Operations Manual Flashcards
Operations Manual
Offencive strategy
The objectives of an offencive strategy are resucke and life safety, and stabilization of the incident
Operations Manual
Defencive strategy
The objectives of a defensive strategy are life safety, exposure protection and ocnservation of the enviromanment and preoperty
Operations Manual
Marginal situation
The objective of a marginal situation is rescue and life safety (defencive conditions with a known rescue)
Operations Manual
What should be done after withdrawing form an offencisve strategy and prior to initiating a defensive strategy?
Conduct a patrial PAR
Operations Manual
At the strategic level The IC has certain responsibilities that include?
- conduct a size-up of the incident
- debeloping and continually reviewing an incident action plan (IAP)
- Determine the appropriate starateg - offensive or defensice
- set priorities
- predict outcomes and pplanning for them
- provide updates to all utiliaing the communication network
- assign specific tasks to sectors or teams
- assign specivit tactical objectives to sectors
- assign sections, brancghes, sector officers or personnel
- obtain and allocate additional resources
- evaluate strategy and modify as needed
- safety of personnel and public
Operations Manual
What are the three main tactical objectives
- rescue and life safety
- incident stabilization
- conservation of the environment and property
Operations Manual
the Tctival level involves the deployment of suffiecent resources and personnel to meet objectives identifies in the IAP
Operations Manual
When should static command be considered by the initial IC
at a large-scale or complex incidents.
Operations Manual
An inicident action plan should be formulated using what mnemonics?
Operations Manual
What does the mnemonic SLICE-RS stand for?
It is a mnemonic for sequential actions at a fire scene
* S - size up
* L - locate the fire
* I - identify the flow path
* C - cool the space from the safest location
* E - extinguish the fire
RS are sactions of opportunity
* R - rescue
* S - salvage
Operations Manual
What does RECEO-VS stand for?
It is a list of strategic priorities that need to be addressed at an emergency
* R - rescue
* E - exposures
* C - confienment
* E - extinguishment
* O - overhaul
* V - Ventilation
* S - salavage
Operations Manual
Strategic decision flow chart
- Critical fireground factors
- Risk management plan
- stategy
- incident action plan
- tatical priorities
Operations Manual
Command structre
Single apparatus response
The most basic structure combines all three facets of command. the Captain, on a single apparatus response determines the strategic, tatical and task aspects of the call and then supervises the task leel activities of their crew
Operations Manual
Multiple apparatus response
this level of organization is where we begin to separate the functions of command (strategicand tactical), from the function of task level activites. the incident commander is responsible for assessing the situation and devising a plan of how to deal with the particular emergency. the IC will then delegate carious tatical functions to officersor crews, which will lead to the successful mitigation and closure of the emergency.
Operations Manual
in fast-moving comples operations a span of control how many sectors is adisable?
Not more that 5 sectors is advisable
Operations Manual
Command will be established by the initial radio report to fire control in the following manner
- report on scene
- identify the incident location by using the correct street address and/or common descriptive name
- provide a breif description of the incident structure (hight, size, occupancy type)
- provide a brief description of what signs are visible upon arrical
- briefly descripe the action to be taken
- confirm the assumption and designation of command
- end radio report by stating your PAR
Operations Manual
How is the size of a building to be related?
We should base our size description on how it relates to the areas we can cover with a 200ft handline
* Small - 200 ft line can access 100% of the potential fire area
* Medium - a 200 ft line can access 75% of the potential fire area
* Large - a 200 ft line access 50% of the potentialfire area
* Mega - a 200 ft line can access less thatn 50% of the potential fire area
Operations Manual
How do we describe the hight of a building?
By the number of stores above grade
Operations Manual
What are common occupancy types
- resdential
- townhouse
- comercial highrise
- institutioinal
- commercial
- residential highrise
- strip mall
Operations Manual
When is a followup report given?
The follow-up report shall be transmitted by the IC before engaging in task-level activites.
Follow-up rpeots shall include the following information
1. result of a 360
2. any changes to the initial IAP - status of occupants - location of fire if known
3. assignment for incoming apparatus
4. any imediate safety concerns
Operations Manual
Mobiel command
Mobile command positions are used when the inittial arriving company officer is immediately required to either investigate the situation or be involved in a task level activity.
Operations Manual
What are the two distinct command positions that mobiel command will incorperate one of?
- investigative
- fast attack
Operations Manual
What are examples of fast attack positions?
- rescue
- fire attack
- critical life safety situation
Operations Manual
Static command
static command requires the immediate establishment of a command post, the announcement of its location, and a name to identify command.
Operations Manual
When shall the firest arriving officer transfer command to the next on scene officer or chief officer
When investication reveals a situation that requires a task level action or when adopting the fast attack position.
This transfer should happen as soon as possible
Operations Manual
Transfer of command should only take place after the following information has been communicated to the new IC?
- general situation status
- incident onditions
- operational strategy
- update on tactical objectives
- safety considerations
- deployment status (assignment of personnel already on scene and additional resource requirements)
Operations Manual
How many time shouls command transfer to an officer of equal rank?
Transfer of command to an offiver of equal rank should only occur onece. Command should then become static.
