights with what unerupted tooth respectively?
Frontiers 2019
Smaller body weight: unerupted canines mandibular third molars
Larger body weight: unerupted PM1
In Bellei’s 2019 study “A Clinical, Radiographic and Histological Study of Unerupted Teeth in Dogs and Cats: 73 Cases (2001-2018),” of the teeth with dentigerous cysts what percent were identified in brachycephalic dogs?
Frontiers 2019
In Bellei’s 2019 study “A Clinical, Radiographic and Histological Study of Unerupted Teeth in Dogs and Cats: 73 Cases (2001-2018),” what was association between type of teeth and presence of a cyst and tooth inclination and cyst development?
Frontiers 2019
No stat sig association between type of teeth and presence of cyst
No stat sig association between type of inclination and cyst development
The alveolar bulla of rabbits includes the reserve crowns and apices of which cheek teeth?
Capello. Surgical Treatment of Facial Abscesses and Facial Surgery in Pet Rabbits. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract. 2016
maxillary fourth premolar and first, second and third molars (last 4 cheek teeth)
For Santos’s 2015 paper “Mathematical equation for prediction of cat mandibular canal height dimension based on canine tooth width measurement,” what structures were correlated?
J Feline Med Surg 2015
There was a strong correlation between the canine tooth width at the free gingival margin and mandibular canal height.
In Hatakeyama’s 2013 study “Effects of Platelet-Poor Plasma, Platelet-Rich Plasma, and Platelet-Rich Fibrin on Healing of Extraction Sockets with Buccal Dehiscence in Dogs,” the median area of new bone at 4 and 8 weeks and median horizontal bone width at 8 weeks were highest in what group?
In Type II crown lengthening procedures, the apically repositioned flap should maintain a minimum of how many millimeters of biologic width apical to the newly formed alveolar crest?
Crown Lengthening for Mandibular and Maxillary Canine Teeth in the Dog. Fraser Hale. JVD 2001
What are the dimensional goals of lateral sliding pedicle flap construction?
Lateral Sliding Pedicle Flap For Gingival Cleft at the Mandibular Canine Tooth S. Startup, DVM. JVD 2011.
develop flap 1.5x the width of recipient site at its widest point; incision should extend 2.5x width of the defect at least
What is this instrument?
Mini beaver blade
Used for lateral sliding pedicle flap
What is the only unpaired bone of the maxilla?
What nerve(s) are responsible for sensory and motor functions of the tongue?
Hypoglossal n CN XII main one, many main muscles
CN V: lingual n - sensory rostral 2/3
CN VII: chorda tympani - sensory taste and motor, rostral 2/3
CN IX: lingual branch - sensory and motor, caudal 1/3 root of tongue
These images show what kind of motor used for what kind of handpiece?
The Air-Driven Dental Unit: Form and Function at a Mechanical Level. Jane E. Pegg, Chad Lathimer and Jennifer Rawlinson. JVD 2019
Rotary vane motor
Low speed handpiece
The low speed handpiece turns how many times per minute?
The Air-Driven Dental Unit: Form and Function at a Mechanical Level. Jane E. Pegg, Chad Lathimer and Jennifer Rawlinson. JVD 2019
20,000 - 40,000
What is the RPM of high-speed handpieces?
The Air-Driven Dental Unit: Form and Function at a Mechanical Level. Jane E. Pegg, Chad Lathimer and Jennifer Rawlinson. JVD 2019
350,000 - 400,000
In Ritchie’s 2018 article “A Modified Technique for Extraction Site Closure of the Maxillary Molars in a Dog,” what modification was made and what are the benefits?
JVD 2018
Envelope flap - no releasing incisions
Main benefits:
- Potentially less hemorrhage
- Less trauma to soft tissues
- Easier to perform
- Generally faster
What nerve innervates the maxillary molar teeth?
Maxillary Molar Tooth Extraction in the Dog
Vall. JVD 2012
Caudal superior alveolar nerve
branch of infraorbital nerve prior to its entrance of infraorbital canal
In Vall’s 2012 article “Maxillary Molar Tooth Extraction in the Dog,” a mesial or distal release is recommended?
JVD 2012
Distal - maintains the gingival collar of distal PM4
In Bissett’s 2021 study “A Retrospective Evaluation of Secondary Wound Healing for Extraction of the Maxillary First Molar in Dogs,” what percentage of cases had follow up and what percentage of cases had successful outcomes?
Neimeic JVD 2021
60% of cases had follow up
99% successful outcomes
Successful outcome determined based off of records and conscious exam
What paper first described gutter formation to extract retained roots?
Woodward’s 2006 JVD “Extraction of fractured tooth roots”
What percent does the diameter of the alveolus need to be enlarged wider than the retained root to successful extract it?
Woodward. “Extraction of fractured tooth roots” JVD 2006
In Moore’s 2014 study “Evaluation of extraction sites for evidence of retained tooth roots and periapical pathology,” what percentage of dogs and cats with a history of previous extractions had retained tooth roots and what percent had pathology associated with those roots?
Neimeic. JAAHA 2014
RTRs: 86%
RTRs + pathology: 66%
In Moore’s 2014 study “Evaluation of extraction sites for evidence of retained tooth roots and periapical pathology,” did dogs or cats have a higher incidence of retained tooth roots and pathology associated with RTR?
Neimeic. JAAHA 2014
RTR: cats 93%, dogs 82%
RTR + pathology: cats 69%, dogs 62%
In Ng’s 2020 study “Frequency of clinical and radiographic evidence of inflammation associated with retained tooth root fragments and the effects of tooth root fragment length and position on oral inflammation in dogs,” retained tooth roots were present in what percent of dogs and what percent of RTR fragments had evidence of inflammation?
Ng, Fiani, Tennant, Peralta. JAVMA 2020.
22% of dogs had RTR
55% RTR fragments had evidence of inflammation
In Ng’s 2020 study “Frequency of clinical and radiographic evidence of inflammation associated with retained tooth root fragments and the effects of tooth root fragment length and position on oral inflammation in dogs,” what was the relationship between increase in RTR fragment length and inflammation?
Ng, Fiani, Tennant, Peralta. JAVMA 2020.
Every 1mm increase in length, odds of inflammation increased by 17%( OR 1.17)
In Ng’s 2020 study “Frequency of clinical and radiographic evidence of inflammation associated with retained tooth root fragments and the effects of tooth root fragment length and position on oral inflammation in dogs,” what percent of fragments that did not have clinical evidence of inflammation had radiographic evidence of inflammation?
Ng, Fiani, Tennant, Peralta. JAVMA 2020.
What is the difference between impacted and embedded teeth?
Embedded teeth do not erupt due to lack of normal eruptive forces
Impacted teeth do not erupt due to presence of physical barrier
In the study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)” how many dogs had a history of recent previous dental extractions? And out of those how many of them had at least one ONJ (osteonecrosis of the jaw) site within the vicinity of those recent dental extractions?
11/14 dogs and 10/11 dogs respectively
In the study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)” how many dogs had recently been given antibiotics due to oral/dental problems?
9 dogs
What were the most common clinical signs in dogs in the study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)”?
14/14 halitosis
11/14 mandibular lymphadenopathy
9/14 oral pain
3/14 local swelling
What were the only hematological findings in the study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)”?
Hyperglobulinemia in 4/12 dogs, everything else was WNL
What were the most common radiographic findings in “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)”?
Bone loss, sequestrum formation, periosteal reaction and moth-eaten or permeative pattern
What was the tx that was pursued in the dogs in “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)” and what was the outcome?
SURGERY, aggressive surgical debridement!
Follow up on 12 dogs –> healed extraction sites.
They were also placed on antibiotics from 2 weeks - 2 months.
In the study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996–2014)” what two breeds are suggested to potentially have a breed predisposition for developing ONJ?
Cocker spaniels and Scottish Terriers
In the study “ Osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs in previously irradiated fields: 13 cases (1989-2014)” what were the outcomes for the dogs?
Poor. Caca.
3 dogs - lesions healed following surgical debridement or mandibulectomy
2 dogs - several debridement’s stabilized/slow down progression
1 dog - medically managed then euthanized at 6 months
1 dog - surgical debridement then euthanized due to complications before second debridement could be performed
2 dogs - euthanized due to ONJ and poor prognosis
4 - lost to follow up
In the study “A Retrospective Evaluation of Secondary
Wound Healing for Extraction of the Maxillary
First Molar in Dogs” what was the outcome of the 127 sites that did represent for follow up?
126 appeared appropriately healed (99.2%), results of this retrospective evaluation demonstrated that primary closure of a first molar extraction site may not be required for appropriate soft tissue wound healing in canine patients
What are the three general surgical flap designs and techniques that are typically employed in exodontia?
Envolope flaps, triangle flap, pedicle flap
According to the study “A Retrospective Evaluation of Secondary
Wound Healing for Extraction of the Maxillary
First Molar in Dogs” what are the general four steps to wound healing?
(i) generation of a blood clot and inflammation
(ii) granulation tissue formation
(iii) re-epithelialization
(iv) formation of a connective tissue matrix with and end stage contraction phase
In Peralta’s 2015 study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996-2014),” how many dogs recently received antibiotics due to oral/dental problems?
Frontiers 2015
No fever in any dogs, halitosis in 14/14 dogs
In Peralta’s 2015 study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996-2014),” what precent of sites were in the maxilla and mandible and what percent were in the site of recently extracted teeth?
Front 2015
Maxilla 59%
Mandible 41%
Site of recently extracted teeth: 63%
In Peralta’s 2015 study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996-2014),” for the dogs that had CT imaging how did it compare with radiographic and clinical signs of osteonecrosis?
Front 2015
4/4 dogs, bone loss, moth-eaten that extended beyond clinically and radiographically detectable ONJ sites
In Peralta’s 2015 study “Non-radiation-related osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs: 14 cases (1996-2014),” what treatments were performed and what was the outcome?
Front 2015
All 14 dogs treated with surgical debridement, antibiotic therapy for 2 weeks to 2 months
Follow up available for 12/14 dogs: all had healed surgical sites
In Nemec’s 2015 study “Osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs in previously irradiated fields: 13 cases (1989-2014),” what is the incidencde of human osteoradionecrosis compared to canine oral tumors osteoradionecrosis?
Peralta, Verstraete Front 2015
Humans: 2-8%
Canine oral tumors: 6-7.6%
In Nemec’s 2015 study “Osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs in previously irradiated fields: 13 cases (1989-2014),” how many dogs had dental extractions performed within the irradiated field resulting in osteoradionecrosis and what was the range of time from onset of RT to ORNJ?
Peralta, Verstraete Front 2015
dental extractions: 3/13 dogs
Time range: 2-44 months
In Nemec’s 2015 study “Osteonecrosis of the jaws in dogs in previously irradiated fields: 13 cases (1989-2014),” how many cases had follow up and how many dogs were euthanized due to osteoradionecrosis?
Peralta, Verstraete Front 2015
Follow up 9/13 cases
4/9 euthanized due to ORNJ
What is the relationship of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to RANK and RANKL?
Osteoblasts RANKL (ligand)
Osteoclasts RANK (receptor)
Osteoprotegrin: produced by osteoblasts acts as a decoy by binding to RANKL which prevents activation of RANK
What are the least and most potent bisphosphonates?
Stepaniuk, Kevin
Biphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Review, 2011
least: Etidonate
Most: Zoledronate
What effect does bisphosphonate administration have on bone remodeling?
Stepaniuk, Kevin
Biphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Review
BP administration inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption and leads to microscopic bone necrosis
In Stepaniuk’s 2011 paper “Biphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Review,” the mandible, maxilla and both mandible and maxilla were involved in what percent of human cases of BRONJ?
Mandible 67%
Maxilla 26%
Both 8%
In Bell’s 2015 study “Histologic, Clinical, and Radiologic Findings of Alveolar Bone Expansion and Osteomyelitis of the Jaws in Cats,” what percent of cats had rarifying osseous proliferation of alveolar bone expansion on rads and what percent of cats had TR?
Soukup Vet Pathol 2015
Rarifying osseous proliferation: 96%
TR: 83%
In the study “The Use of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Substitute (BCP) in Mandibular Defects in Dogs: Use of CBCT to Evaluate Bone Healing” what was found to not be statistically significant?
Correlation between bone ridge margins and bone-material interface
In the study “The Use of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Substitute (BCP) in Mandibular Defects in Dogs: Use of CBCT to Evaluate Bone Healing” what was biomaterial homogeneity also significantly correlated with aside from time?
Bone ridge margin
What are the most commonly used calcium phosphate (CaP) bone void filling materials per the study “ Biphasic calcium phosphate microparticles mixed with autologous blood: application for the reconstruction of a large mandibular bone defect in a dog. ”?
Hydroxyapatite (HA)
Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP)
In Bell’s 2015 study “Histologic, Clinical, and Radiologic Findings of Alveolar Bone Expansion and Osteomyelitis of the Jaws in Cats,” ABE and osteomyelitis often occurs in conjunction with what conditions?
Soukup Vet Pathol 2015
Periodontal disease
Tooth resorption
Type 1 most common: 92% TR
Where does the temporalis muscle arise and insert?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Origin: Temporal bone, few fibers zygomatic arch
Insert: medial aspect of coronoid process
Where does the masseter muscle originate from and insert?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Originate: zygomatic arch
Insert: Lateral aspect of ramus in masseteric fossa, lateral aspect of angular process
Where do the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles arise and insert?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Origin: Sphenoid bone/pterygopalatine fossae
Insert: medial mandible (coronoid and angular process)
What is the origin and insertion of the digastricus muscle?
Origin: occipital bone (jugular process)
Insertion: Caudoventral border of body of the mandible
What nerve provides motor innervation to the muscles of mastication?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What nerve innervates the caudal belly of the digastricus?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Facial nerve
What muscles hold the condylar process secure in the mandibular fossa?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
What is the most common TMJ luxation direction in cats and where does it shift the mandibles to?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Unilateral rostrodorsal most common
Shifts mandibles away from side of luxation
A unilateral caudal TMJ luxation shifts the mandibles in what direction and is associated with fracture of what TMJ structure?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Mandibles shifted towards side of luxation
Retroarticular process fractured
In Cetinkaya’s 2012 study “Temporomandibular joint injuries and ankylosis in the cat,” what percent of cases developed TMJ ankylosis?
More likely to occur in fracture combinations of the condylar process and mandibular fossa
In Cetinkaya’s 2012 study “Temporomandibular joint injuries and ankylosis in the cat,” what was the association between age at time of trauma and ankylosis?
Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2012
No significant relationship between age at time of trauma and ankylosis
What breed of cat has open mouth jaw locking been reported in?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
For treatment of open mouth jaw locking in 3 cats what treatment was 100% successful in all three cases?
Constantaras. Maxillofacial Injuries and Diseases That Cause an Open Mouth in Cats. JVD 2014
Partial coronoidectomy
In Thomson’s 2021 paper “Gape Angle in Asymptomatic Dogs with Normal Occlusion,” what was the mean gape angles for conscious and anesthetized patients?
Synder JVD 2021
Conscious: 44 degrees
Anesthetized patients: 43.9 degrees
Synder JVD 2021
In Thomson’s 2021 paper “Gape Angle in Asymptomatic Dogs with Normal Occlusion,” what was the relationship with weight and jaw opening?
Synder JVD 2021
For each 10kg increase in body weight, average decrease of 0.68 degrees
Stat sig not not highly correlated
In Thomson’s 2021 paper “Gape Angle in Asymptomatic Dogs with Normal Occlusion,” what was the difference in gape angle between dental and non-dental patients?
Synder JVD 2021
No difference
In Soukup’s 2013 study ““Prevalence and nature of dentoalveolar injuries among patients with maxillofacial fractures,” what variables were stat sig associated with dentoalveolar injuries?
J Small Anim Pract 2013
Age (63% patients < 3 yro)
Mechanism of trauma (HBC 40% more likely to sustain DAI)
In Soukup’s 2013 study ““Prevalence and nature of dentoalveolar injuries among patients with maxillofacial fractures,” what was the association between mechanism of trauma and severity of DAI?
No stat sig relationship
In Soukup’s 2013 study ““Prevalence and nature of dentoalveolar injuries among patients with maxillofacial fractures,” what percentage of patients with maxillofacial fractures had traumatic DAI?
72% had at least 1 DAI
In Soukup’s 2013 study ““Prevalence and nature of dentoalveolar injuries among patients with maxillofacial fractures,” did the maxilla or mandible have the most root fractures, displaced teeth and concussive dental injuries?
In Soukup’s 2013 study ““Prevalence and nature of dentoalveolar injuries among patients with maxillofacial fractures,” the maxilla had the most what type of DAIs?
crown fractures
In Umphlet’s 1988 study “Mandibular fractures in the cat: a retrospective study,” what was the most common fracture sustained and what percent of cases sustained single fractures?
Vet Surg 1988
Symphsyeal fractures 73% of all fractures
79% of cats had single fractures
In Umphlet’s 1988 study “Mandibular fractures in the cat: a retrospective study,” what was the association between sex, age and complications with fracture type/incidence?
Vet Surg 1988
No sex predilection
87% of cats were 4 years old or younger
Complications were sig more likely to occur in cats with multiple fractures
In Bonner’s 2012 study “Orofacial Manifestations of High-Rise Syndrome in Cats: A Retrospective Study of 84 Cases,” what was the overall survival rate and what percent of cats had some degree of orofacial findings overall and when examined by DOSS (group A) or ER vets (group B)?
