JVD Vet Dentist at Work Flashcards
Why was RCT chosen over VPT for the crown height reduction of the mandibular canine?
2011, issue 2
Mature tooth with closed apex, VPT recommended by this author only in immature teeth to avoid pulpitis in mature tooth
Also quoted 94% success rate of RCT vs 88% success rate of VPT
What % does Gutta Flow expand when set?
2011, issue 2
What is the second most common reason for rodents and lagomorphs to present to veterinarians
2011, Issue 1
Oral abscesses secondary to malocclusion or periodontal disease
In the article “Crown reduction and root canal therapy for malocclusion in a dog,” how was obturation performed?
Placement of an apical gutta percha plug, followed by Lentulo spiraler and cold flowable filing system, and gutta percha master cone
2011, Issue 2
Cranial mandibular osteopathy affects what breeds of dogs?
JVD 2011, issue 4
Cranial mandibular osteopathy preferentially affects West Highland White and Cairn terrier dogs and is caused by an autosomal recessive gene
the article was on unilateral Mandibular Hyperostosis in a Cat
What disease process is most likely in this photo and radiograph?
JVD 2011, Issue 4
Mandibular hyperostosis
“Unilateral Mandibular Hyperostosis in a Cat”
What obturation method was used in the adult female polar bear canine tooth RCT?
JVD 2012, issue 1
heated vertical and lateral condensation techniques
The following image depicts what obturation technique?
JVD 2012, Issue 1. Endodontic therapy in a polar bear. Legendre
File coated with heated gutta percha introduced to apex and turned counterclockwise to back out of gutta percha. Repeated to pack homogenous mass of gutta percha into apical 5mm of canal
In Menzies’s 2012 Vet Dentist at Work article “Developmental Tooth Anomaly in a Cat,” what was the development tooth anomaly?
Double crowned left maxillary third premolar tooth with three well formed roots
fusion vs gemination
What is the difference between concresence and fusion?
JVD 2012, Issue 2 Developmental Tooth Anomaly in a Cat, Menzies
Concresence involves sharing of cementum between adjacent teeth.
Fusion involves sharing of both cementum and dentin and sometimes also enamel.
What is the difference between fusion/concresence with gemination and with twinning?
JVD 2012, Issue 2 Developmental Tooth Anomaly in a Cat, Menzies
Concresence and fusion involve the union of tooth buds, gemination involves partial cleavage of a tooth bud, twinning relates to the complete cleavage of tooth bud.
In the image below what do the short white arrows, black arrows heads, short black arrows, black double ended arrow, black dotted line, black dashed circle, white dotted circle, white dotted line represent?
Short white arrows: caudal border of maxillary/nasal recess
Black arrow heads: junction between the body of the maxilla and its palatine process
Short black arrows: ventral rim of orbit
Black double ended arrow: zygomatic arch
Black dotted line: infraorbital canal
Black dashed circle: sphenopalatine foramen
White dotted circle: caudal palatine foramen
White dotted line: laterocaudal notch of palatine bone
In Mulherin’s description of a modified symphyseal separation wiring technique, where did the wires twist together?
JVD 2012, issue 3
Intraorally distal to a canine tooth - acrylic bead applied to protect soft tissues
What anatomic structure needs to be protected when performing a commisurotomy in a minature horse?
JVD 2012 issue 4
Salivary duct papilla
How many roots does the mandibular P4 in the minipig have?
JVD 2012, issue 2
3 roots
In Mulherin’s 2012 article “An alternative symphsyeal wiring technique,” what were the reasons the alternative technique was selected?
JVD 2012, Issue 3
The intraoral technique is a semi-rigid form of fixation which would permit accomodation to dog’s malocclusion.
Reduced anesthesia and surgical time for wire removal
Which nerve innervates the maxillary teeth
JVD 2012, Issue 4, Maxillary Molar Tooth Extraction in the Dog, Vall.
Caudal superior alveolar nerve
Branches from the infraorbital nerve prior to its entrance into the infraorbital canal
What extraction technique(s) was utilized to extract the 109 and 209 in this Dwarf MIniature Pony?
JVD 2012, Issue 4.
Bilateral commissurotomies and intraoral extraction
JVD 2012, Issue 4. Commissurotomy for Oral Access and Tooth Extraction in a Dwarf Miniature Pony. Wilson.