JVD Step by Step Flashcards
What structures are preserved in this mandibular flap to remove an impacted canine?
2013, issue 1
Middle and caudal mental NVB
Where was the H file placed in order to facilitate extraction of a retained root of a persistent deciduous canine tooth?
JVD 2011 Issue 2
In the pulp cavity, twisted clockwise, ISO size 60-80
What % of oral tumors due lingual tumors make up?
2011, issue 3, Beulow “Major Glossectomy in the dog”
2-4% of all oropharyngeal neoplasia
In Beulow’s Step by Step “Major Glossectomy in the Dog,” what are the most commonly cited lingual tumors?
JVD 2011, Issue 3
Melanoma and SCC
In Buelow’s article “Major Glossectomy in the Dog,” the black, red and blue lines represent which types of glossectomies?
JVD 2011, Issue 3
Black: partial
Red: subtotal
Blue: near total
In Beulow’s Step by Step “Major Glossectomy in the Dog,” what margins are necessary for resection of lingual tumors?
JVD 2011, Issue 3
What structure(s) does the white arrow identify?
JVD 2011, Issue 3 “Major Glossectomy in the Dog”
Lingual artery and vein
Which structure is isolated in this image?
JVD 2011, Issue 3, Buelow, “Major Glossectomy in the Dog”
Mandibular salivary duct
Which structure(s) are isolated in this image?
JVD 2011, Issue 3, Buelow, “Major Glossectomy in the Dog”
Lingual artery and vein
Article recommends ligating each separately
How many walls is most ideal for GTR treatment?
JVD 2011 issue 4, Gingerich Step by Step
Graft under membrane = Osteoconduction, osteoinduction, osteogenesis, clot stabilization, and structural support to the overlying membrane
What specifics are recommended for size of membrane for GTR?
JVD 2011 issue 4, Gingerich Step by Step
Membrane should be 2mm wider and longer than defect
What are the benefits of using a defect filling agent (graft) when performing guided tissue regeneration?
JVD 2011, Issue 4 “Guided Tissue Regeneration for Infrabony Pocket Treatment in Dogs”
Osteoconduction, osteoinduction, osteogenesis, clot stabilization and structural support to membrane
In the step-by-step on flaps to repair gingival clefts, how should the edges be beveled?
JVD 2012, issue 1
The borders should be beveled, one internally and the other externally. For example, the recipient side can be beveled > 90º and the donor side can be beveled < 90º
What are the measurement goals for developing a sliding pedicle flap?
JVD 2012, Issue 1. Lateral Sliding Pedicle Flap for Gingival Cleft at the Mandibular Canine Tooth.
Flap should be 1.5X the width of the recipient site at its width point. Incision should extend 2.5X the width of the defect
In Volker’s article “Surgical Extraction of the Mandibular Canine Tooth in a Cat,” what is the recommended technique for extracting ankylotic canines?
Transverse sectioning of consecutive apical segments
Name this lagamorph extraction instrument
JVD 2012, issue 3
Incisor luxator
Note that one end of the instrument is more curved to better fit the more pronounced curvature of the maxillary incisor teeth. The less curved end is better suited to the mandibular incisor teeth.
What closure was recommended in the bilateral rostral maxillectomy step by step?
JVD 2013, issue 3
T shaped closure, simple interrupted
In Legendre’s 2012 article “Rodent and Lagomorph Tooth Extractions,” what should be done with the crown of a cheek tooth following extraoral apicoectomy?
JVD 2012, Issue 3
The coronal fragment is left in place to eventually fall out into the mouth
What is the mechanism of particulate bioactive glass substance that allows it to be bacteriostatic?
JVD 2012, Issue 1. “Extraction of the Impacted Mandibular Canine Tooth.” Edstrom, Smith, Taney
high pH due to cation release during dissolution of particulate
In Estrom’s 2013 article “Extraction of the Impacted Mandibular Canine Tooth in the Dog,” what was placed in all the extraction sites?
JVD 2013, Issue 1.
Synthetic bone graft particular
In Gingerich’s 2013 article “Bilateral Rostral Maxillectomy in the Dog,” how many layers of closure is recommended?
Two layer closure using bone tunnels
In the image shown, what variations in acyrlic inclined plane application were performed?
JVD 2013, Issue 3, “Variation in Acyrlic Inclined Plane Application,” Furman, Niemiec
Each side of the incline plane is removed from the oral cavity for shaping following intial application without bonding
What is the preferred shape for gingivoplasty to correct linguoverted mandibular canines?