Reiter, Lewis. JVD 2012
Survival rate 94%
Orofacial findings overall: 66%
Group A: 100%
Group B: 59%
All cats that were treated survived
In Bonner’s 2012 study “Orofacial Manifestations of High-Rise Syndrome in Cats: A Retrospective Study of 84 Cases,” what was the most common orofacial finding and what percent were affected overall and identified by Groups A and B?
Reiter, Lewis. JVD 2012
Facial soft tissue injury
Overall: 52%
Group A (DOSS): 71%
Group B (ER): 48%
In Knight’s 2019 study “Feline head trauma: a CT analysis of skull fractures and their management in 75 cats,” what was the overall survival rate, and what was the most common trauma etiology and percent of cats affected?
Journal of Feline Med and Surg 2019
Survival rate 92%
HBC most common etiology 89%
in contrast to JK 2023 paper that evaluted survival of all cats, not just those that recieved imaging 62%
In Knight’s 2019 study “Feline head trauma: a CT analysis of skull fractures and their management in 75 cats,” TMJ fractures were seen in what percent of cases?
mostly all unilateral
In Tundo’s 2019 study “Location and distribution of craniomaxillofacial fractures in 45 cats presented for the treatment of head trauma,” what common and predictable patterns of skull trauma were identified?
Fractures of the midface most common, other than symphyseal separations, and likely to occur together: nasopharynx, orbit, nose, upper jaw, intermaxillary suture, zygomatic arch
In Tundo’s 2019 study “Location and distribution of craniomaxillofacial fractures in 45 cats presented for the treatment of head trauma,” what was the mean number of fractures and what structures had the highest incidence of fractures?
Mean number of fractures: 8
Nasopharynx and orbit 69%
Symphyseal separations 56%
In contrast to Umphlet paper that had predominately 1 fracture per cat and symphyseal separations most commonly 73% (only RAD performed)
Consistent with Knight 2019 paper that found skull fractures in multiple bones of 89% of cats
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part I: Fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what was the most common trauma etiology and what was the average number of fractured bones or regions per dog?
Frontiers 2020
Animal bites most common 50%
Average number of fractures: 8.2 per dog
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part I: Fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what factor were not significantly associated with trauma etiology?
Frontiers 2020
Age and sex
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part I: Fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what signalment factors/types of animals were sig more likely to have severe displacement and fragmentation?
Frontiers 2020
Intact and younger animals
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part I: Fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what were the most common fracture locations?
frontiers 2020
Maxillary bone 53%
Molar and premolar parts of mandible each affected in 41% dogs
fractures of midface common: maxilla, zygomatic, nasal, incisive)
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part I: Fracture location, morphology and etiology,” which bones tended to fracture more in vehicular accidents and animal bites respectively?
Frontiers 2020
Vehicular accidents: Pterygoid bones
Animals bites: Maxillary, zygomatic and molar part of mandibles
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what trauma etiology resulted in relatively higher numbers of severely displaced and fragmented fractures than other etiologies?
Verstraete Frontiers 2020
Vehicular trauma
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” the molar and premolar parts of the mandible fractured concurrently with what other bones/areas?
Verstraete Frontiers 2020
Molar part fractured concurrently with mid ramus
Premolar part of mandible fractured concurrently with canine and incisive parts
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what structures fracture concurrently with the symphysis?
Verstraete Frontiers 2020
Cribiform plate!
contralateral or ipsilateral incisive and canine regions
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” what bone tended to fracture concurrently with the highest number of other bones or regions?
Verstraete Frontiers 20202
Maxillary bone
important to look for other fractures when maxilla is fractured
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” fractures of the vomer were often accompanied by fractures of what other two structures?
Verstraete Frontiers 2020
conchae and nasal bones
In DePaolo’s 2020 study “Craniomaxillofacial trauma in dogs-Part II: Association between fracture location, morphology and etiology,” fractures of the frontal and nasal bones were often accompanied by fractures of what structure/region?
Verstraete Frontiers 2020
skull base
In Lopes’ 2005 study “Oral fractures in dogs of Brazil - A retrospective study,” what age and sex of dogs were most likely to sustain fractures?
JVD 2005
Dogs < 2yro and > 8yro
Male dogs
In Lopes’ 2005 study “Oral fractures in dogs of Brazil - A retrospective study,” what was the most common trauma etiology and what percent of dogs sustained pathologic fractures?
JVD 2005
Animal bite wounds 43% of trauma cases
Pathologic fractures 13% all cases
What was the main take away of the study “Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Microparticles Mixed with Autologous Blood: Application for the Reconstruction of a Large Mandibular Bone Defect in a Dog”?
First report to show successful use of combined autologous blood (inductive properties) and BCP microparticles without the addition of exogenous growth factors to repair a large mandibular defect in a dog.
In Kitshoff’s 2013 study “A retrospective study of 109 dogs with mandibular fractures,” what size and age of dogs were most commonly affected?
vet comp ortho trauma 2013
Small breed dogs (70% of all cases) < year old (8 months or younger)
In Kitshoff’s 2013 study “A retrospective study of 109 dogs with mandibular fractures,” what was the most common trauma etiology?
JVD 2013
Dog fights 62% (higher than previous studies up to this point)
Likely due to high incidence of small breeds
In Kitshoff’s 2013 study “A retrospective study of 109 dogs with mandibular fractures,” what region of the mandible was most commonly affected and what was the most common fracture configuration?
JVD 2013
Molar region with first molar most commonly involved
Transverse configuration 67%
In Mulherin’s 2014 study “Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases. A comparison of signalment with non-maxillomandibular traumatic injuries (2003-2012),” what signalment factors had no significant difference between MM or non-MM trauma?
Synder, Soukup. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2014
No sig difference between sex or repro altered status or age between dogs or cats presenting for MM vs non-MM trauma
In Mulherin’s 2014 study “Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases. A comparison of signalment with non-maxillomandibular traumatic injuries (2003-2012),” what factors associated with MM trauma as oppossed to non-MM trauma were statistically significant?
Synder, Soukup. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2014
Sig higher percentage of animal altercation injuries in MM group than non-MM group
Sig higher percentage of smaller dogs presented for MM trauma than non-MM trauma
Cats predisposed to sustain MM injuries relative to non-MM injuries
In Mulherin’s 2014 study “Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases. Comparison of lunar cycle and seasonality with non-maxillomandibular traumatic injuries (2003-2012),” when did MM vs non-MM injuries tend to occur and was the difference between the two statistically significant?
Synder, Soukup. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2014
MM injuries tended to occur in spring and decreased through winter
non-MM injuries tended to occur more in summer and fall
Difference in frequency of MM vs non-MM injuries during different seasons not significant
In Mulherin’s 2014 study “Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases. Comparison of lunar cycle and seasonality with non-maxillomandibular traumatic injuries (2003-2012),” what was the association of injuries with lunar cycle?
Synder, Soukup. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2014
Stat sig greater amount of injuries (MM and non-MM) occurred immediately following full moon (third quarter to New Moon)
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” what was the overall prevalence of TDI in the oral patient population?
JVD 2015
Very similar to human TDI prevalence of 1 in 4 patients
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” what percent of TDI were able to be classified with the human TDI system and what was the most common TDI?
JVD 2015
100% of TDI able to be classified by human system
Enamel dentin pulp/CCF most common 50%
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” CCF were most likely to occur in what teeth and what were the most commonly injured teeth?
JVD 2015
CCF sig more likely to occur in canine and strategic teeth (canines and carnassials)
Mandibular and maxillary canines most commonly injured teeth
Premolars most commonly fractured teeth
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” CCRFs and UCFs were significantly more common in what teeth?
JVD 2015
CCRFs: premolar and carnassial teeth
UCF: premolar teeth
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” lateral luxation injuries occurred significantly more frequently in what populations of patients?
JVD 2015
< 3yro
Sexually intact
In Soukup’s 2015 study “Classification and epidemiology of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries in dogs and cats: 959 injuries in 660 patient visits (2004–2012),” TDIs occurred sig less commonly overall in what age categories of patients?
JVD 2015
< 3yro and > 10 yro
More commonly in middle aged patients
Is this a favorable or unfavorable fracture?
Scherer, Hetzel, Synder. Assessment of the Role of Mandibular First Molar Tooth in Mandibular Fracture Patterns of 29 Dogs. JVD 2019
unfavorable: courses in caudoventral direction
In Scherer’s 2019 study “Assessment of the Role of Mandibular First Molar Tooth in Mandibular Fracture Patterns of 29 Dogs,” what was the most common Schloss and Maretta fracture classification?
Synder JVD 2019
Type A
In Scherer’s 2019 study “Assessment of the Role of Mandibular First Molar Tooth in Mandibular Fracture Patterns of 29 Dogs,” fractures most commonly occured in what directions?
Synder JVD 2019
Oblique 76% fractures
Caudoventral/unfavorable 52%
Caudolingual 60%
CL fractures may be considered favorable since digastricus pulls jaw medially when closing mouth
In Scherer’s 2019 study “Assessment of the Role of Mandibular First Molar Tooth in Mandibular Fracture Patterns of 29 Dogs,” was the distribution between mesial and distal roots significant and what root was involved most frequently in fracture?
Synder JVD 2019
Distrubtion between roots not significant
Distal root involved in 61% cases
In Scherer’s 2019 study “Assessment of the Role of Mandibular First Molar Tooth in Mandibular Fracture Patterns of 29 Dogs,” periodontitis was involved in the fractures of what percent of patients and how many of those patients had PD4?
Synder JVD 2019
Periodontitis 24% cases
PD4 6/7 cases
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Etiology, Clinical Presentation, and Outcome of Mandibular Fractures in Immature Dogs Treated with non-Invasive or Minimally Invasive Techniques,” what factors were stat sig associated with outcome?
JVD 2022
Increments of one day in age decreased the time needed to reach clinical healing by 0.8 days
Time needed to reach clinical healing increased by 0.4 days for each day muzzle was in place
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Etiology, Clinical Presentation, and Outcome of Mandibular Fractures in Immature Dogs Treated with non-Invasive or Minimally Invasive Techniques,” what were the most common locations of the mandibular body and ramus fractures?
JVD 2022
Mandibular body unerupted canines 46%, unerupted first molar 35%
Ramus ventral half 53%
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Etiology, Clinical Presentation, and Outcome of Mandibular Fractures in Immature Dogs Treated with non-Invasive or Minimally Invasive Techniques,” what percent of fractures were unfavorable and stabilization was achieved with muzzling or muzzling + wound closure +/- tooth extraction in what percent of cases?
JVD 2022
Unfavorable 93%
Muzzling etc 72%
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Etiology, Clinical Presentation, and Outcome of Mandibular Fractures in Immature Dogs Treated with non-Invasive or Minimally Invasive Techniques,” what percent of dogs had a successful outcome and what was the mean clinical healing time?
JVD 2022
100% successful outcomes
Clinical healing mean time 21 days
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Etiology, Clinical Presentation, and Outcome of Mandibular Fractures in Immature Dogs Treated with non-Invasive or Minimally Invasive Techniques,” what percent of cases required at least one additional procedure and what percent had skeletal malocclusions?
JVD 2022
skeletal malocclusions 38% (only 1 required intervention)
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 study “Dental abnormalities in immature dogs with a history of mandibular fractures,” how many dogs with follow up had abnormal dental development or malocclusion and how many required at least 1 further anesthetic procedure for treatment of those issues?
Reiter JVD 2022.
All 10/11 dogs with follow up had abnormal development or dental malocclusion of permanent teeth at previous fracture site
All 10 dogs required at least 1 anesthetic procedure for further treatment
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 study “Dental abnormalities in immature dogs with a history of mandibular fractures,” what percent of permanent teeth in or near the fracture lines erupted and what percent of permanent teeth in or near the fracture had developmental abnormalities or were nonvital?
Reiter JVD 2022
70% of affected permanent teeth erupted
73% of permanent teeth affected had developmental abonormalities or were nonvital
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 study “Dental abnormalities in immature dogs with a history of mandibular fractures,” what was the most common dental abnormality?
Reiter JVD 20022
Failure of eruption or partial eruption 29%
Three other most common dental abnormalities
Resorption 23%
Abnormal shape 19%
Enamel hypoplasia 14%
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 study “Dental abnormalities in immature dogs with a history of mandibular fractures,” what percent of deciduous teeth in or near the fracture continued normal development and eruption?
Reiter JVD 2022
In Wolfs’ 2022 article “Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in Immature Dogs; Etiology, Treatments and Outcomes,” healing complications were reported for what percent of dogs and what was the most common complication?
Arzi, Verstraete. Frontiers 2022
72% of dogs had healing complications
Malocclusion most reported complication 55%
In Wolfs’ 2022 article “Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in Immature Dogs; Etiology, Treatments and Outcomes,” what was the most commonly fractured bone/region and how many average regions were affected per dog?
Arzi, Verstraete. Frontiers 2022
Maxillary 55%
8.8 fractured bones/regions per dog
Verstraete adult trauma study maxillary most common as well 53%, 8.2 fractured bones/regions per dog
In Wolfs’ 2022 article “Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in Immature Dogs; Etiology, Treatments and Outcomes,” what was the association between likelihood of malocclusion in dentate vs non dentate regions of the jaws and maxillary vs mandibular fractures?
Arzi, Verstraete Frontiers 2022
Stat sig association between development of malocclusion and fracture in dentate areas of mandible
No stat sig association between upper jaw fractures, non-dentate mandibular region fractures and malocclusion
In Wolfs’ 2022 article “Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in Immature Dogs; Etiology, Treatments and Outcomes,” what factors were associated with healing outcome?
Arzi, Verstraete. Frontiers 2022
No stat sig association between treatment modality and healing outcome
Positive correlation between severity of fracture fragmentation and displacement and negative healing outcome
In Wolfs’ 2022 article “Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in Immature Dogs; Etiology, Treatments and Outcomes,” what was the most common treatment performed?
Arzi, Verstraete. Frontiers 2022
Muzzle therapy 53%
Soft tissue closure 48%
In Bilyard’s 2023 study “Prevalence and Etiology of Dentoalveolar Trauma in 1,592 United States Military Working Dogs: A 1-Year Retrospective,” what two factors were significant predictors of severe tooth trauma requiring treatment?
Henry Frontiers 2023
Tooth type
MWDs over 72 months 1.98 times more likely to have a fracture with pulp exposure compared to MWDs < 24 months of age
Maxillary incisors most commonly affected by CCF 63% followed by canine teeth 24%
In Bilyard’s 2023 study “Prevalence and Etiology of Dentoalveolar Trauma in 1,592 United States Military Working Dogs: A 1-Year Retrospective,” what was the prevalence of at least 1 TDI injury compared to the pet population?
Henry. Frontiers 2023
43% MWD prevalence
Twice pet population
Soukup 2015 26% prevalence
In Bilyard’s 2023 study “Prevalence and Etiology of Dentoalveolar Trauma in 1,592 United States Military Working Dogs: A 1-Year Retrospective,” what was the prevalence of enamel-dentin-pulp fractures and what was the association between sex and breed with development of CCF?
Henry. Frontiers 2023
Enamel-dentin-pulp fx 60%
No stat sig difference between sex or breed and development of CCF
In Maria-Soltero’s 2019 Study “Fracture Limits of Maxillary Fourth Premolar Teeth in Domestic Dogs Under Applied Force” what was the mean maximum force (± SD) sustained by the tested
teeth at the point of fracture?
1281 N (+/- 403)
In Maria-Soltero’s 2019 Study “Fracture Limits of Maxillary Fourth Premolar Teeth in Domestic Dogs Under Applied Force” what was the most common fracture type?
CCF 12/24 (50%)
UCF 6/24 (25%)
CCRF 5/24
In Maria-Soltero’s 2019 Study “Fracture Limits of Maxillary Fourth Premolar Teeth in Domestic Dogs Under Applied Force” what was the only independent variable that remained significantly associated
with maximum force?
Crown height to diameter ratio (p = 0.005), suggesting that
a decreased ratio increases tooth fracture resistance
The cutting power in the piezotome is influenced by?
Bone density, tip characteristics (alloy, shape, sharpness), and working pressure
What are treatment options for parotid salivary duct injury per the paper “Parotid Salivary Duct Stenosis Following Caudal Maxillectomy “?
Duct ligation, duct anastomosis, marsupialization, and resection of the parotid salivary gland
In Kelley’s 2023 paper “Prognostic indicators for feline craniofacial trauma: a retrospective study of 114 cases,” what was the overall survival rate and what signalment factors were associated with outcome/survival?
Rawlinson, Hoyer, Frontiers 2023
Age not stat sig associated with outcome
Sex stat sig associated with outcome: MI sig more likely to be euthanized
Overall euthanasia rate of 37.7% much higher than previous referral DOSS
In Kelley’s 2023 paper “Prognostic indicators for feline craniofacial trauma: a retrospective study of 114 cases,” what trauma etiologies were stat sig associated with outcome and what was the relationship with median cumulative MGCS and ATT scores?
Rawlinson, Hoyer. Frontiers 2023
probability of euthanasia sig higher for vehicular trauma or animal altercation
Median cumulative MGCS sig lower in euthanized animals
ATT scores sig higher in euthanized animals
In Kelley’s 2023 paper “Prognostic indicators for feline craniofacial trauma: a retrospective study of 114 cases,” what grouping of clinical signs was associated with euthanasia due to grave prognosis?