Operations Manual
What is the authority of the ISO
- alter, suspend or terminate unsafe acivities involving an imminent hazard at an emergency scene
- eliminate or control hazards through the IC at an emergency scnene
Operations Manual
What are the goals of the ISO
- jminimize injuries to fire fighters by makin an emergency scene safer
- recongnize and understand the types of hazards present on the emerrgency scene
- recommend proactive and corrective measures to minimize the likelihood of accident occuring
Operations Manual
Following is a list of responsibilities of and ISO but not limited to:
- adhere to the priciples and practives of the BFES IMS, ICS and firefighter accountability system
- report to the IC
- maintain communications with the IC
- be readily identifable - safety officer vest & blue helmet (DCs vehicel)
- utilize correct levels of person protective equipment
- operate in teams within the controlled area
- conduct a 360 size-up of the incident where possible
- RIT is in place and utilized
- determine wether adiquate resources are available
- determine type of construction and how fire/damage may affect the structureal integrity of the building
- analyze fire and smoke conditions to predict the possibility of a hostile fire even (flowpath, flashover, backdraft)
- continually conduct a risk assessment
- report conditions and concerns to the IC on an ongoing basis
- ensure personnel are performing safely
- ensure rehab sector is established
- ensure air monitoring is conducted
- ensure post incident decontamination
- complete the iso checklist
Operations Manual
When is face-to-face communications to be utilized
- the IC wishes to speak with those personnel who are in their immediate span of control(i.e. section, branch, sector, or task level, depending on the size of the incident or when initiating transfer of command procedures)
- any designated person within the ICS is speaking iwth the personnel withinthier span of control
Operations Manual
When should radio communications be utilized
- face to face communication is not practical
- the use of the radio is needed to communicate with multiple personnel
- when communicating benchmarrks to command or fire control
Operations Manual
What are the two main reasons for using portabel radio identifiers
- emergency button (orange button) - when activated this feature will only display the porttable radio identifier on the communications console
- familiarity - personnel automatically tune their individual listening skills to identify the radio transmissioins pertinent to thier assigned portable/vehicel/station call signs
Operations Manual
What does clearing fire control accomplishe?
- it ensures that you deliver the IRR on the correct channel. If you clear fire control on the worng channe, they should immediately direct you to the correct channel
- it notifies all other responders you are about to delicer an IRR and assume command, allowing for them to direct their attention to your message
Operations Manual
what is emergency traffic protocol?
Emergency trafic protocol is temporary measure on the fireground whereby all personnel are directed to only transmit radio messages of an immediate nature.
Operations Manual
When may a mayday be decalred
- by perosnnel who are lost, traped or in trouble
- by an incident commander, sector officer, or anyone who cannot account for individuals
- by any perosnnel who witnessed and/or has firest hand knowledge that other personnel are lost, trapped or in trouble
- by any personnel that requries immediate assistance, including mdical distress
Operations Manual
- L - Location
- U - unit number
- N - name
- A - Assignment (sector, task, etc.) and air (cylinder pressure)
- R - Resources needed
Operations Manual
Procedure for a mayday with a radio failure?
- Activate PASS alarm manually and keep it activated until reached by a rescuer
- Te partner/crew of personnel in distress shall, if unabel to communicate by radio, activate the downed firefighters PASS alarm in the full alarm mode,then attempt to contact any other personnel in the hot zone that has a radio and inform the IC using the Mayday protocol
Operations Manual
Self rescue
- a lost firefighter should make attempts to exit the structrure
- find a wall and use the wall to find an exit
- if necessary, breach a wall for ecate or to access breathable air. ensure the new location is safe
Operations Manual
IC actions when a myday is recieved
Initial actions
1. acknowledge the request for assistance, using LUNAR as a guide
2. notify an deploy the nearest personnel to affect a firefighter rescue
3. begin preparations for a prolonged firefighter rescue and call an addidtional alarm
After Initial action
1. Deploy RIT
2. in the initiato of the mayday states they are operating on talk around mode, thsi information shall be relayed to fire control and all personnel operatin on scene if not already advised
Operations Manual
If fire control hears a mayday that is not immediately cacknowledged by the IC, it is their respnsibility to notify the IC and as necesary assist with the following actions
- announce over all channels operating at he emergency incident that a Mayday has been received
- accompany this announcement with the alert tones
- conact the ic to ensure they are aware of the mayday situation
Operations Manual
what are examples of urgent fire ground messages
- critical fire conditions, other cridtical changing conditions
- concern for a potential collapse
- loss of water supply
- hoarding conditions
Operations Manual
whart is the evacuation procedure
- announce EVACUATE 3 times over the radio followed by information for firefighting crews
- 3 distinct blast from the air horn followed by a 5 second pause. This will be repeated 2 more times in succession fro a total of 3.
- the evacuation is complete once the incident commander confirms through a partial PAR of the affected areas that all personnel are accounted for
Operations Manual
Crew duties and responsibilites dureing an evacuation
- cease operations immediately, potentially leaving equipment behind if it will impede the rapid evacuation
- evacuate to a safe area
- withdrap or exit via the entry conttrol point and/or sector officer
- answer a PAR or partial PAR
Operations Manual
What is a bnchmark and what is its purpose?
A benchmark is a brief announcement that a specific task/activity has been completed
Benchmark purposes:
1. inform command that a specific task has been completed
2. allows recording on the running log/worksheet
3. allows time stampin on the radio communication recording
4. gives command progress indicators fo the incident