JVD 2013, Issue 3. Gingivectomy, Gingivoplasty, and Osteoplasty for Mandibular Canine Tooth Malocclusion. Smith
Hourglass shape
Wider dorsally to accept the crown of the canine tooth
promotes a “sliding board” to recieve the mandibular canine tooth that is wider dorsally
What incidence of dental caries is reported in dogs?
Ritchie, “Class I Restoration of maxillary first molar caries in a dog,” JVD 2014, Issue 1.
Hale FA. Dental caries in the dog. J Vet Dent 1998; 15:79-83.
What is the name and purpose of this bur?
Ritchie, “Class I Restoration of maxillary first molar caries in a dog,” JVD 2014, Issue 1.
330 pear shaped bur
Used to slightly undermine dentin and provide retention form for caries restorations
What size esophageal feeding tubes are recommended for small breed dogs and cats?
JVD 2014, issue 2
12-14 French
What important landmark is used when taking mucles biopsies of the temporal and masseter muscles for a dog with MMM?
JVD 2013 issue 4
Zygomatic arch – Temporalis site is dorsal to it, masseter site is ventral to it
To what intercostal spaces should an esophagostomy tube be placed?
JVD 2014, Issue 2. “Esohagostomy feeding tube placement in the dog and cat.”
When repairing avulsion of the alveolar mucosa or gingiva, what suture pattern will help with tension relief?
JVD 2014 issue 3
Horizontal mattress looped around teeth in area
What NVB is noted in the image to be ligated in a total mandibulectomy?
JVD 2014 issue 4
Inferior alveolar NVB prior to entering the canal (mandibular artery)
What circumference of bone is recommended to remove when extracting the maxillary 3rd incisor?
JVD 2015 issue 1
180 degrees as minimum, otherwise a lip of bone remains around the elliptical shape of the tooth (blue)
What muscle does the arrow show in Furman’s “Total mandibulectomy in the dog?”
JVD 2014 Issue 4
What muscle does the arrow show in Furman’s “Total mandibulectomy in the dog?”
JVD 2014, Issue 4
What muscle does the arrow show in Furman’s “Total mandibulectomy in the dog?”
JVD 2014 Issue 4
Medial pterygoid
What muscle does the arrow show in Furman’s “Total mandibulectomy in the dog?”
JVD 2014, Issue 4
What is the recommended design for reconstruction of the lip cosmetically following bilateral rostral mandibulectomy?
JVD 2015 issue 2
V shaped resection to allow cosmetic closure of skin
What are the 4 forms of Calcinosis circumscripta described in the literature?
JVD 2015 issue 3
Idiopathic, dystrophic, metastatic, and iatrogenic
What are the 3 stages of calcinosis circumscripta histologically?
JVD 2015, issue 3
1 - Absence of minimal fibroplasia and inflammation (can be fluctuant)
2 - mild to moderate granulomatous reaction and fibroplasia (can be fluctuant)
3 - marked granulomatous inflammation, fibroplasia, and mineralization.
no clinical relavance for tx
CC accounts for 4% lingual lesions in dogs
What are the landmarks of the incision for a lateral approach to a feline sublingual sialocele?
JVD 2015 issue 3
A curvilinear skin incision is made from the bifurcation of the external jugular vein to the caudo-ventral aspect of the body of the mandible
What are the landmarks of the incision for the ventral approach to a feline sublingual sialocele?
JVD 2015 issue 3
The incision is located on the ipsilateral side of the sialocele extending form 3-cm caudal to the ramus of the mandible to the caudal sym-physeal area
What surgical technique is being used to excise a sublingual granuloma?
“Excision of Sublingual Granuloma,” Durand, Mark Smith. JVD 2015 Issue 4.
What surgical technique is being used to excise a sublingual granuloma?
“Excision of Sublingual Granuloma,” Durand, Mark Smith. JVD 2015 Issue 4.
What muscle may be transected to improve flap mobility when closing a maxillary third incisor flap?
Crocker, “Maxillary Third Incisor Tooth Extraction in the Dog,” JVD 2015, Issue 1
maxillonasolabialis muscle
In Goodman and Carmichael’s paper on labial button technique for MMF, what can be used if buttons are not available?
JVD 2016 issue 1
Syringe plunger ends, modified using highspeed and burrs
Why can we bilaterally ligate the common carotid in the dog?
JVD 2016 issue 3
Due to collateral circulation by the vertebral artery
In Goodman’s 2016 paper “Modified Labial Button Technique for Maintaining Occlusion After Caudal
Mandibular Fracture/Temporomandibular Joint Luxation in the Cat,” what modification to the technique was made?