Hoyer, Rawlinson Frontiers 2023
Ocular changes, cranial nerve deficits, maxillary fractures, altered mentation
Determined via principal component plots
In Kelley’s 2023 paper “Prognostic indicators for feline craniofacial trauma: a retrospective study of 114 cases,” survival to discharge with treatment was stat sig associated with what imaging findings?
Hoyer, Rawlinson Frontiers 2023
mandibular fractures and TMJ luxations
Determined via principal component plots
What type of tooth luxation injuries have the worst prognosis?
Intruded teeth
Edstrom. Traumatic Intrusion of a Maxillary Canine Tooth: 3 Cases. JVD 2015
What is the orbital floor composed of?
Medial pterygoid muscle
Zygomatic salivary gland
soft palate
Duke, Synder. “Ocular Trauma Originating from Within the Oral Cavity: Clinical Relevance and Histologic Findings in 10 Cases (2003-2013).” JVD 2014
In Duke’s 2015 study “Ocular Trauma Originating from Within the Oral Cavity: Clinical Relevance and Histologic Findings in 10 Cases (2003-2013),” all cases of panophthalmitis presented to ophthalmologists how long after dental procedures?
Synder. JVD 2015
Between 3 days and 6 weeks
In Duke’s 2015 study “Ocular Trauma Originating from Within the Oral Cavity: Clinical Relevance and Histologic Findings in 10 Cases (2003-2013),” what treatment was performed in all cases, how many cases had intraocular bacteria and how many had scleral perforations?
Synder. JVD 2014
Enucleation performed in all cases
intraocular bacteria 4/10
scleral perforation 6/10
In Soltero-Rivera’s 2019 paper “Fracture Limits of Maxillary Fourth Premolar Teeth in Domestic Dogs Under Applied Force,” what was the mean maximum force that teeth would withstand and where was the force applied?
Reiter Frontiers 2019
Mean maximum force = 1281N
Force on occluso/palatal aspect of main cusps
rigid chew material that fails to yield below 1,281 N would be considered to be a risk of fracturing a maxillary PM4
In Soltero-Rivera’s 2019 paper “Fracture Limits of Maxillary Fourth Premolar Teeth in Domestic Dogs Under Applied Force,” what factor was stat sig associated with fracture resistance?
Reiter, Frontiers 2019
Crown height to diameter ratio
1 unit increase in crown height/diameter ratio leads to max force decreased by 3,137N
Decreased crown height ratio increases fracture resistance
In Basuki’s 2018 article “Repair of Bilateral Comminuted Mandibular Fractures in a 12-Week-Old-Puppy Using Locking and Nonlocking Maxillofacial Reconstruction Plates,” which plates failed?
Rawlinson, Palmer JVD 2018
The dorsal nonlocking plates
Over what age does mandibular growth occur solely at the caudal border of the mandible?
Basuki, Rawlinson, Palmer. “Repair of Bilateral Comminuted Mandibular Fractures in a 12-Week-Old-Puppy Using Locking and Nonlocking Maxillofacial Reconstruction Plates,” JVD 2018
50 days
In Basuki’s 2018 article “Repair of Bilateral Comminuted Mandibular Fractures in a 12-Week-Old-Puppy Using Locking and Nonlocking Maxillofacial Reconstruction Plates,” what alternative surgical options was suggested to avoid the complications encountered?
Rawlinson, Palmer JVD 2018
single large bridging plate placed along ventral border of mandibles
In Strom’s 2016 article “Ankylosis and pseudoankylosis of the temporomandibular joint in 10 dogs (1993-2015),” what number of dogs had ankylosis, pseudoankylosis or both respectively?
Strom, Arzi, Cissell, Verstraete. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2016.
Ankylosis 2/10
Pseudoankylosis 7/10
Ankylosis + pseudoankylosis 1/10
In Strom’s 2016 article “Ankylosis and pseudoankylosis of the temporomandibular joint in 10 dogs (1993-2015),” what number of dogs that were treated surgically regained the ability to open their mouth and what number never regained a fully normal TMJ ROM?
Arzi, Cissell, Verstraete. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2016.
8/9 dogs regained ability to open mouth
6/9 never regained full TMJ ROM
1 dog had to be retreated surgically
In Strom’s 2016 article “Ankylosis and pseudoankylosis of the temporomandibular joint in 10 dogs (1993-2015),” how many dogs were euthanized intraoperatively and how many recieved blood transfusions during surgery?
Arzi, Cissell, Verstraete. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2016.
1 euthanized due to rapid, uncontrollable hemorrhage
2 received blood transfusions
In Strom’s 2016 article “Ankylosis and pseudoankylosis of the temporomandibular joint in 10 dogs (1993-2015),” psuedoankylosis occurred most commonly between what structures?
Arzi, Cissell, Verstraete. Vet Comp Ortho Traumatol 2016.
Coronoid process or mandibular ramus with zygomatic arch
Large breeds and females overrepresented
What is biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) composed of and what are the contributions of its two main components?
Girard. Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Microparticles Mixed with Autologous Blood: Application for the Reconstruction of a Large Mandibular Bone Defect in a Dog. JVD 2020
Beta-TCP: promotes tissue regeneration, rapidly resorbably
Hydroxyapatite (HA): provides structural scaffold, not biodegradable
Osteoconductive and inductive when combined with blood
Girard’s 2020 pilot trial, “Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Microparticles Mixed with Autologous Blood: Application for the Reconstruction of a Large Mandibular Bone Defect in a Dog,” what were the surgical steps/phases performed?
JVD 2020
First surgery: segmental mandibulectomy with piezotome
Second surgery: performed 4 weeks postop, 3D prepared pre-op, locking plate contoured to ventral aspect of right mandible, BCP mixed with blood, plate placed, BRB cylinder placed in defect and closed
In Girard’s 2020 pilot trial, “Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Microparticles Mixed with Autologous Blood: Application for the Reconstruction of a Large Mandibular Bone Defect in a Dog,” when was new bone bridging between the implant material and mandible bone observed and when were the margins of the defect no longer visible?
JVD 2020
New bone bridging: 1 month postop CBCT
Margins of defect no longer visible: 6 month postop CBCT
In Girard’s 2020 pilot trial, “Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Microparticles Mixed with Autologous Blood: Application for the Reconstruction of a Large Mandibular Bone Defect in a Dog,” what were the size of BCP porous microparticles used and what percent composition of HA and Beta-TCP was used?
JVD 2020
Microparticles 80-200nm
HA 60%
Beta-TCP 40%
In Girard’s 2020 study “The Use of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Substitute (BCP) in Mandibular Defects in Dogs: Use of CBCT to Evaluate Bone Healing,” what significant linear correlations were observed?
JVD 2020
Between time of the CBCT examination and ratio of maximum HU value of the defect/implant to the contralateral mandible
Between time of the CBCT exam and ratio of minimum HU value of the implant/defect to the contralateral mandible
In Girard’s 2020 study “The Use of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Substitute (BCP) in Mandibular Defects in Dogs: Use of CBCT to Evaluate Bone Healing,” what was the overall outcome?
JVD 2020
All surgically created defects healed with evidence of bone regrowth and excellent return to function
No large gap defects–> interdental wiring fracture repair, endo-perio lesions treated with extraction, periapical cysts/osteitis treated with endodontic surgery
In Thatcher’s 2020 paper “Diagnosis and Management of An Oronasal Fistula Secondary to Nasal Transmissible Venereal Tumor in a Dog,” how was the tumor diagnosed and treated?
JVD 2020
Diagnosed via CT, incisional biopsy, histo and IHC to rule out other round cell neoplasms
Treated with vincristine 6 treatments q7 days
2 weeks after final chemo - a transposition U-shaped palatal flap 50% larger than defect
No recurrence at 12 month follow up CT
This is an example of what type of acquired palatal defect repair technique? How much larger should the flap be than the defect?
Transposition palatal U-shaped flap
50% larger
Small triangle of tissue removed to facilitate movement of flap over defect (Burow’s triangle)
In “Oronasal fistula repair using auricular cartilage” by RP Lorraine & L Legendre, where is the incision made at the donor site to obtain the graft segment?
Dorsal surface of the pinna
In Feigin’s 2019 study “Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Dentistry and Oral Surgery: Introduction and Review of the Literature,” what are the advantages of PRF over PRP?
Shope 2019
Simple preparation, minimal expense, absence of added anticoagulant or bovine thrombin
PRF fibrin network forms a homogenous 3-D organization that has long-term effect on tissue healing by slowly releasing cytokines
What is the advantage of using an auricular cartilage graft for refractory oronasal fistula repairs?
Provides underlying support for epithelial migration, rapid to obtain graft, autogenous graft; donor site heals with minimal complication
Plalete-rich plasma should be used how soon after isoloation and when due release of growth factor begin and end after preparation?
Feigin, Shope. “Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Dentistry and Oral Surgery: Introduction and Review of the Literature,” JVD 2019.
Should be used with 4 hours of isolation
Release of growth factors begins within 10 minutes after preparation, almost 95% growth factors secreted within first hour
What cytokines and growth factors are present in platelet-rich fibrin and for how long are they released?
Feigin, Shope. “Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Dentistry and Oral Surgery: Introduction and Review of the Literature,” JVD 2019.
Interleukin 1Beta, IL-4, tumor necrosis factor alpha, PDF alpha and beta, insulin-like growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor
Sustained release of growth factors for 1-4 weeks
What critical size bone defect was determined in the 2009 mini pig article for defects retained by two reconstructive plates for models with and without periosteum respectively?
With periosteum 6cm
Without periosteum 2cm
In the 2016 JAVMA study, “Use of a split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog” a pseudouvula was not a prominent feature in this dog. What makes up a pseudouvula and what concerns should one have for this dog given its lack of this structure?
A pseudouvula consists of palatine muscles (tensor and levator veli palatini), connective tissue and mucosa. Owners should be made aware that the absence of normal palatine muscle within the reconstructed palate may affect function.
In Arzi’s 2014 paper “Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP-2: Part 1 Immediate Reconstruction of segmental Mandibulectomies,” what concentration and volume of rhBMP-2 should be used in respect to calcium compression resistance matrix (CRM) volume and how much CRM should be used relative to mandibular defect dimensions?
Vet Surg 2014
rhBMP 0.5mg/ml at 50% of CRM volume
CRM should be 2mm longer than defect and 50-75% of mandibular bone height
In Arzi’s 2014 paper “Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP-2: Part 1 Immediate Reconstruction of segmental Mandibulectomies,” when was palable hard tissue present after surgery, when was the defect completely solid and when did the implant appear as native bone?
Vet Surg 2014
Palpable hard tissue 2 weeks
Defect completely solid 4 weeks
Radiographically appeared as native bone: 3 months
In the 2016 JAVMA study, “Use of a split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog” what is their theory for bilateral soft palate hypoplasia?
Failure of fusion of the lateral palatine processes to the tissues that will form the tonsillar crypts, palatine tonsils, cranial and caudal tonsillar pillars
What were the pros to the surgical approach in the 2016 JAVMA study, “Use of a split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog”?
1 surgical procedure vs 2 (can only really performed when pseudouvula is not present), applicable to a variety of skull morphologies, robust tissue combination that is expected to be less prone to trauma
In Arzi’s 2014 paper “Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP-2: Part 1 Immediate Reconstruction of segmental Mandibulectomies,” why does intraoral incision oozing occur, when does it begin, peak and resolve?
Vet Surg 2014
BMP induces inflammation since is chemotactic for inflammatory cells like PMN and osteoclast like cells
Oozing begins on day 3, peaks at 1 week and resolves in 2-3 weeks
In Arzi’s 2014 paper “Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP-2: Part 1 Immediate Reconstruction of segmental Mandibulectomies,” do higher doses of BMP improve bone quality?
Vet Surg 2014
Higher doses –> more inflammation
Does not improve bone quality
In Arzi’s 2014 paper “Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP-2: Part 1 Immediate Reconstruction of segmental Mandibulectomies,” what type of plate is recommended and when can BMP be placed at time of segmental mandibulectomy?
Vet Surg 2014
Single 3mm titanium locking plate
Acceptable to place BMP-2 immediately if confident about surgical margins, otherwise contraindicated, can plate locking plate and then place CRM and BMP 2 weeks later
In Verstraete’s 2015 study “Regenerating mandibular bone using rhBMP-2: Part 2 - Treatment of chronic, defect non-union fractures,” how many dogs had normal healing with immediate return to function and normal occlusion following the procedure? When was hard tissue formation observed clinically and solid cortical bone formation?
Vet Surg 2015
5/5 dogs
Hard tissue formation clinically 2 weeks
Solid cortical bone formation 3 months
Bone morphogenic proteins are multifunctional growth factors within what growth factor family, and what form of bone formation do they initiate?
Verstraete, Arzi. “Regenerating mandibular bone using rhBMP-2: Part 2 - Treatment of chronic, defect non-union fractures,” Vet Surg 2015
Transforming growth factor Beta family
Initiate ectopic bone formation
In Arzi’s 2015 study “Regenerative Approach to Bilateral Rostral Mandibular Reconstruction in a Case Series of Dogs,” what complications were observed?
1 dog: plate exposure at 14 days through mucosa–> mucosal flap repair
1 dog: CRM material dislodged at 6 days postop, revision surgery with new rhBMP-2 infused CRM not performed due to contamination
In Arzi’s 2015 study “Regenerative Approach to Bilateral Rostral Mandibular Reconstruction in a Case Series of Dogs,” a single titanium locking plate was contoured in a horseshoe shape to extend rostrally to the level of what maxillary teeth?
Frontiers 2015
Maxillary first premolar/canine teeth
In Arzi’s 2016 ex vivo study “Biomechanical evaluation of two plating configurations for critical-sized defects of the mandible in dogs,” what two plating configurations were tested?
Verstraete JVD 2016
LP: single locking plate halfway between dorsal and ventral borders
LMP: locking plate +alveolar miniplate
In Arzi’s 2016 ex vivo study “Biomechanical evaluation of two plating configurations for critical-sized defects of the mandible in dogs,” what values of test mandibles were < 30% values for intact mandibles and < 45% values for intact mandibles respectively?
Verstraete JVD 2016
Stiffness and yield loads < 30% values of intact mandibles
Failure loads < 45% intact mandibles
In Arzi’s 2016 ex vivo study “Biomechanical evaluation of two plating configurations for critical-sized defects of the mandible in dogs,” the LMP (2 plate) construct had what differences compared to the LP (single plate) construct?
Verstraete JVD 2016
LMP construct had greater stiffness and strength prior to yield (2x more)
Frequency of screw penetration of teeth and mandibular canal sig greater for LMP than single LP constructs
In Arzi’s 2016 ex vivo study “Biomechanical evaluation of two plating configurations for critical-sized defects of the mandible in dogs,” the authors conclude that which construct may not be clincally justifiable?
Verstraete JVD 2016
No consistent biomechanical differences at failure between LP and LMP. LMP had greater stiffness and strength prior to yield
What are the properties/advantages of locking plates/screws?
Synder. Successful Treatment of Mandibular Nonunion with Cortical Allograft, Cancellous Autograft, and Locking Titanium Miniplates in a Dog. JVD 2016
provide increased implant stiffness with a fixed angle construct and lack the requirement for accurate plate contouring to match bone surface
Do standard nonlocking implants require the implant to be anatomic to the bone surface?
Synder. Successful Treatment of Mandibular Nonunion with Cortical Allograft, Cancellous Autograft, and Locking Titanium Miniplates in a Dog. JVD 2016
In Synder’s 2016 study “Successful Treatment of Mandibular Nonunion with Cortical Allograft, Cancellous Autograft, and Locking Titanium Miniplates in a Dog,” when complete osseointegration of the graft visible on rads?
JVD 2016
12 months postop
In Synder’s 2016 study “Successful Treatment of Mandibular Nonunion with Cortical Allograft, Cancellous Autograft, and Locking Titanium Miniplates in a Dog,” where was the corticocancellous autograft obtained from?
JVD 2016
Left proximal humerus
In Lorraine’s 2012 article “Oronasal Fistula Repair Using Auricular Cartilage,” what size does the cartilage graft need to be relative to the defect?
Legendre. JVD 2012
Graft only needs to be a few millimeters larger than defect in all directions to anchor sutures in corners since cartilage does not shrink
In Lorraine’s 2012 article “Oronasal Fistula Repair Using Auricular Cartilage,” what was the outcome?
Legendre. JVD 2012
All 7 treated ONF healed completely within 2 weeks following surgery
No complications or permanent deformation at donor site
What fails to occur during development leading to bilateral soft palate hypoplasia?
Mullins. Use of a split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog. JAVMA 2016
Failure of fusion of the lateral palatine processes to the tissues that will form the tonsillar crypts, palatine tonsils, cranial and caudal tonsillar pillars
In Mullins’ 2016 paper “Use of a split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog,” this technique is suitable for dogs withoout what prominent anatomical feature?
JAVMA 2016
lack of a pseudouvula means that patient is lacking palatine muscles (tensor and levaotr veli palatini) that are necessary for functional soft palate
This image shows what soft palatal defect repair technique and what defect is being repaired?
split thickness soft palate hinged flap and bilateral buccal mucosal rotation flaps for one-stage repair of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a dog
What is the frequency of live births with cleft palates in people vs dogs?
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs. Am J Vet Res 2017
People: 1.5 -3.2 cases /1000 live births
Beagles: 1.1 cases/1000 live births
What are the disadvantages of the LAHSHAL classification system of cleft palates?
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs. Am J Vet Res 2017
Does not account for shape or relative width of defects, abnormalities of vomer or asymmetry of facial structures
What are the skull index values for brachychephalic, mesaticephalic and dolichocephalic dogs?
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs. Am J Vet Res 2017
> 66.5 brachycephalic
45.5-66.5 mesaticephalic dogs
< 45.5 dolichocephalic dogs
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” what skull type was not identified in their 32 cases and what was the most common cleft type for palate vs lip?
No dolichocephalic dogs
Cleft palate 72%
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” for cleft hard palates (secondary cleft only) what skull type was most frequently affected and what was the most common shape?
Mesaticephalic 57%
Pyriform most common 43%
C. Pyriform
A, B, C and D show what shape of hard palatal defects?
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs. Am J Vet Res 2017
A. Divergent
B. Parallel
C. Pyriform
D. Oval-shaped
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” what was the most common cleft soft palate defect shape and what percent of dogs had an abnormal vomer?
Most common cleft palate shape: parallel 57%
Vomer abnormal in 74% dogs with CP
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” what was the most common skull type for dogs with cleft lip and those with both cleft lip and palate?
Cleft lip and cleft palate: 4/4 dogs brachycephalic
Cleft Lip: 4/5 dogs brachycephalic
Bilateral most common between second and third incisors
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” what was the most common severity of hard palate defect width vs cleft lip dogs?
Most hard palate defects moderate or severe
No defects severe in cleft lip dogs
In Peralta’s 2017 study “Morphological Evaluation of Clefts of the Lip, Palate or Both in Dogs,” what was the rationale given for why 4/5 unilateral cleft were left sided (consistent with human lit)?
The left palatal shelf goes into a horizontal position later than the right → wider time frame for defects to occur
What is the embryogenesis of the primary palate?
Fiani, Verstraete. Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2016.
paired maxillary processes (these eventually form the incisive bone rostral to the fissures)) grow medially and push the medial & lateral processes towards the midline where they merge to form the base of the nose and the upper lip
What is the embryogenesis of the secondary palate?
Fiani, Verstraete. Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2016.
The left & right palatine processes grow horizontally from the maxillary processes towards the midline and fuse with the Vomer which grows ventrally from the frontonasal process along the midline.
What defect is shown?
Fiani, Verstraete. Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2016.
Bifid nose
In Boudrieau’s 2014 paper “Initial Experience With rhBMP-2 Delivered in a Compressive Resistant Matrix for Mandibular Reconstruction in 5 Dogs,” what was the success rate and most common complications?”
Vet Surg 2014
Successful longterm outcome for all 5 cases
Gingival dehiscence 1/5, late plate exposure 3/5, exuberant cystic bone formation 2/5
What characteristics of cleft lips necessitate surgical intervention?
Fiani N, Verstraete FJ, Arzi B.
Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2016
Clefts involving the nasal floor, alveolar margin, and incisive bone should be repaired
At what age is repair of clefts of the primary palate recommended?
Fiani N, Verstraete FJ, Arzi B.
Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2016
When all permanent incisors and canines have erupted: 4-6 months
During this primary cleft lip repair, what muscle is the instrument pointing to?
Fiani N, Verstraete FJ, Arzi B.
Reconstruction of Congenital Nose, Cleft Primary Palate, and Lip Disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2016
Orbicularis oris muscle
In Shannon’s 2022 study “Surgical Repair of Acquired Oronasal Fistulas Secondary to Periodontal Disease in Dogs Using a Flexible Bone Membrane: A Case Series,” what was the consensus regarding use of flexible bone membranes on surgical outcome?
JVD 2022
Bone membrane used in 4/7 successful repairs and 2/3 unsuccessful repairs
No bone membrane used in 3/7 successful repairs and 1/3 unsuccessful repair
Use of flexible bone membrane did not necessarily improve surgical outcome
larger trials needed, only 10 cases
In de Frietas’s 2016 paper “Bridging Plate Development for Treatment of Segmental Bone Defects of the Canine Mandible: Mechanical Tests and Finite Element Method,” what differences were seen for large breed and Poodle 3D printed mandibular constructs?
JVD 2016
Big breeds – high force concentration at the caudal plate and screws 1 and 4
Poodles – high force concentration at the center of the plate and none of the screws
In Graciani’s 2023 study “Histological, Immunohistochemical, Biomechanical, and Wettability Evaluations of the Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membranes Derived from Canine Blood,” what growth factors were expressed in all samples in both the cellular components and fibrin mesh?
JVD 2023
Vascular endothelial growth factor
Platelet derived growth factors
In Graciani’s 2023 study “Histological, Immunohistochemical, Biomechanical, and Wettability Evaluations of the Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membranes Derived from Canine Blood,” at what time frame did the membranes have greater tensile strength?
JVD 2023. The tensile test and wettability assessments were measured in membranes 30 min and 3 h after production. Tensile measured with a machine under a displacement rate of 5 mm/min at room temperature. Wettability assessed surface absorption with a machine
The 30 min L-PRF membranes supported twice the ultimate tensile strength compared to 3 h L-PRF membranes
What are the surgical treatment options for TMJ pseudoankylosis and ankylosis?
Renner, Thatcher. “Combined Gap and Interpositional Arthroplasty Utilizing Three-Dimensional Printed Model in a Dog with
Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis and
Pseudoankylosis.” JVD 2022
Mandibular excisional ostectomy
Mandibular condylectomy
Gap arthroplasty
Segmental mandibulectomy
In Renner’s 2022 study “Combined Gap and Interpositional Arthroplasty Utilizing Three-Dimensional Printed Model in a Dog with Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis and Pseudoankylosis,” what was utilized for the interpositional arthroplasty and what was its purpose?
JVD 2023
Temporalis myofascial flap
Role to function as autologous interpositional material to prevent continued osseous healing and further pseudoankylosis
A superficial flap from the caudoventral aspect of the temporalis muscle was sharply dis- sected with fascia attached and reflected caudoventrally to facil- itate attachment to the periosteum of the remaining temporal bone
In Roman’s 2019 study “Incidence patterns of orofacial clefts in purebred dogs,” what was the incidence of orofacial clefts reported, and what percent of those clefts were cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip with cleft lip with cleft palate
PLos 2019. Survey sent out to breeders.
3% overall incidence
CL 26%
CP 59%
CLP 15%
In Roman’s 2019 study “Incidence patterns of orofacial clefts in purebred dogs,” what breeds were at an increased risk of developing orofacial clefts when compared to Labs (most prevalent breed)?
PLoS 2019
Boston Terrier, French Bulldgo, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Papillon
In Roman’s 2019 study “Incidence patterns of orofacial clefts in purebred dogs,” what skull type and genetic clusters were at an increased risk of orofacial clefts?
Mastiff/terrier genetic cluster
Ancient genetic cluster
Skull type found to be a significant predictor while genetic cluster was not
In Roman’s 2019 study “Incidence patterns of orofacial clefts in purebred dogs,” what geographic location was at a decreased odds of orofacial clefts?
In Roman’s 2019 study “Incidence patterns of orofacial clefts in purebred dogs,” overall what factors are of importance in the development of orofacial clefts?
Genetic cluster
Skull type
Which branchial arch forms the mandible, maxilla and Meckels cartilage?
Craniomaxillofacial abnormalities in dogs with congenital palatal defects: computed tomographic findings. Nemec et al
Veterinary Surgery 2014
First branchial arch
The incisive bone forms from fusion of what processes?
Craniomaxillofacial abnormalities in dogs with congenital palatal defects: computed tomographic findings. Nemec et al
Veterinary Surgery 2014
Medial nasal processes
Fusion of what processes results in formation of the upper lip, alveolar process and primary palate?
Craniomaxillofacial abnormalities in dogs with congenital palatal defects: computed tomographic findings. Nemec et al
Veterinary Surgery 2014
Fusion of nasal processes with maxillary processes at palatine fissures
In Nemec’s 2014 paper “Craniomaxillofacial abnormalities in dogs with congenital palatal defects: computed tomographic findings,” the bony defect was larger than the soft tissue defect in how many dogs, and how many dogs had at least 1 craniofacial abnormality associated with the congential palatal defect?
Vet Surg 2014
Bony defect larger than soft tissue in all dogs
All dogs had at least 1 craniofacial abnormality
In Nemec’s 2014 paper “Craniomaxillofacial abnormalities in dogs with congenital palatal defects: computed tomographic findings,” what were the two most common craniofacial defects other than palatal defects?
Vet Surg 2014
Hypoplastic tympanic bullae most common (6/9 dogs)
Nasal septum defect 2nd most common
In Conze’s 2018 study “Management of cleft palate in puppies using a temporary prosthesis: A report of three cases,” what was the prosthesis made out of and until what age was it utilized?
children mouth gaurd made out of thermoplastic silicone
Used until patients were 6 weeks old and were transitioned to puppy milk mixed with wet food
Mouthgaurd able to be fit on conscious puppies
In Peralta’s 2018 study “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” surgical defect repair achieved functional success in what percent of dogs and what percent of dogs had an ONF form after initial repair?
Fiani, Verstraete. JAVMA 2018
Functional success in 85% (22/26)
ONF 50% (13/26)
Hard palate most common ONF location
Revision surgery performed in 12/13 cases
In Peralta’s 2018 study “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” what associations between age and outcome were noted?
Fiani, Verstraete. JAVMA 2018
ONF formation more common in dogs > 8 months of age at time of repair
ONF at junction of hard and soft palate more common in dogs > 8 months and with hx of failed surgical repair
In Peralta’s 2018 study “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” what was the association between weight at time of initial repair and outcome?
Fiani, Verstraete. JAVMA 2018
Unsuccessful functional outcome more common in dogs weighing < 1kg (2.2lbs)
What were the results of the retrospective study, “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats” written by Castejon in 2022?
They indicate that the early treatment (within 5 days) of the acquired longitudinal defects in the midline of the hard and soft palates is highly successful.
The images below show what cleft palate repair technique?
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” JAVMA 2018
von Langenbeck
The images below show what cleft palate repair technique
Peralta, Fiani, Verstraete. “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” JAVMA 2018
Overlapping flap
In Peralta’s 2018 study “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” what was the most common hard palate defect closure technique performed, what percent were stagged, and what percent were closed as a two layer closure?
Fiani, Verstraete. JAVMA 2018
Overlapping flap most common 62%
Staged approach 35%
Two layer closure 85%
In Peralta’s 2018 study “Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs,” what variables did not have a significant affect on outcome?
Fiani, Verstraete. JAVMA 2018
Skull type
Defect severity
Surgical technique to close hard or soft palate
Number of tissue layers for hard and soft palate
Staged vs not staged
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” what was the most common trauma etiology and what percent of cats were < 4 years old?
Reiter. Frontiers 2022
High rise 68% (17/25)
80% cats < 4 yro
All cats treated within 5 days of trauma
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” what percent of cats had a bilateral vs unilateral pedicle flap vs direct mucoperiosteal apposition without releasing incisions?
Reiter. Frontiers 2022
Bilateral pedicle: 32%
Unilateral pedicle: 16%
Direction mucoperiosteal apposition: 28%
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” what percent of cats had 1 layer closure and what percent had interquadrant splinting?
Reiter. Frontiers 2022
1 layer closure: 60%
Interquadrant splinting: 20% cases
defects extending rostrally in hard palate benefit from stablization of midface with splint
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” what was success rate and what complications were noted?
Reiter. Frontiers 2022
all cats with follow up completely healed on conscious oral exam
Malocclusion only complication
In Castejon-Gonzalez’s 2022 paper “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” development of malocclusions was associated was stat sig associated with what factors?
Reiter. Frontiers 2022.
TMJ injury
underwent CT scan
feeding tube placed before discharge
In Kahnberg’s 1988 study “Healing of experimental midline osteotomies in the rat palate,” oronasal fistulae formed in what percent of rats when the bony edges were 2mm apart vs 1mm apart and the palatal mucosa left to heal by second intention?
Swed Dent J 1988. Referenced by Castejon-Gonzalez’s “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” Frontiers 2022
2mm: 85%
1mm: 33%
What tooth is at the level of the major palatine foramen in the cat?
also in the dog, minor palatine foramen at level of M1 in dog
Healing of oral mucosa in cleft palate models occurs for the midline incision (first intention) and lateral releasing incisions (second intention) in how many days?
Referenced by Castejon-Gonzalez’s “Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Acquired Midline Palate Defects in Cats,” Frontiers 2022
Midline incision: 7 days
Lateral releasing incisions/second intention: 3-5 weeks
What is the difference between a major and minor salivary gland?
Major gland: has a duct and produces a significant volume of saliva
Minor gland: No main duct
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” what was the overall incidence of complications?
Soukup. Frontiers 2021
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” what factors were not stat sig associated with increased complications?
Soukup, Frontiers 2021
Anesthetic time
Residents in training vs faculty performing surgery
OR vs dental suite
Surgical instrument used for ostectomy
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” were minor or major complications most prevalent?
Minor complications did not require any further medical or surgical treatment
Minor complications most prevalent 45%
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” what percent of procedures with major complications required a second surgical procedure?
Soukup. Frontiers 2021
Up to 33%
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” what percent of patients had complications indentified > 30 days following surgical procedure?
Soukup, Frontiers 2021
authors recommend a post-surgical recheck appointment >30 days following a procedure in addition to the standard 2-week post-surgical assessment.
In Rigby’s 2021 study “Impact of the Surgical Environment on the Incidence, Timing, and Severity of Complications Associated with Oromaxillofacial Oncologic Surgery in Dogs,” what was the most prevalent complication?
Soukup. Frontiers 2021
Dehiscence (55/301)
In Rodriguez’s 2021 article “Fatal Complications of Nasogastric Tube Misplacement in Two Dogs,” what recommendations were made to avoid misplacement of NG tube into respiratory tree?
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2021
direct visualization of larynx during intraoperative placement with laryngoscope
Multiple view radiographs
Capnography (not yet validated clinically)
Negative pressure (not yet prospectively studied)
In Taney’s 2021 study “Risk Factors for Failure of Hard Palate Mucoperiosteal Flap Repair of Acquired Oronasal Communication in Dogs: A Pilot Study,” what was the assocation between age, sex and weight with flap failure?
Frontiers 2021
Age and sex not associated with flap failure
For every kg increase in BW, the odds of flap failure decreased by 6%
In Taney’s 2021 study “Risk Factors for Failure of Hard Palate Mucoperiosteal Flap Repair of Acquired Oronasal Communication in Dogs: A Pilot Study,” what wasa the overall flap failure rate and what was the association of patients with neoplasia to flap failure?
Frontiers 2021
25% flaps failed
Patients with presence of neoplasia prior to surgery had 4.5x odds of failure compared to those without
In Taney’s 2021 study “Risk Factors for Failure of Hard Palate Mucoperiosteal Flap Repair of Acquired Oronasal Communication in Dogs: A Pilot Study,” what was the association with use of a CO2 laser and flap area and distance traveled on flap failure?
Frontiers 2021
Use of CO2 laser was found to have 3.69 fold increased risk of failure
Flap area and distance traveled greater in cases that failed
In Taney’s 2021 study “Risk Factors for Failure of Hard Palate Mucoperiosteal Flap Repair of Acquired Oronasal Communication in Dogs: A Pilot Study,” what the association between flap blood supply or previous surgeries and same site with flap failure?
Frontiers 2021
No significant differences in blood supply or previous surgeries at the same site
In Volk’s 2018 paper “Ophthalmic complications following ocular penetration during routine dentistry in 13 cats,” what number of cases had transoral maxillary nerve blocks and what percent required enucleation?
Fiani. New Zealand Vet Journal 2018
intraoral maxillary nerve block 8/13
54% enucleation
In MacLellan’s 2018 study “Intraoperative and postoperative complications of partial maxillectomy for the treatment of oral tumors in dogs,” what was the most common intraoperative complication and what approaches and procedures were most likely to have this complication?
Rawlinson, Worley. JAVMA 2018
Most common intraoperative complication: excessive surgical bleeding 53% dogs
Dorsolateral approach + intraoral approach: 4x more likely to receive blood transfusion
Caudal maxillectomy and complete maxillectomy sig more likely: 3x more likely to receive blood transfusion
43% of dogs had an intraop blood transfusion
In MacLellan’s 2018 study “Intraoperative and postoperative complications of partial maxillectomy for the treatment of oral tumors in dogs,” oronasal fistulas formed in what percent of dogs, and what was the association between risk of oronasal formation and duration of surgery?
Rawlinson, Worley. JAVMA 2018
ONF 11% dogs
For every 1 min increase in surgery time the risk of fistula formation increased by 2%
In MacLellan’s 2018 study “Intraoperative and postoperative complications of partial maxillectomy for the treatment of oral tumors in dogs,” what was the most prevalent complication within 48 hours and 48h to 4 weeks after surgery?
Rawlinson, Worley. JAVMA 2018
< 48 hours: epistaxis 51%
48h to 4 weeks: Lip trauma 13%
Difficulty eating, wound dehiscence and ONF formation all occurred at 11% prevalence
In Gracis’ 2016 article “Vertical Mandibular Range of Motion in Anesthetized Dogs and Cats,” what was the overall mean vertical range of motion of dogs and cats respectively?