JVD 2016, Issue 1
A single suture was used instead of 2
What muscles are shown by the long and short arrows?
Goodman, Goodman. “Common Carotid Artery Ligation to Minimize Blood Loss During Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,” JVD 2016, Issue 3.
Long arrows: sternocephalicus muscles
Short arrows: sternohyoideus
The short blue arrow and long yellow arrow highlight which structures?
Goodman, Goodman. “Common Carotid Artery Ligation to Minimize Blood Loss During Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,” JVD 2016, Issue 3.
Blue arrow: Common carotid artery
Yellow arrows: vagosympathetic trunk
What is the name and purpose of this technique?
Goodman, Goodman. “Common Carotid Artery Ligation to Minimize Blood Loss During Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,” JVD 2016, Issue 3.
Rummel tourniquet technique for temporary carotid occlusion
What are the indications for commissurorraphy in the dog?
Durand, “Commissurorraphy in the Dog,” JVD 2017 Issue 1
Support for the tongue following mandibulectomy
Salvage procedure for bilateral pathologic mandibular fractures
How many layers is a commissurorraphy closed in?
Durand, “Commissurorraphy in the Dog,” JvD 2017, Issue 1.
3: oral mucosa, subcutaneous tissues, skin
What muscle is incised during a commissurotomy?
Ritchie, “Commissurotomy,” JVD 2017, Issue 1
Buccinator m.
In Rice’s 2017 step by step on blocks in horses, how many mLs was recommended per site?
JVD 2017 issue 2
3ml for middle mental and infraorbital
10 – 20ml for maxillary
10 – 12ml for inferior alveolar
What is the main indication for commisurraphy in the dog?
JVD 2017 issue 1
Support tongue following mandibulectomy
Most common complication dehiscence
In the 2016 approach to segmental mandibulectomy, how should one approach the bone cuts to preserve the mandibular NVB?
JVD 2016 issue 4
The dorsal and ventral mandible are transected full thickness toward, but not reaching the mandibular canal, while careful resection lines are made buccally and lingually, nearly reaching the mandibular canal
What sinuses are visualized with a standard DV view in the horse?
Limone 2018 issue 1, standard rad views in the horse
In “A Modified Technique for Extraction Site Closure of the Maxillary Molars in a Dog”, what soft tissue did they elevate to close the site?
JVD 2018 issue 1
Caudal to the alveoli; caudal maxilla
What polishing product is recommended prior to full crown cementation in Wingo’s step by step?
JVD 2018 issue 1
nonfluorinated pumice paste –> Fluoride mineral may reduce restorative bonding ability or reduce the effect of any acid-etching products on the cavity preparation area. Prophylaxis pastes contain oils or waxes which may prevent bonding agents from being effective.
What are A, B, C, D, E in the following radiograph?
A. Conchofrontal sinus
B. Ventral conchal bulla
C. Rostral maxillary sinus
D. Infraorbital canal
E. Caudal maxillary sinus
What are the working and setting times of Panavia 2.0 dental cement?
Wingo. Cementation of Full Coverage Metal Crowns in Dogs. JVD 2018, Issue 1.
Working time 1 minute
Setting time 3 minutes
In Ritchie’s 2018 article “A Modified Technique for Extraction Site Closure of the Maxillary Molars in a Dog,” what was the modification?
JVD 2018, Issue 1.
An envelope flap vs mesial release
When using a piezotome for a maxillectomy, how is the cavitation effect created and what surgical benefits does it provide?
JVD 2023, issue 3, Sasser
Continuous irrigation combined with vibration creates a cavitation effect which leads to a hemostatic effect on the cutting surfaces.
The cavitation bubbles have a caustic effect and limit blood extravasation, and continuous irrigation cools the instrument tip, reducing the risk of thermal injury and clears the surgical site of debris
What tooth movement is utilized when using crown extensions on LN mand canines?
Orthodontic Treatment for Linguoversion of Mandibular Canine Teeth Using Crown Extensions
Stewart MacKenzie
JVD 2021, issue 3
Tipping occurs when the crown of the tooth bears the primary movement. Tension or compression is applied to the tooth and the force is transferred via the PDL to the alveolus, with the true fulcrum or center of rotation occurring at the junction of the middle and apical third of the root. The crown and root move in opposite directions
What material was used in the 2021 step-by-step for an inclined plane as an alternative to the traditional material?
JVD 2021, issue 2
light-cured acrylic denture base material
as opposed to flowable self-curing bisacrylic material traditionally used