Frontiers 2016
Dogs: 107 +/- 30mm
Cats: 62 +/- 8mm
In Gracis’ 2016 article “Vertical Mandibular Range of Motion in Anesthetized Dogs and Cats,” what was the association with age with dogs and cats respectively?
Frontiers 2016
Dogs: vmROM did not correlate with age
Cats: weak positive correlation with age
In Lothamer’s 2015 study “Crown Preservation of the mandibular first molar tooth impacts the strength and stiffness of 3 non-invasive jaw fracture repair constructs in dogs,” what three constructs were tested and which had the greatest bending stiffness and load to failure regardless of crown presence?
Synder. Frontiers 2015
Composite only (CO)
Interdental wiring and composite (IWC)
Transmucosal fixation screw and composite (TSC)
IWC had greatest bending stiffness and load to failure regardless of status of crown presence
In Lothamer’s 2015 study “Crown Preservation of the mandibular first molar tooth impacts the strength and stiffness of 3 non-invasive jaw fracture repair constructs in dogs,” when the crown was removed which construct was sig stronger compared to the others, and when the crown was preserved what variable was greater for all constructs?
IWC sig strongers
All constructs stiffer when crown M1 preserved
CO not sig stiffer
In Lothamer’s 2015 study “Crown Preservation of the mandibular first molar tooth impacts the strength and stiffness of 3 non-invasive jaw fracture repair constructs in dogs,” did cohesive or adhesive failure occur most commonly?
Synder. Frontiers 2015
Cohesive failure (fracture of construct) in 73% specimens
adhesive failure (decrease in load resulting from separation of the apparatus from tooth structure) occurred in 27% specimens
In Lothamer’s 2015 study “Crown Preservation of the mandibular first molar tooth impacts the strength and stiffness of 3 non-invasive jaw fracture repair constructs in dogs,” an increase in stiffness was significant for what constructs when the crown was present?
Synder. Frontiers 2015
In people what cortical bone thickness significantly improves the success of mini implants?
Snyder CJ, Soukup JW. Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs. Veterinary Surgery 2016;
greater than 1mm
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” buccal bone thickness was < 2mm in all weight groups at what level/measurement with what exceptions?
Soukup. Vet Surg 2016
3mm ventral from alveolar margin
dogs < 10kg at region of interproximal PM4/M1 and regions extending from furcations of M1 to caudal M2
10-20kg group: caudal M2
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” cortical bone thickness was < 2mm at 6mm ventral from alveolar crest at mesial root of PM4 and mesial root of M1 in what weight groups respectively?
Soukup. Vet Surg 2016
mesial PM4: 10-20kg and > 20kg groups
Mesial M1: all three groups
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” what weight group had a buccal cortical bone thickness <2mm at all locations 3mm ventral from alveolar crest?
Soukup. Vet Surg 2016
> 20kg group
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” buccal bone was > 2mm at greater than or equal to 9mm from alveolar margin in what locations in what weight groups?
Soukup. Vet Surg 2016
All locations except 9mm ventral to alveolar margin overlying mesial root of M1 in dogs < 10kg
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” at what location did each group exhibit a reduction in number of measurements?
Distal M1
According to Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” what factors predispose mandibular fractures to occurring at distal M1?
Thin cortical bone with decreased mandibular height
According to Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” where should anchorage be placed below the alveolar margin for caudal mandibular fracture repair?
6-9mm below alveolar margin where cortical bone is thicker
In people how many screws per fracture segment has been shown to have increased resistance to failure?
Snyder CJ, Soukup JW. Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs. Veterinary Surgery 2016;
In people, has the number of screws per fracture segment or whether screws are monocortical vs bicortical been shown to have more effect on determining how load forces are distributed in a 2.0mm adaption plate?
Snyder CJ, Soukup JW. Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs. Veterinary Surgery 2016
Screws per fracture segment
In Snyder’s 2016 prospective study, “Caudal mandibular bone height and buccal cortical bone thickness measured by computed tomography in healthy dogs,” what weight group had increasing cortical bone thickness at depths closer to the alveolar margin than the other groups?
< 10 kg vs larger dogs
What is the salivary pH of humans vs dogs?
Humans pH 6.5-7.5
Dogs pH 8.5-8.65
Humans more acidic, more predisposed to caries
Dogs higher pH, increased precipitation of calcium salts, increased calculus accumulation
What is the overall prevalence of salivary gland disease in small animals?
What vessels form the rostral border of the parotid salivary gland and what vital structures live deep to it?
Rostral border: cranial auricular artery and vein, transverse facial artery
Deep border: Facial nerve, maxillary and superficial temporal arteries
The buccal lymph node is present in what percent of dogs?
< 10%
What are the major salivary glands in dogs?
Mandibular, sublingual, parotid, zygomatic
In Lieske’s 2020 study “A retrospective study of salivary gland diseases in 179 dogs (2010-2018),” what was the main reason for sample submission and were there are sex or breed predispositions?
J of Vet Diagnostic Investigation 2020
Regional swelling 60% cases
No sex or breed predisposition
In Lieske’s 2020 study “A retrospective study of salivary gland diseases in 179 dogs (2010-2018),” what percent of cases showed nonspecific inflammation, no pathologic changes, or neoplasia? (Three most common diagnoses)
J of Vet Diagnostic Investigation 2020
Nonspecific inflammation/non specific sialoadenitis 49.7%
No pathologic changes 23%
Neoplasia 20%
Nonspecific sialoadenitis usually associated with sialocele or sialoliths
88% of neoplasms epithelial
In Lieske’s 2020 study “A retrospective study of salivary gland diseases in 179 dogs (2010-2018),” what were the most commonly affected salivary glands in descending order?
J of Vet Diagnostic Investigation 2020
Mandibular (52)
Sublingual (14)
Parotid (11)
Zygomatic (only 1 case)
Major/extraoral glands affected in 70% of cases
What muscle lies superficial to the temporalis muscle?
Frontalis muscle
An esophagostomy tube should be placed to the level of what rib?
Esophagostomy Feeding Tube Placement in the Dog and Cat
Step-by-Step. Fink, Jennings, Reiter. JVD 2014. Vol 31(2)
In Papazoglou’s 2015 article “Ventral Approach for Surgical Management of Feline Sublingual Sialocele,” the star below indicates what muscle?
JVD 2015
Centrally (within jaw bone) and peripherally (within gingiva) located conventional ameloblastomas are said to arise from what developmental structures respectively?
Tjepkema, Bell, Soukup. Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs
JVD 2020.
centrally: Epithelial rests of Malassez (within PDL)
Peripherally: Rests of Serres (within gingiva)
In Tjepkema’s 2020 study, “Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs,” what was the association between age, breed, and sex on conventional ameloblastoma prevalence?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2020
No apparent age, breed, or gender predilection
In Tjepkema’s 2020 study, “Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs,” conventional ameloblastomas had a predilection for what site?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2020
Maxilla 65%
Canine and premolars most common
Differs from CAA which has a predilection for rostral mandible
In Tjepkema’s 2020 study, “Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs,” what percent of cases were intraosseous and cystic?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2020.
CAA most often extraosseous 67%, cystic when intraosseous
In Tjepkema’s 2020 study, “Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs,” what was the outcome found on follow up/recurrence?
Soukup, Bell JVD 2020.
No recurrence found even with narrow margins for majority of cases
> 1cm margins may not be necessary
In Tjepkema’s 2020 study, “Presentation, diagnostic imaging, and clinical outcome of conventional ameloblastoma in dogs,” what radiographic and CT findings are highly consistent with but not specific for conventional ameloblastoma?
Soukup, Bell, JVD 2020
Loculated, intraosseous lesion
In Malmberg’s 2017 study “Acanthomatous ameloblastoma with atypical foci in five dogs,” what histo characteristics raised concern for poor outcome?
Schaffer. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2017
Atypical cells pleomorphic with high mitotic count
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” there was a sig association between intraosseous tumor location and what imaging findings?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2020
1.) Tumor size 2) Presence of bone expansion 3) Presence of periosteal bone proliferation 4) Presence of cortical bone thinning 5)Severity of bone lysis 6) Presence of tooth displacement
Equal distribuation between intra and extraosseous tumor location
intraosseous had more aggressive biologic behavior on imaging
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” there was a sig assocation between increased mitotic index and CT evidence of decreased or increased severity of bone lysis?
Decreased severity of bone lysis
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” there was a sig association between increased epithelial:stroma ratio and what CT findings?
Increased severity of bone loss
Presence of bone expansion
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” there was a significant association between histo evidence of extension into the medullary cavity and what CT finding?
bone expansion
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” CT was better than histo at indentifying what findings?
Bone expansion
Bone lysis
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” was their hypothesis supported?
Majority of histopath features did not sig correlate with CT features
In Goldschmidt’s 2020 study “Biological Behavior of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma Assessed With Computed Tomography and Histopathology: A Comparative Study,” do the authors conclude that diagnostic imaging or histopath findings should be relied on to measure biologic behavior?
Diagnostic imaging
In Goldschmidt’s 2017 study “Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence,” what breed was overrepresented and what CAA location was most common?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2017
Golden retriever
Rostral mandible 51%
Caudal mandible and rostral maxilla 21.5% each. Caudal maxilla 5.8%
In Goldschmidt’s 2017 study “Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence,” what surgical margin had 0% incomplete margins but 50% narrow and complete margins?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2017.
In Goldschmidt’s 2017 study “Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence,” what affect did margins have on local recurrence and what is the suggested surgical margin for CAA?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2017
No local recurrence noted on oral exam for any patient regardless of histo margins
Intraoperative 1cm margin may be appropriate
In Fiani’s 2011 study “Clinicopathologic characterization of odontogenic tumors and focal fibrous hyperplasia in dogs: 152 cases (1995-2005),” what percent of masses were CAA vs POF and FFH?
Verstraete. JAVMA 2011
CAA 45%
POF 31%
FFH 16%
Previous studies POF most common, CAA more common with improved histo understanding
In Malmberg’s 2017 study “Acanthomatous ameloblastoma with atypical foci in five dogs,” was any recurrence noted?
Schaffer. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2017
Non with no mets at 6-30 months
In the study, “Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies
administered to dogs after excision of oral
malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001–2012)” written by Boston et al JAVMA 2014, what was the main take away from the study?
Systemic adjuvant therapy was NOT found to improve survival time. Long-term survival was possible following surgery ALONE.
Remnants of what developmental structure may be a source of the epithelium for lateral periodontal cysts and CAA?
Suspected Lateral Periodontal Cyst Presenting Concurrently with Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in a 2 Year old Standard Poodle. Tjepkema, Soukup, Bell. JVD 2017
Remnants of dental lamina
In Tjepkema’s 2017 case report “Suspected Lateral Periodontal Cyst Presenting Concurrently with Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in a 2 Year old Standard Poodle,” what treatment was peformed and did the mass recur?
Soukup, Bell. JVD 2017
Cyst enucleation
No recurrence at 6 month post op CT
In the study, “Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies
administered to dogs after excision of oral
malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001–2012)” written by Boston et al JAVMA 2014, what was the overall median survival time?
346 days
In the study, “Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies
administered to dogs after excision of oral
malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001–2012)” written by Boston et al JAVMA 2014, what were negative prognostic factors?
Increasing tumor size, and age
In the 2003 World Health Organization classification system what are tumors of odontogenic epithelium without odontogenic mesemchyme?
Soukup, Bell. Nomenclature and Classification of Odontogenic Tumors - Part I: Historical Review. JVD 2014
Amyloid-producing odontogenic tumor
In Fiani’s 2011 study “Clinicopathologic characterization of odontogenic tumors and focal fibrous hyperplasia in dogs: 152 cases (1995-2005),” what location was most common for the CAA vs POF and FFH?
Verstraete JAVMA 2011
CAA: rostral mandible
POF, FFH: rostral maxilla
In Fiani’s 2011 study “Clinicopathologic characterization of odontogenic tumors and focal fibrous hyperplasia in dogs: 152 cases (1995-2005),” what was the association of sex with mass type?
Verstraete, JAVMA 2011
- Males and females equally represented for CAA and FFH
- MN overrepresented for POF
In Fiani’s 2011 study “Clinicopathologic characterization of odontogenic tumors and focal fibrous hyperplasia in dogs: 152 cases (1995-2005),” what breeds were ovverrepresented for CAA?
Verstraete. JAVMA 2011
Goldens, Akitas, Cocker Spaniels, Shetland Sheepdogs
No breed predisposition for FFH or POF
In Fiani’s 2011 study “Clinicopathologic characterization of odontogenic tumors and focal fibrous hyperplasia in dogs: 152 cases (1995-2005),” dogs with what mass had a greater mean age?
In the 2003 World Health Organization classification system what are tumors of odontogenic epithelium with odontogenic mesenchyme?
Soukup, Bell. Nomenclature and Classification of Odontogenic Tumors - Part I: Historical Review. JVD 2014
Ameloblastic fibroma
Feline inductive odontogenic tumor
Complex odontoma
Compound odontoma
Does the 2005 World Health Organization human classification system for domestic animals accomodate all odontogenic tumors that have reported in veterinary literature?
Nomenclature and Classification of Odontogenic Tumors - Part II: Clarification of Specific Nomenclature. Bell, Soukup. JVD 2014.
particularly those unique to vet med
In Stebbins’ 1989 study “Feline oral neoplasia: a ten-year survey,” what percent of feline oral tumors were odontogenic?
cited in “Maxillary and Mandibular Peripheral Odontogenic Fibromas (Fibromatous Epulides of Periodontal Ligament Origin) in a Cat” JVD 2018
In Poulet’s 1992 study “A survey of epithelial odontogenic tumors and cysts in dogs and cats,” the POF represented what percent of masses?
cited in “Maxillary and Mandibular Peripheral Odontogenic Fibromas (Fibromatous Epulides of Periodontal Ligament Origin) in a Cat” JVD 2018
In Velazquez’s 2018 case report, “Maxillary and Mandibular Peripheral Odontogenic Fibromas (Fibromatous Epulides of Periodontal Ligament Origin) in a Cat,” what histo findings were consitent with a POF?
Reiter JVD 2018
Moderate to dense proliferation of mildly pleomorphic spindle cells
Odontogenic or nonodontgenic neoplasms are most common in dogs and comprise what percent of nonpapilloma oral neoplasms in dogs < 1 year old?
Schmidt JM, North SM, Freeman KP, et al. Canine paediatric on- cology: retrospective assessment of 9522 tumours in dogs up to 12 months (1993–2008). Vet Comp Oncol 2010
Odontogenic 65%
In Amory’s 2014 study, “Computed tomographic characteristics of odontogenic neoplasms in dogs,” what were the most common imaging findings?
Lewis, Reiter. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2014
- Direct association with tooth bearing regions 96%
- contrast enhancement 96%
- Alveolar bone lysis 93%
- Mass-associated tooth displacement 85%
- Mass associated cyst-like structures identified in 53% cases
In Amory’s 2014 study, “Computed tomographic characteristics of odontogenic neoplasms in dogs,” what was the most common tumor, location and what percent of that tumor were extra vs intraosseous?
Lewis, Reiter. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2014
Rostral maxilla/incisive bone 53%
Extraosseous 66%
Intraosseous 33%
In Amory’s 2014 study, “Computed tomographic characteristics of odontogenic neoplasms in dogs,” what were rads and CT proposed to be better at evaluating than each other?
Lewis, Reiter. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2014
Dental rads may be better for
assessing tooth-associated destruction
CT better for extra-oral tumor extension
In Scott’s 2017 case report “Odontogenic Fibromyxoma in a Cat: First Confirmed Case in This Species,” how much follow up did they have and was recurrence noted?
JVD 2017. Dorsal rim excision performed
34 months final RAD and biopsy –> no recurrence
49 months no recurrence per owner
What are the key histo features of calcifying odontogenic cysts?
Babbit, Bell. Cystic Odontogenic Tumor with Features of a Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst in 3 Cats and a Dog. JVD 2022
presence of odontogenic epithelium with multifocal accumulations of **ghost cells **
Intraepithelial calcifications with little to no amyloid like material
Ghost cells result from squamous transformation of odontogenic epithelium cells
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” mandibular first premolars comprised what percent of unerupted teeth and what breeds had the most unerupted teeth and unerupted mandibular first premolars
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022
Mandibular first premolars 93% of unerupted teeth
Boxer, Pug, Shih, Tzu: 38% of all unerupted teeth, 38.5% unerupted mandibular first premolars
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” radiographic and histo evidence of a cyst was found in what percent of overall teeth and mandibular first premolars respectively?
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022
Teeth overall: 48%
Mandibular first premolars: 44%
5/5 unerupted teeth other than mandibular first premolars had rad evidence of cyst and 4/5 had histo evidence of dentigerous cyst
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” what percent of mandibular first premolars with radiographic evidence of a cyst had histo evidence of a cyst?
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” for the mandibular first premolars that had no radiographic evidence of a cyst, what percent had histo evidence of a cyst/epithelial lining?
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022.
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” what percent of unerupted mandibular first premolars were incidental findings?
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022
nearly same as 2010 Verstraete odontogenic cyst study (50%)
In Hutt’s 2022 study “Correlation Between Radiographic and Histopathologic Findings Associated with Unerupted Teeth in Dogs,” what was the overall agreement between radiographic and histologic evidence of cyst when the cyst was either present or absent on radiographs?
Hutt, Volker. JVD 2022
Cyst present: 75% agreement
Cyst absent: 77% agreement
In the study, “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study” by John Lewis JDV 2013, what are polyamines?
Aliphatic polycations that are present in all cells (but are present in higher levels in cancer cells)
In the study, “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study” by John Lewis JDV 2013, what is MOA of Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO)?
Inhibit synthesis of putrescine (a major polyamine) from ornithine (via inactivating ornithine decarboxylase aka ODC), and therefor decreases polyamine levels within cells and decrease cell proliferation
In the study, “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study” by John Lewis JDV 2013, what were the main takeaways from the study?
Significant difference in median polyamine levels of pre and post tumor tissue.
No significant difference in median polyamine levels of normal mucosa pre vs post treatment.
In the study, “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study” by John Lewis JDV 2013, were their specific differences between the different polyamines?
Yes. Putrescine was significantly lower post tx in tumor tissue and normal mucosa. Spermidine and spermine were not different post tx.
What were the side effects of DFMO in the study “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study” by John Lewis JDV 2013?
Ototoxicity (5/6 being tested with BAET) and non-clinical thrombocytopenia (6/14 cats)
In Odenweller’s 2019 study “Validation of Regional Lymph Node Excisional Biopsy for Staging Oral and Maxillofacial Malignant Neoplasms in 97 Dogs and 10 Cats (2006-2016),” what was the incidence of metastasis to one or more lymphocentrums?
JVD 2019
Less than previous Herring 2002 study that found 35.5% incidence of mets
In Odenweller’s 2019 study “Validation of Regional Lymph Node Excisional Biopsy for Staging Oral and Maxillofacial Malignant Neoplasms in 97 Dogs and 10 Cats (2006-2016),” what percent of metastasis did not involve the mandibular lymph nodes?
JVD 2019
In Odenweller’s 2019 study “Validation of Regional Lymph Node Excisional Biopsy for Staging Oral and Maxillofacial Malignant Neoplasms in 97 Dogs and 10 Cats (2006-2016),” metastasis was greatest for what tumor type?
JVD 2019
Malignant melanoma
In Bonfanti’s 2015 paper “Diagnostic value of cytological analysis of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the oral cavity in dogs and cats: A prospective study on 114 cases,” how many dogs were excluded due to unsatisfactory cytology results and what were the two main diagnoses for excluded cases?
Vet Journal 2015
16/85 dogs excluded
POF 44%
Gingival hyperplasia 19%
In Bonfanti’s 2015 paper “Diagnostic value of cytological analysis of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the oral cavity in dogs and cats: A prospective study on 114 cases,” what percent of cases were malignant neoplasms?
vet Journal 2015
Dogs - 75%
Cats - 62%
In Bonfanti’s 2015 paper “Diagnostic value of cytological analysis of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the oral cavity in dogs and cats: A prospective study on 114 cases,” what cytological method had the highest agreement overall with histo in dogs vs cats?
Dogs: FNI 85% agreement
Cats: FNA and FNI 100%
In Bonfanti’s 2015 paper “Diagnostic value of cytological analysis of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the oral cavity in dogs and cats: A prospective study on 114 cases,” what cytological technique had the highest sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing oral tumors in dogs and cats?
Dogs FNI
Cats all cyto methods high sensitivity and specifity for neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions
In Bonfanti’s 2015 paper “Diagnostic value of cytological analysis of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the oral cavity in dogs and cats: A prospective study on 114 cases,” what were the most common malignant neoplasms diagnosed in dogs and cats and what cyto techniques were most reliable for each?
Dogs malignant melanoma impression smear most reliable
Cats SCC FNI most reliable
In Wingo’s 2018 study “Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats,” what were the most common histo diagnoses categories for dogs?
JVD 2018
Malignant 37%
Odontogenic 34%
Inflammatory 28%
In Wingo’s 2018 study “Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats,” what were the most common histo diagnoses categories for cats?
JVD 2018
Inflammatory 51%
SCC 37%
Overall malignant 47%
In Skinner’s 2016 article “ Patterns of lymph node metastasis identified following bilateral mandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymphadenectomy in 31 dogs with malignancies of the head,” metastasis occured in either lymph nodes in what percent of dogs?
Vet Comp Onc 2016
Wingo’s 2018 oral biopsy study found what percent of odontogenic tumors in dogs compared to the original UC Davis study?
Wingo “Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats,” JVD 2018
Wingo 2018: 34%
UC Davis: 13%
UC Davis study classified POFs as hyperplasia rather than odontogenic tumors
What was the most common malignant oral neoplasm in Wingo’s 2018 oral biopsy study vs the original UC Davis study?
Wingo “Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats,” JVD 2018
Wingo SCC 7%
UC Davis Malignant melanoma and SCC 7%
In the study, “Prevalence and types of tooth resorption in dogs with oral tumors” written by Ana Nemec in AVJR 2012, what type of tooth resorption was found to be present (statistically significant) in nonodontogenic tumors compared with teeth at tumor sites that were odontogenic?
External inflammatory resorption
In Skinner’s 2016 article “ Patterns of lymph node metastasis identified following bilateral mandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymphadenectomy in 31 dogs with malignancies of the head,” how many dogs had metastasis to the mandibular lymph nodes and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes?
Vet Comp Onc 2016
Mandibular LNs 14/14
Medial retropharyngeal 11/14
All dogs with metastasis to medial retropharyngeal LNs also had metastasis present in mandibular LNs
In Skinner’s 2016 article “ Patterns of lymph node metastasis identified following bilateral mandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymphadenectomy in 31 dogs with malignancies of the head,” contralateral and ipsilateral metastasis were seen in what percent of cases with metastasis?
Contralateral metastasis 62%
Ipsilateral metastasis 92%
4/13 dogs with OMM had metastasis to all four lymph centers
In Conguista’s 2020 study “Variability in Recommendations for Cervical Lymph Node Pathology for Staging of Canine Oral Neoplasia: A Survey Study,” regardless of tumor type and stage, extirpation and histopathology were most commonly recommended for what stage of tumors?
Goldschmidt. Frontiers 2020
In cases with confirmed metastasis (N+)
In Conguista’s 2020 study “Variability in Recommendations for Cervical Lymph Node Pathology for Staging of Canine Oral Neoplasia: A Survey Study,” the likelihood of recommending elective neck dissection (END)/LN extirpation was sig more likely for what tumor type and other factors?
Goldschmidt. Frontiers 2020.
Increasing tumor size
Academic clinicians
Which study found that mandibular lymph nodes were affected in 73% of cases with metastasis vs Herring’s 2002 study that found mandibular lymph node involvement in metastasis in 54% of cases?
Herring. Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats. JVD 2002
Odenweller, Smith, Taney. Validation of Regional Lymph Node Excisional Biopsy for Staging Oral and Maxillofacial Malignant Neoplasms in 97 Dogs and 10 Cats (2006-2016). JVD 2019
In Herring’s 2002 study “Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats,” what percent of normal and enlarged lymph nodes on palpation had metastasis?
JVD 2002
Normal on palpation 8%
Enlarged on palpation 18%
Size of LN not an accurate predictor of disease
In Herring’s 2002 study “Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats,” what percent of cases with thoracic radiographs had distant metastasis?
JVD 2002
In Herring’s 2002 study “Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats,” there was agreement between preop and postop LN FNA and histology for what percent of cases?
JVD 2002
Preop 90%
Postop 80%
In Herring’s 2002 study “Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats,” what percent of cases had metastasis to 1 of the regional lymphocentrums?
JVd 2002
In Herring’s 2002 study “Lymph node staging for oral and maxillofacial neoplasms in 31 dogs and cats,” serial sectioning increased detection of metastasis by what percent?
JVD 2002
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what were the inclusion criteria?
Smith, Taney. JVD 2021
All dogs had an oral malignant melanoma excised with tumor free margins and ipsilateral biopsy of at least two of the parotid, medial retropharyngeal and mandibular lymphocentrums
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what was the metastasis rate and did any dogs have metastasis to mulitple lymphocenters?
Smith, Taney. JVD 2021
16% metastasis
No dogs had metastasis to multiple LNs
3 mandibular and 1 parotid
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what was the overall median survival time?
smith, Taney. JVD 2021
335 days
range 41 to 1578
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what percent of dogs died or were euthanized due to metastasis or local recurrence?
Smith, Taney. JVD 2021
metastasis 32%
local recurrence 20%
recurred despite tumor free margins
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what factors were associated with survival?
Tumor size: tumors < 3cm longer MST, > 3cm shorter MST
Regional LN metastasis: metastasis negatively impacted MST
In Raleight’s 2021 study “Curative Intent Surgery of Oral Malignant Melanoma and Regional Lymph Node Biopsy Assessment in 25 Dogs: 2006–2017,” what factors did not impact survival time?
Smith, Taney. JVD 2021
Tumor location
Mitotic index
Adjuvant postoperative therapy
In Leite’s “Prognostic Value of Intratumoral Collagen Quantification in Canine Oral Melanomas,” what was the main conclusion?
ICI not an efficient prognostic marker for canine oral melanomas
In Tuohy’s 2014 study “Outcome following curative-intent surgery for oral melanoma in dogs: 70 cases (1998-2011),” what was the overall median survival time and what percent of cases died of their disease?
Worley, Erhart, Withrow. JAVMA 2014
MST 723
sig higher than Raleigh, Taney 2021 study 335 days
In Tuohy’s 2014 study “Outcome following curative-intent surgery for oral melanoma in dogs: 70 cases (1998-2011),” what variables were associated with an increased hazard of decreased MST or death?
Worley, Erhart, Withrow. JAVMA 2014
Administration of adjuvant therapy
Presence of metastatic disease at time of diagnosis
Higher tumor stage (III or IV)
Increased tumor size (>3cm)
Sexually intact female dogs
In Delgado’s 2022 study “Oral Pathology in Portuguese Dogs: An Eight-Year Biopsy-Based Retrospective Study (2010-2017),” malignant neoplasms, benign neoplasms and non-neoplastic lesions had what prevalence respectively?
JVD 2022
Malignant neoplasms 49% cases
Benign neoplasms 36%
Non-neoplastic lesions 15%
In Delgado’s 2022 study “Oral Pathology in Portuguese Dogs: An Eight-Year Biopsy-Based Retrospective Study (2010-2017),” what were the three most common malignant tumors in descending order?
JVD 2022
Melanoma 37%
SCC 20%
Fibrosarcoma 17%
Differs from Wingo AZ (SCC ) and UC Davis studies (SCC and MM)
In Delgado’s 2022 study “Oral Pathology in Portuguese Dogs: An Eight-Year Biopsy-Based Retrospective Study (2010-2017),” what were the two most common benign tumors and what percent of all tumors did they represent?
JVD 2022
POF 81% benign tumors, 29.5% all tumors
CAA 9.4% benign tumors, 3.5% all tumors
In Delgado’s 2022 study “Oral Pathology in Portuguese Dogs: An Eight-Year Biopsy-Based Retrospective Study (2010-2017),” what tumor was most common in small and large breed dogs respectively?
JVD 2022
Small dogs: POF
Large dogs: Malignant melanoma
In Delgado’s 2022 study “Oral Pathology in Portuguese Dogs: An Eight-Year Biopsy-Based Retrospective Study (2010-2017),” dogs younger than what age tended to have more benign lesions and greater than what age had a higher incidence of malignant neoplasms?
JVD 2022
Dogs > 7yro high incidence of malignant neoplasms
Dogs < 7yro tended to have more benign lesions
In Przezdziecki’s 2015 article, “Accuracy of routine cytology and immunocytochemistry in perioperative diagnosis of oral amelanotic melanomas in dogs,” what was the specificity and sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis with histopathology and IHC-derived diagnosis?
Vet Clin Path 2015
100% for all 38 cases
In Przezdziecki’s 2015 article, “Accuracy of routine cytology and immunocytochemistry in perioperative diagnosis of oral amelanotic melanomas in dogs,” what stains were used to aid in diagnosis for immunocytochemistry?
Vet Clin Path 2015
anticytokeratin, anti-vimentin, and anti-Melan A antibodies
In Williams’ 2002 study “Association between lymph node size and metastasis in dogs with oral malignant melanoma: 100 cases (1987-2001),” what was the overall rate of metastasis?
JAVMA 2002
In Williams’ 2002 study “Association between lymph node size and metastasis in dogs with oral malignant melanoma: 100 cases (1987-2001),” what percent of dogs with metastasis had palpable LN enlargment, and what percent of dogs with normal palpatkon of LN had microscopic metastasis?
70% of dogs with metastasis had palpable LN enlargement
40% of dogs with normal LN palpation had microscopic metastasis
In Williams’ 2002 study “Association between lymph node size and metastasis in dogs with oral malignant melanoma: 100 cases (1987-2001),” the authors make what conclusion regarding staging OMM with LN size?
LN size alone is insufficient for an accurate clinical staging of OMM in dogs → need cytology or histo of regional LN regardless of LN size
Significant relationship identified between lymph node size and LN metastasis but the association was not strong enough to be clinically relevant
A xenogenic DNA vaccine for dogs has been licensed for use in dogs with oral malignant melanoma in what specific conditions?
Locally controlled Stage II and III
In Treggiari’s 2016 study “A retrospective review of outcome and survival following surgery and adjuvant xenogeneic DNA vaccination in 32 dogs with oral malignant melanoma,” what was the median survival time and what percent of patients died from their disease?
JVMS 2016
335 days
much shorter than Tuohy 2014 CSU study of 723 days, similiar percent that died of their disease 51%
In Treggiari’s 2016 study “A retrospective review of outcome and survival following surgery and adjuvant xenogeneic DNA vaccination in 32 dogs with oral malignant melanoma,” did stage, completeness of surgical margins and delay of administration of the vaccine have a statistically significant influence on survival?
They did not appear to statistically influence survival
In Ottnod’s 2013 study “A retrospective analysis of the efficacy of Oncept vaccine for the adjunct treatment of canine oral malignant melanoma,” outcomes were improved for patients with what histologic characteristics?
Vet Comp Onc 2013
Lower mitotic indices < 4/hpf
less atypia
lower Ki67 levels
In Ottnod’s 2013 study “A retrospective analysis of the efficacy of Oncept vaccine for the adjunct treatment of canine oral malignant melanoma,” what was the difference in survival between dogs that recieved the vaccine and those that did not?
22 dogs received the vaccination and 23 dogs that did not. All dogs died during study with known date of death.
Dogs that received the vaccine
did not achieve a greater progression-free survival, disease-free interval or median survival time than
dogs that did not receive the vaccine.
In Boston’s 2014 study “Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012),” what was the difference in survival time between dogs that received systemic adjuvant therapy and those that did not?
JAVMA 2014
No clear difference in survival time
In Boston’s 2014 study “Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012),” what factors had a stat sig negative effect on survival time?
JAVMA 2014
Age (> 12 year at time of surgery)
Maximum tumor dimension
Intralesional surgery
In Peralta’s 2023 study “Confirmation of canine acanthomatous ameloblastoma using RAS Q61R immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues,” how many CAAs and OSCCs were immunoreactive for RAS Q61R and what was the specificity and sensitivity of this test?
Frontiers 2023
23/23 CAAs
0/8 OSCCs
Specificity and sensitivity 100%
Normal gingival epithelium in 9/23 CAA showed no immunoreactivity confirming RAS Q61R as a reliable feature of CAA
In Fiani’s 2019 study, “Extended Subtotal Mandibulectomy for the Treatment of Oral Tumors Invading the Mandibular Canal in Dogs—A Novel Surgical Technique,” what are the landmarks for the osteotomy?
Frontiers 2019
Distal to the mandibular third molar at the angle of the mandible to the angular process
Making sure to include the mandibular foramen
In Sarowitz’s 2017 paper “Outcome and prognostic factors following curative-intent surgery for oral tumors in dogs: 234 cases (2004-2014),” what tumor type had the highest rate of recurrence and incomplete margins?
JSAP 2017
Local recurrence 54%
Incomplete margins 37.5%
In Sarowitz’s 2017 paper “Outcome and prognostic factors following curative-intent surgery for oral tumors in dogs: 234 cases (2004-2014),” what was the complication rate and was it associated with surgery type?
JSAP 2017
Complication rate 16%
Not associated with surgery type
Different from Worley study: dorsolateral approach + intraoral approach 4x more likely to receive blood transfusion)
What recurrence rates for oral tumors in cats have been reported following mandibulectomy?
Northrup NC, Setting KA, Rassnick KM, et al. Outcomes of cats with oral tumors treated with mandibulectomy 42 cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2006
Bradley RL, MacEwen EG, Loar AS. Mandibular resection for removal of oral tumors in 30 dogs and 6 cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1984
Northrup 2006: 38%
Bradley 1984: 80%
In Northrup’s 2006 study “Outcomes of cats with oral tumors treated with mandibulectomy 42 cases,” what percent of cats never regained the ability to eat?
SCC in dogs of the tonsils and base of the tongue has been reported to metastacize in up to what percent of dogs?
Wingo. Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats. JVD 2018
Rostral canine oral SCC met rate 20%xf
In Ciekot’s 1994 paper “Histologically low‐grade, yet biologically high‐grade,
fibrosarcomas of the mandible and maxilla in dogs: 25 cases (1982–1991),” what breed was overrepresented and where did the masses most commonly occur?
Withrow JAVMA 1994
Golden retriever
Most frequently in maxilla 72%
males and females equally represented
In Ciekot’s 1994 paper “Histologically low‐grade, yet biologically high‐grade,
fibrosarcomas of the mandible and maxilla in dogs: 25 cases (1982–1991),” pulmonary and regional LN metastasis was observed in what percent of cases?
Withrow JAVMA 1994
Pulmonary mets 12%
Regional LN mets 20%
In Ciekot’s 1994 paper “Histologically low‐grade, yet biologically high‐grade,
fibrosarcomas of the mandible and maxilla in dogs: 25 cases (1982–1991),” what treatments prolonged survival time?
Withrow JAVMA 1994
Surgical excision in combo with radiation, radiation therapy alone, and radiation therapy used with local hyperthermia prolonged survival times
In Frazier’s 2011 study “Outcome in dogs with surgically resected oral fibrosarcoma (1997-2008),” what breed of dogs and what surgical margins were sig more likely to experience local recurrence?
Vet Comp Oncol 2011
Golden retrievers
Dogs with incomplete surgical excision sig more likely to experience local recurrence
In Frazier’s 2011 study “Outcome in dogs with surgically resected oral fibrosarcoma (1997-2008),” what percent of cases developed metastasis and what factors were predictive of metastasis?
24% met rate
No factors found to be predictive of metastasis
In Frazier’s 2011 study “Outcome in dogs with surgically resected oral fibrosarcoma (1997-2008),” what was teh median survival time and was it stat sig different between dogs treated with surgery alone vs surgery + radiation therapy?
MST 743 days
MST of dogs treated with surgery alone vis sx + RT not stat sig different
In Frazier’s 2011 study “Outcome in dogs with surgically resected oral fibrosarcoma (1997-2008),” what variables were identified as being predictive of survival?
In Gardner’s 2013 study “Canine oral fibrosarcomas: a retrospective analysis of 65 cases (1998-2010),” what factors were predictive of median survival?
Vet Comp Oncol 2013
Tumor location
Tumor size or oral stage
Type of surgery
In Gardner’s 2013 study “Canine oral fibrosarcomas: a retrospective analysis of 65 cases (1998-2010),” what tumor location was significantly associated with poor outcome?
Palatine/oral tumors
In Gardner’s 2013 study “Canine oral fibrosarcomas: a retrospective analysis of 65 cases (1998-2010),” what treatment was the strongest predictor of median survival?
Combination of surgery with radiation
MST 505
PFS 301
Differs from Frazier’s 2011 study in which surgery vs surgery + RT did not have a stat sig difference on outcome
In Riggs’ 2018 study “Outcomes following surgical excision or surgical excision combined with adjunctive, hypofractionated radiotherapy in dogs with oral cell carcinoma or fibrosarcoma,” did SCC or FSA have longer median disease free intervals and MST?
JAVMA 2018
In Riggs’ 2018 study “Outcomes following surgical excision or surgical excision combined with adjunctive, hypofractionated radiotherapy in dogs with oral squamous cell carcinoma or fibrosarcoma,” for SCC what factors resulted in sig longer survival times?
JAVMA 2018
Clean margins
Hypofractionated radiotherapy + surgery sig prolonged survival time
Lymph node mets sig shorter survival time
In Riggs’ 2018 study “Outcomes following surgical excision or surgical excision combined with adjunctive, hypofractionated radiotherapy in dogs with oral squamous cell carcinoma or fibrosarcoma,” what were the negative prognostic factors identified for FSA?
JAVMA 2018
Sex (females)
Tumor location (caudal or central maxilla)
LN mets prior to surgery
In Eberspacher-Schweda’s 2020 study “Diagnostic Yield of Micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) vs. Histopathology of a Canine Oral Fibrosarcoma,” could tumor margins be determined on micro-CT?
Reiter, JVD 2020
- Tumor margins could not be exactly determined on micro-CT tomograms due to limited image resolution and contrast.
- Histopathology showed neoplastic cells infiltrating the surrounding tissue further than assumed from micro-CT images.
In Eberspacher-Schweda’s 2020 study “Diagnostic Yield of Micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) vs. Histopathology of a Canine Oral Fibrosarcoma,” microCT could be clinically useful to determine what parameter?
Reiter JVD 2020
Total tumor volume
cannot determine tumor margins or grade
In Soltero Rivera’s 2015 study “Benign and malignant proliferative fibro-osseous and osseous lesions of the oral cavity of dogs,” what tumor types had ill-defined and well-defined margins respectively?
Vet Path 2015
ill-defined: Fibrous dysplasia, low grade osteosarcoma
well-defined: ossifying fibroma, osteoma
In the study, “Malignant transformation of a canine papillomavirus Type 1-Induced persistent oral papilloma in a 3 year old dog,” JVD 2018.1 what CPV’s are associated with malignant transformation?
Chronic CPV-1 and CPV-17 infections can induce oral SCC
In the study, “Malignant transformation of a canine papillomavirus Type 1-Induced persistent oral papilloma in a 3 year old dog,” what were the authors’ hypothesis about how the patient’s papillomas malignantly transformed?
Inadequate cellular immunity with reactivation of a latent CPV-1 infection induced by oral trauma
In Soltero Rivera’s 2015 study “Benign and malignant proliferative fibro-osseous and osseous lesions of the oral cavity of dogs,” what was the only lesion that had bony proliferation on histo?
Vet Path 2015
In Soltero Rivera’s 2015 study “Benign and malignant proliferative fibro-osseous and osseous lesions of the oral cavity of dogs,” how was diagnosis of a PFOL best made?
assimilation of clinical, imaging and histopath features for PFOLs
In Cray’s 2021 article “Analysis of risk factors associated with complications following mandibulectomy and maxillectomy in dogs,” what was the overall complication rate?
JAVMA 2021
In Cray’s 2021 article “Analysis of risk factors associated with complications following mandibulectomy and maxillectomy in dogs,” multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed what one variable that had a significant association with the occurence of 1 or more complications?
JAVMA 2021
Increased surgical time
For each additional half hour of surgery, the odds of complications increased by 36%
In Cray’s 2021 article “Analysis of risk factors associated with complications following mandibulectomy and maxillectomy in dogs,” what preoperative treatments increased the odds of incisional dehiscence or oral fistula formation?
JAVMA 2013
Preoperative radiation therapy or chemotherapy
In Cray’s 2021 article “Analysis of risk factors associated with complications following mandibulectomy and maxillectomy in dogs,” increased odds of developing incisional dehiscence and oronasal fistula formation were associated with what procedure?
JAVMA 2021
What level of evidence has been achieved for safety margins/surgical margins for ameloblastomas in dogs?
Goldschmidt. Surgical Margins for Ameloblastoma in Dogs: A Review With an Emphasis on the Future. Frontiers 2022.
Level 4
Goldschmidt, Bell, Hetzel, Soukup. Clinical Characterization of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma in 263 dogs and the Influence of Postsurgical Histopathological Margin on Local Recurrence. JVD 2017.
Excisional surgery of canine ameloblastomas with 1-2cm margins has what reported range of recurrence rates?
Goldschmidt. Surgical Margins for Ameloblastoma in Dogs: A Review With an Emphasis on the Future. Frontiers 2022.
Goldschmidt suggests what pathologic and surgical margins may be appropriate for canine ameloblastomas in her 2022 article “Surgical Margins for Ameloblastoma in Dogs: A Review With an Emphasis on the Future?”
Frontiers 2022
Pathologic margins > 0mm
5-10mm gross surgical margin
Recommends aiming for 10mm surgically when possible. When histo margins narrow or incomplete clinical monitoring with diagnostic imaging rather than revision surgery or radiation appears appropriate
In Tsugawa’s 2022 study “A Retrospective Study on Mandibular Reconstruction Following Excision of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma,” immediate reconstruction was performed for how many of the segmental and rostral mandibulectomies?
Arzi, Vertstraete. Frontiers 2022
segmental 7/8
rostral mandibulectomy 1/3
dehiscence occurred for the immediate rostral mandibulectomy: recommend delayed reconstruction for rostral mandibulectomies
In Tsugawa’s 2022 study “A Retrospective Study on Mandibular Reconstruction Following Excision of Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma,” did tumor recurrence, construct failure or fractures of the regenerated mandible occur?
Arzi, Verstraete. Frontiers 2022
In Bertone’s 2003 study “Environmental and lifestyle risk factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma in domestic cats,” what two factors. were stat sig associated with risk of developing oral SCC?
J Vet Internal Med 2003
Cats that wore flea collars: 5 times increased risk
Cats with high canned food intake (particularly tuna): 3 fold increased risk
Exposure to household environmental tobacco smoke associated with nonsignificant 2 fold increase in risk
In Gendler’s 2010 study “Computed tomographic features of oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats: 18 cases,” what CT findings were most commonly observed?
Lewis. JAVMA 2013
Heterogenous contrast ehancement 8/18 cats
Osteolytic mass lesion 9/18
Maxillary masses most often observed to affect the orbit
In Gendler’s 2010 study “Computed tomographic features of oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats: 18 cases,” what associations were found with mass size, attenuatiuon or lymph node width and survival time?
Lewis. JAVMA 2010
No CT quantitative features such as mass size, attenuation or lymph node width correlated with survival time
In Lewis’ 2013 study “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study,” what post treatment polyamine levels were stat sig reduced?
JVD 2013
Median post-treatment tumor polyamine levels stat sig reduced
Putricine significantly lower post-tx in tumor and normal mucosa
In Lewis’ 2013 study “Polyamine Inhibitors for Treatment of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Concept Study,” what adverse effects were observed?
JVD 2013
Clinical thrombocytopenia
In Nemec’s 2013 paper “Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Twelve Dogs,” revealed what different signalment factor than had been previously shown for papillary SCC?
Verstraete. J Comp Pathol 2013
Predominately affected adult/older dogs 75% (9/12 dogs > 6 years)
Pap SCC recognized as a malignant tumor of very young dogs in previous studies
In Nemec’s 2013 paper “Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Twelve Dogs,” where were the majority of tumors located, what was the predominate T stage(s), and were any mets noted?
Verstraete. J Comp Path 2013
67% rostral mandible and maxilla
Majority advanced lesions (T2 and T3) but no regional or thoracic mets noted
In Nemec’s 2013 paper “Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Twelve Dogs,” what two microscopic patterns that corresponded with imaging findings were observed?
1.) Invasion of bone with cup shaped lesion or deeply cavitated cyst within bone
2.) Histo malignant growth with no bone invasion
In Soltero-Rivera’s 2013 study “Prevalence of regional and distant metastasis in cats with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma: 49 cases (2005-2011),” what was the prevalence of mandibular lymph node and thoracic metastasis respectively?
Reiter. J Feline Med Surg 2013
Mandibular LN mets 31%
Thoracic mets 10%
Both higher than previously reported. 88% mandibular LN enlarged
In Soltero-Rivera’s 2013 study “Prevalence of regional and distant metastasis in cats with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma: 49 cases (2005-2011),” what was the median survival time and what percent of patients died or were euthanized due to progression of local disease?
Reiter. J Feline Med and Surg 2013
MST = 91 days
84% (41/49) died or euthanized due to progression of local disease
In Soltero-Rivera’s 2013 study “Prevalence of regional and distant metastasis in cats with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma: 49 cases (2005-2011),” what was the association between tumor volume and the presence of mets, and what was the association between the presence of mets and survival time?
Reiter. J Feline Med and Surg 2013
No significant relation between tumor volume or location and presence of mets
Presence of mets did not affect survival time
Caudal pharyngeal tumors had decreased survival time
Maxillary tumors had increased survival time
In Fulton’s 2013 study “Risk factors associated with survival in dogs with nonton-sillar oral squamous cell carcinoma 31 cases (1990-2010),” what was the MST and percent of dogs alive at 1 year for the surgically treated vs not surgically treated group?
Nemec, Verstraete. JAVMA 2013
Curative intent surgery: 94% alive at 1 year, MST 365
No treatment: 0% alive at 1 year, MST 54 days
In Fulton’s 2013 study “Risk factors associated with survival in dogs with nonton-sillar oral squamous cell carcinoma 31 cases (1990-2010),” what factors were not associated with survival time?
Nemec, Verstraete. JAVMA 2013
Tumor location
Histologic subtype
In Fulton’s 2013 study “Risk factors associated with survival in dogs with nonton-sillar oral squamous cell carcinoma 31 cases (1990-2010),” what was the association of incomplete or narrow margins with survival and curative intent surgery decreased risk of death by what percent?
Nemec, Verstraete. JAVMA 2013
Survival time sig longer for dogs with incompletely or narrowly excised margins then dogs that were not treated surgically
Curative intent surgery decreased risk of death by 91%
In Fulton’s 2013 study “Risk factors associated with survival in dogs with nonton-sillar oral squamous cell carcinoma 31 cases (1990-2010),” what was the association of tumor associated inflammation (TAI) and risk score with survival?
Nemec, Verstraete JAVMA 2013
Mild, moderate or severe TAI associated with sig increased risk of death
Survival time decreased as risk score (TAI, PNI, LVI) increased
tumor-associated inflammation (TAI), perineural invasion (PNI), lymphovascular invasion (LVI)
In Randall’s 2013 study “Evaluation of 18FDG- PET/CT as a diagnostic imaging and staging tool for feline oral squamous cell carcinoma,” what percent of tumors were FDG avid and conspicuous on 18FDG-PET/CT?
Vet Comp Oncol 2013
100% (12/12)
In Randall’s 2013 study “Evaluation of 18FDG- PET/CT as a diagnostic imaging and staging tool for feline oral squamous cell carcinoma,” 18FDG-PET/CT was most beneficial for identifying soft tissue or bone infiltrative tumors?
Vet Comp Oncol 2013
Soft tissue infiltrative tumors that were subtle and ill defined on CT were highly visible and more extensive on FDG-PET/CT
Tumors invading osseous structures more similar in extent on 18FDG-PET/CT vs CT → more conspicuous on PET images
In Randall’s 2013 study “Evaluation of 18FDG- PET/CT as a diagnostic imaging and staging tool for feline oral squamous cell carcinoma,” 18FDG-PET/CT lead to aspiration and diagnosis of what percent more mets than CT alone?
Vet Comp Oncol 2013
In Soukup’s 2013 study “Clinical, Histologic, and Computed Tomographic Features of Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dogs: 9 cases (2008 – 2011),” what was the most common location and were any mets identified?
Synder JVD 2013
Rostral maxilla
No mets on mandibular LN cytology or thoracic rads
Same as Nemec 2013 (only difference that Nemec reported rostral maxilla or mandible as most prevalent)
In Soukup’s 2013 study “Clinical, Histologic, and Computed Tomographic Features of Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dogs: 9 cases (2008 – 2011),” how many dogs were treated with curative intent surgery (1-2cm margins) and how many were in remission at 12 months?
Synder. JVD 2013
8/9 dogs treated with curative intent surgery
All dogs with 1-2cm margins in remission at 12 months
In Soukup’s 2013 study “Clinical, Histologic, and Computed Tomographic Features of Oral Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dogs: 9 cases (2008 – 2011),” what were the most common CT features?
Synder JVD 2013
- Visible mass lesions 100%
- Osteolysis with or without osteoproliferation 75%
- Contrast enhancement 75%
- Regional lymphadenopathy 62%
On histo 100% had endophytic growth pattern and 67% had exophytic growth pattern
In Bilgic’s 2015 review paper “Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Manifestations and Literature Review,” what recurrence rates following definitive surgery were reported?
Lewis JVD 2015
38% (Northrup 2006)
80% (Bradley 1984)
In Bilgic’s 2015 review paper “Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Manifestations and Literature Review,” improved survival rates were noted with what combination of therapies?
Lewis JVD 2015
curative-intent surgery done in combo with radiation therapy
In Bilgic’s 2015 review paper “Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Manifestations and Literature Review,” what was the overall reported survival time for cats treated with surgery for SCC?
Lewis, JVD 2015
< 6 months
Is feline SCC radioresponsive?
Bilgic, Lewis. Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Clinical Manifestations and Literature Review. JVD 2015
Radioresponsive but radioresistant: subclones resistant to radiation re-populate rapidly following treatment
In Rejec’s 2015 paper “Evaluation of an Accelerated Chemoradiotherapy Protocol for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in 5 Cats and 3 Dogs,” what protocol was used?
JVD 2015
14 fractions of 3.5Gy over 9 days
Combined with carboplatin chemotherapy as radiosensitizer (total dose 180 mg/m2 in feline and 300 mg/m2 in canine cases)
In Rejec’s 2015 paper “Evaluation of an Accelerated Chemoradiotherapy Protocol for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in 5 Cats and 3 Dogs,” complete tumor response was seen what amount of cats vs dogs, and what were the outcomes?
JVD 2015
Complete tumor response in 4/5 cats, 3/3 dogs
2/5 cats euthanized eventually for tumor progression
All 3/3 dogs had 2 yr survival
In Mestrinho’s 2017 study “Comparison of Histological and Proliferation Features of Canine Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Based on Intraoral Location: 36 Cases,” what IHC cell cycle protein was significantly associated with histologic grade categories and which cell cycle protein was sig associated with lymph node metastasis?
JVD 2017
PCNA sig associated with histo grade
Ki-67 sig associated with LN mets
In Mestrinho’s 2017 study “Comparison of Histological and Proliferation Features of Canine Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Based on Intraoral Location: 36 Cases,” histologic grade was stat sig associated with what factor?
JVD 2017
Tumor location
- No grade 3 OSCC diagnosed in tongue or buccal mucosa
- More grade 3 OSCC in tonsillar location
What is the potential tumor doubling time for oral SCC?
Schwyn U, Crompton NE, Blattmann H, et al. Potential tumour dou- bling time: determination of Tpot for various canine and feline tumours. Vet Res Commun. 1998;
5 days
In Marconato’s 2020 paper “Toxicity and outcome in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma after accelerated hypofractionated radiotherapy and concurrent systemic treatment,” what were the two groups tested?
Vet Comp Oncol 2020
- Group A: medical anti-angiogenic treatment consisting of bleomycin, piroxicam, thalidomide
- Group B: anti-angiogenic treatment and concurrent acclerated hypofractionated radiation therapy (48 Gy delivered in 10 fractions)
In Marconato’s 2020 paper “Toxicity and outcome in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma after accelerated hypofractionated radiotherapy and concurrent systemic treatment,” severe toxicity (grade 3) occurred in what percent of cats and what variables were found to be associated with toxicity?
Vet Comp Oncol 2013
severe toxicity 30% (8/27) irradiated cats
Onset and severity of toxicity not associated with any variables
In Marconato’s 2020 paper “Toxicity and outcome in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma after accelerated hypofractionated radiotherapy and concurrent systemic treatment,” what conclusion did the authors make regarding use of this protocol in cats with OSCC
Vet Comp Oncol 2020
Given poor overall outcome with high occurrence of acute toxicity, the authors could not recommend use of this accelerated radiation protocol in combo with anti-angiogenic therapy
In Mikiewicz’s 2019 article “Canine and feline oral cavity tumours and tumour-like lesions: a retrospective study of 486 cases (2015-2017),” what was the most common oral malignancy of epithelial orgin in dogs?
J comp Pathol 2019
SCC highest epithel, OMM #1 overall
SCC In cats
In Peralta’s 2023 study “Highly recurrent BRAF p.V595E mutation in canine papillary oral squamous cell carcinoma,” how many papillary OSCC harbored a BRAF p. V595E mutation compared to other OSCC types?
Vet Comp Oncol 2023
12/14 papillary OSCC harbored a BRAF p.V595E mutation
The other non-papillary OSCC only harbored wild type mutations
In Nemec’s 2012 study “Prevalence and types of tooth resorption in dogs with oral tumors,” what was athe most common type of tooth resorption and what types of tumors were more significantly affected by this type of resorption?
AJVR 2012
External inflammatory resorption
Non-odontogenic tumors sig more frequently affected
In Baratt’s 2015 study “Lingual Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in a Chinese Pug Dog,” what stains can help identify granular cell tumors and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors?
JVD 2015
Vimentin and NSE
GCT and MPNSTs both derived from Schwann cell lineage
In Baratt’s 2015 study “Lingual Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in a Chinese Pug Dog,” was an incisional biopsy sufficient to make a diagnosis?
JVD 2015
No: Lack of mitotic figures and histo features of malignancy in incisional biopsy lead to misdiagnosis of GCT
Excisional biopsy –> mitotic figures and infiltrative nature and association of peripheral nerves consistent with MPNST
According to Baratt’s 2015 study “Lingual Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in a Chinese Pug Dog,” what were the three most common lingual neoplasms when data was combined from three retrospective studies?
JVD 2015
SCC 30%
Malignant melanoma 24%
GCT 7.5%
Comparable to Culp’s 2013 paper “Results of surgical excision and evaluation of factors as-sociated with survival time in dogs with lingual neoplasia: 97 cases (1995-2008)” where SCC was 32%, MM 30% and mast cell tumors 7%
What is the difference between an exostosis and an osteoma?
Volker. Oral Osteoma in 6 Dogs. JVD 2014
Exostosis: limited growth and is associated with inflammation or trauma
Osteoma: continuously slow growing
In Volker’s 2014 study “Oral Osteoma in 6 Dogs,” what radiographic sign was present in all dogs?
JVD 2014
Bone proliferation without bone lysis
In Coyle’s 2015 study “Biological behavior of canine mandibular osteosarcoma A retrospective study of 50 cases (1999–2007),” what percent of cases developed metastatic disease and what factors were prognostic for Mestastasis Free Interval?
Vet Comp Oncol 2015
58% developed metastatic disease
Mitotic index > 40 negative prognostic indicator
HIstological grade and adjuvant chemotherapy positive prognostic indicators
In Coyle’s 2015 study “Biological behavior of canine mandibular osteosarcoma A retrospective study of 50 cases (1999–2007),” what was the median survival time?
Vet Comp Oncol 2015
525 days
What canine papilloma viruses can cause oral lesions?
Regalado Ibarra. Malignant Transformation of a Canine Papillomavirus Type 1-Induced Persistent Oral Papilloma in a 3-Year-Old Dog. JVD 2018
What canine papillomavirus was implicated in transformation of a papilloma to oral SCC in a 3 yro Lab mix?
Regalado Ibarra. Malignant Transformation of a Canine Papillomavirus Type 1-Induced Persistent Oral Papilloma in a 3-Year-Old Dog. JVD 2018
What do vimentin and cytokeratin stain?
Hodesson, D., Soukup, J., Bell, C. Diagnosis and treatment of an odontogenic epithelial tumor in a dog with features of squamous odontogenic tumor. Journal of Veterinary Dentistry. 2019
Vimentin stains mesenchymal cells
Cytokeratin stains epithelial cells
Odontogenic fibromas are classified as what type of odontogenic tumor according to WHO Classification?
Tumors of mesenchymal and/or odontogenic ectomesenchyme with or without odontogenic epithelium
What is the difference between a compound and complex odontoma?
Extensive Maxillary Odontomas in 2 Dogs: Diagnosis, Pathology, and Management
Hoyer, Bannon, Bell, Soukup. JVD 2016,
Compound odontomas have denticles/tooth like structures present
In Kretsch’s 2021 paper “Regional and Distant Metastasis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Male Castrated Llama: A Case Report,” what was the suspected etiology of the SCC?
JVD 2021
Chronic inflammatory periodontal cyst may have malignantly transformed
Mandibular teeth in camelids are how many times more likely to develop tooth root abscesses than maxillary teeth?
Regional and Distant Metastasis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Male Castrated Llama: A Case Report. Kretsch, Rawlinson. JVD 2021
15 times more likely
In Thomson’s 2020 paper “Excision of Extensive Orbitozygomaticomaxillary Complex Tumors Combining an Intra and Extraoral Approach With Transpalpebral Orbital Exenteration,” what was different for this approach?
Geddes, Soukup. Frontiers 2020
approach incorporates a transpalpebral approach and orbital exenteration in comparison to a previous approach in which the extraoral incision is made ventral to the globe.
Orbital exenteration allows radiation and eliminates postop ocular complications
The orange arrow points to what structure?
Excision of Extensive Orbitozygomaticomaxillary Complex Tumors Combining an Intra- and Extraoral Approach With Transpalpebral Orbital Exenteration
Thomson, Rigby, Geddes, Soukup. Frontiers 2020.
Rostral cranial fossa
Contains the rostral olfactory bulb
In Thomson’s 2020 paper “Excision of Extensive Orbitozygomaticomaxillary Complex Tumors Combining an Intra and Extraoral Approach With Transpalpebral Orbital Exenteration,” what angle from the median plane is recommended for medial orbitectomy?
Geddes, Soukup. Frontiers 2020
40 degrees
alteration by 15 degrees will go into cerebrum/olfactory bulb
In Carroll’s 2020 article “Ligation of the Maxillary Artery Prior to Caudal Maxillectomy in the Dog—A Description of the Technique, Retrospective Evaluation of Blood Loss, and Cadaveric Evaluation of Maxillary Artery Anatomy,” what percent of dogs required intraoperative transfusion with the combined dorsolateral and intraoral approach (DL-IO) vs the modified DL-IO which included preligation of the maxillary artery?
Frontiers 2020
DL-IO 67%
modified DL-IO 6%
In Carroll’s 2020 article “Ligation of the Maxillary Artery Prior to Caudal Maxillectomy in the Dog—A Description of the Technique, Retrospective Evaluation of Blood Loss, and Cadaveric Evaluation of Maxillary Artery Anatomy,” preligation of the maxillary artery can be performed via what two approaches?
Frontiers 2020
Via enucleation site
Zygomatic ostectomy
What common arterial branch do the sphenopalatine and major palatine artery share?
Carroll. “Ligation of the Maxillary Artery Prior to Caudal Maxillectomy in the Dog—A Description of the Technique, Retrospective Evaluation of Blood Loss, and Cadaveric Evaluation of Maxillary Artery Anatomy,” Frontiers 2020.
Descending palatine artery
In Aghashani’s 2020 article “Temporomandibular Joint Gap Arthroplasty in Cats,” how many cats developed a malocclusion postoperatively resulting in soft tissue trauma necessitating extractions and how many cats had improved but persistent difficulty with prehension postop?
Verstraete, Arzi. Frontiers 2020
3/7 developed a malocclusion
3/7 had difficulty with prehension
In Schneider’s 2020 article “Levels of Evidence in Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery Literature Over 40 Years,” what categories had the highest number of high evidence design tier?
Fiani, Peralta. Frontiers 2020
Periodontic 89
Other oral medicine 53
In Geddes’s 2020 study “Biomechanical Testing of a Calcium Phosphate-Phosphoserine-Based Mineral-Organic Adhesive for Non-Invasive Fracture Repair of Mandibular Fractures in Dogs,” what were the 6 treatment groups tested?
Synder. Frontiers 2020
adhesive only
adhesive + bis-acryl composite interdental splint
interdental wire + bis-acryl composite splint
adhesive + titanium plate
adhesive + resorbable plate
bis-acryl composite only
In Geddes’s 2020 study “Biomechanical Testing of a Calcium Phosphate-Phosphoserine-Based Mineral-Organic Adhesive for Non-Invasive Fracture Repair of Mandibular Fractures in Dogs,” what treatment group had stat sig more stiffness and what treatment group was stat sig strongest construct?
Synder Frontiers 2020.
no stat difference between groups regarding stiffness (adhesive + composite had greatest stiffness)
adhesive and composite strongest construct (191N)
Control 402N. Composite splinting + adhesive stronger than interdental wiring and composite
In Geddes’s 2020 study “Biomechanical Testing of a Calcium Phosphate-Phosphoserine-Based Mineral-Organic Adhesive for Non-Invasive Fracture Repair of Mandibular Fractures in Dogs,” what groups were found to be significantly stronger than wire and composite?
Synder Frontiers 2020
Composite and adhesive
In Geddes’s 2020 study “Biomechanical Testing of a Calcium Phosphate-Phosphoserine-Based Mineral-Organic Adhesive for Non-Invasive Fracture Repair of Mandibular Fractures in Dogs,” how many constructs failed from adhesive failure, cohesive failure or a combination of the two?
Synder. Frontiers 2020
Adhesive failure 23
Cohesive failure 20
Adhesive + Cohesive 5
adhesive failure: gross separation of material from adhered structure
cohesive failure: obvious fracture resulting in material breakage
In Geddes’s 2020 study “Biomechanical Testing of a Calcium Phosphate-Phosphoserine-Based Mineral-Organic Adhesive for Non-Invasive Fracture Repair of Mandibular Fractures in Dogs,” the red, green and light blue lines represent which treatment or control groups?
Synder Frontiers 2020
Red: control
Green: adhesive and composite
Light blue: wire and composite
How is stiffness calculated?
Slope of the load displacement curve
Y axis: Bending moment (N)
X axis: angular displacement (degrees)
The inner and outer layers of the cheeks consist of what muscles?
Saverino, Reiter. “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” Frontiers 2018
Inner: buccinator muscles
Outer: orbicularis oris muscles
What are the deep muscles of the lips?
Saverino, Reiter. “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” Frontiers 2018
Zygomaticus, superior and inferior incisivus, levator labii superioris, caninus, mentalis, levator nasolabialis
All innervated by facial nerve
Which muscles are shown in orange, blue and brown respectively?
Orange: buccinator
Blue: Orbicularis oris
Brown: Mentalis
In Saverino’s 2018 study “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” what was the most common cause of lip avulsions in dogs and cats respectively?
Reiter, Frontiers 2018
Dogs: Animal bites 45%
Cats: vehicular trauma 25%
What muscles are shown in blue and brown respectively?
Blue: Levator nasolabialis
Brown: zygomaticus
In Saverino’s 2018 study “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” what was the most common location of lip avulsions for dogs and cats respectively?
Reiter. Frontiers 2018
Dogs: Bilateral rostral upper lip 36%
Cats: Bilateral rostral lower lip 54%
In Saverino’s 2018 study “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” what were the most common other injuries noted?
tooth fractures and facial wounds
both 35% of cases
In Saverino’s 2018 study “Clinical Presentation, Causes, Treatment, and Outcome of Lip Avulsion Injuries in Dogs and Cats: 24 cases (2001-2017),” what was the association between age and lip avulsions and what was the most common complication?
Reiter, Frontiers 2018
68.2% under 3yo
36.4% under 1 yo
Wound dehiscence most common 21%
Is survival more likely for subdermal plexus flaps or axial pattern flaps?
Lokinski. Versatility of the angularis oris axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction. Vet Surg 2015
Axial pattern flaps: survival 89-100%
Subdermal plexus flaps: 50% survival
Subdermal plexus flap: relies on deep or Subdermal plexus for perfusion, limited size, rostral tip necrosis more likely
Axial pattern flap: rely on direct cutaneous artery and vein and their terminal branches
The angularis oris axial pattern flap relies on what artery?
Cutaneous perforating branch of the angularis oris artery
Arborizes with transverse facial and masseteric artery
In Lokinski’s 2015 article, “Versatility of the angularis oris axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction,” what muscles was dissection deep to in order to ensure incorporation of cutaneous perforating branches of the orbicularis oris artery?
Vet Surg 2015
Deep to the platysma and sphincter colli profundus muscles
In Lokinski’s 2015 article, “Versatility of the angularis oris axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction,” what method is used to confirm the incorporation of the appropriate vasculature into the angularis oris axial pattern flap?
Vet Surg 2015
In Lokinski’s 2015 article, “Versatility of the angularis oris axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction,” how many major intraoperative complications were noted and what was the most common postop complication?
Vet Surg 2015
No major intraoperative complications
Edema 8/9: resolved without intervention
What axial pattern flap is shown here?
Angularis oris
In de Paolo’s 2022 article “Management of bilateral pterygoid myositis ossificans-like lesion in dogs,” how were these conditions surgically managed and what pterygoid muscles were ossified resulting in TMJ pseudoankylosis?
Arzi. Frontiers 2022
Bilateral segmental mandibulectomies
Lateral pterygoid mm
Excision of ossified muscles associated with recurrence in humans
In Conguista’s 2023 study “Analysis of the approach angle to medial orbitotomy that avoids accidental neurotrauma in the mesaticephalic dog skull utilizing 3D computer models and virtual surgical planning,” the blue circle is pointing to what structure?
Soukup. Frontiers 2023.
Rostal alar foramen
In Conguista’s 2023 study “Analysis of the approach angle to medial orbitotomy that avoids accidental neurotrauma in the mesaticephalic dog skull utilizing 3D computer models and virtual surgical planning,” what planes and markers were used to determine the safe approach angle?
Soukup Frontiers 2023
The angle between the ventral orbital crest (VOC) marker and the midline sagittal plane
In Conguista’s 2023 study “Analysis of the approach angle to medial orbitotomy that avoids accidental neurotrauma in the mesaticephalic dog skull utilizing 3D computer models and virtual surgical planning,” was a standard approach angle able to be found?
Soukup Frontiers 2023
There is significant variance in the safe approach angle between locations and between dogs
In Kling’s 2023 article “Approach and Interfragmentary stabilization of caudal mandibular fracture in the cat,” for the approach utilizing a commissurotomy vs a ventral approach what muslces and neurovascular structures that will be encountered during the approaches are different between the two?
Manfra Marretta JVD 2023
Commissurotomy: Buccinator, orbicularis oris muscle angularis oris artery
Ventral approach: Subcutaneous fascia, Digastricus, facial artery and vein, mylohyoideus m, medial pterygoid muscle, temporal muscles
All incise the platysma and masseter mm
In Munoz-Deque’s 2023 study “Histopathological Results of Mouth Lesions in Dogs and Cats from Colombia,” for dogs and cats respectively what percent of lesions were neoplastic vs non-neoplastic?
JVD 2023.
Dogs: Neoplastic 73%, non-neoplastic 27%
Cats: Neoplastic 20%, Non-neoplastic 80%
In the study, “Prevalence and etiology of dentoalveolar trauma in 1,592 United States military working dogs: A 1-year retrospective study” what was the percent of overall prevelance of traumatic dentoalveolar injuries (TDI)?
In the study, “Prevalence and etiology of dentoalveolar trauma in 1,592 United States military working dogs: A 1-year retrospective study” what was the most common TDI?
Enamel-dentin-pulp fractures 59.9% of all injuries
What procedure is being illustrated in the image?
Excisional new attachment procedure