BFES Training Manual Chapter 1 Flashcards
BFES Training Manual
How will recuits be given aid and assistance to become a good Firefihter?
- multiple oppertunities to study and train
- personal instruction and training by competent officers and members of the service while on duty
- bein able to actually see, handle and use firefighting tools, appliances and equipment
- opportunities to profit (provided they are observant and alert) from actual firefighting experience and from observing the work of their fellow firefighters in action
BFES Training Manual
What are some Key elements of leadership in the fire service?
See page 10 or the training manual
- Rank structure
- Incident COmmand System ICS
- leading by example
- strategic planning
- personnel management
- decision-making
- communication skills
- collaboration and team bulding
- adaptability and innovation
- community engagement
BFES Training Manual
What arer some key factor that contribue to being a successful leader in BFES
- Fire service knowledge
- experience and espertise
- continuous learning
- communication skills
- problem-solving and decision-making
- emotional intelligence
- integrity and ethics
- team building and collaboration
- resilience and adaptability
- community engagement
BFES Training Manual
What are some commonly recognized leadership styles?
- Autocratic
- democratic
- laissez-faire
- transformational
- transactional
- servant
- charasmatic
BFES Training Manual
autocratic leadership
The leader excercises complete control and authority over decision-making, with little or no input from subordinates
democratic leadership
Also known as the participative leadership, this style involves actively involving team memvers in the decision making process
BFES Training Manual
Laissez-Faire Leadership
in thsi sty, the leader adopts a hands off apprach providing minimal guidance or direction to the team
BFES Training Manual
transformational leadership
transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve exceptional performance and exceed their own expectations
BFES Training Manual
transactional leadership
Focus on maintaining order and achieving specific goals through rewards and punishments
BFES Training Manual
Servant leadership
Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their team memvvers and aim to serve thirr needs rather than exerting authority over them
BFES Training Manual
Charasmatic Leadership
Charasmatic leaders possess exceptional charm, persuasive abilities, and a strong personality that inspires and motivates others
BFES Training Manual
What are some common roles and duties of a supervisor with BFES?
- anagement
- moticationand team building
- delegation
- task assignemnt
- monitoring and evaluation
- healtha safety compliance
- problem solving
- training and development
- performance monitoring
- conflict resolution
- report generation
- resource management
- communication
- decision-making
- enforcing policies and procedures
- setting objectives and goals
- foster a positive culture
BFES Training Manual
What may be some main responsibilites of a company officer?
- to manage a fire station, supervise the maintenance of quarters, apparatus and equipment
- to train or drill firefighers in firefighting practices, procedures and policies
- to be familiar with the distric to which they arre assigned
- to respond to emergency incidents and direct their assigned personnel in emergency situations
- to supervies and participate in public fire safety programs
- to pssess detailed knowledge of pre-fire plans sothat they will be able to size up situations and direct procedures
BFES Training Manual
What are some general characteristics that may be desired in a leader?
- a spirit of service
- a sincerity of purpose
- a devotion to duty
- a determination to improve
- a fabouable attitude toward progress
- a sense of fair play
- a well-balanced personality
- a mentally alert mind
- a physically fit body
- a good personal appearance
BFES Training Manual
A fire officer candidate should?
- have leadership ability
- have and aptitude for fire service leadership
- have served a reasonable time in the ranks of firefighting, and should have served a reasonable time as an officer below the rank which they are being considered for promotion
- be well trained in the techniques of firefighting practivies
- be able to instruct in the techniques of firfighting practives
- have a thorough knowledge of the ware system in their district and city
- be familiar with the building within their area of responsivility
- be familar with pre-fire plans
BFES Training Manual
What is command presence?
refers to the ability of an individual, typically in a leadership or authoritative rold to project a sense of confidence, authority and control in a given situation. it is the ability to exude a command and influential presance that inspires respect, trust, and obedience from tothers.
BFES Training Manual
What qualities are exibited by somebody with command presence?
- confidence
- poise and composure
- cleare communication
- assertiveness
- knowledge and expertise
- professionalism
- empath and approachability
BFES Training Manual
What practices and behaviors can be incorpirated to show command presence
- develop self confidence
- enhance body language
- speak with arhtority
- demonstrate competence
- lead by examble
- remain calm under pressure
- shwo respect and listen
- make decisive actions
- maintain proffessionalism
- continuously learn and grow
BFES Training Manual
What is situational awareness
refers to the ability to perceive and comprehend the environment around you , understand its mening, and make informed decisions based on that understanding
It enbompassses various factors, including:
1. perception
2. comprehension
3. projectioon
4. decision-making
5. adaptation
BFES Training Manual
What are some key advantages to a decision making model?
- clarity adn organizaion
- consistency
- improved objectivity
- comprehensive analysis
- effeciency and time-saving
- better collaboration
- risk management
- learning and continuous imporvement
BFES Training Manual
What is the OODA loop?
The OODA loop is a decision making moded developed by the military stategist colonel John Boyd. it emphasiszed agility and rapid decision making.
observe > Orient > Decide > Act
BFES Training Manual
What is the PDCA model?
also know as the deming cycle of shewhar cycle, is a four step interactive process used for continous improvemnt in various fields, including quality management, project management and problem solving
Plan > Do > Check > Act ^
BFES Training Manual
The “Plan” step of the PDCA model
in the initial stpe you define the problem or gaol and edevelop a pan for addressing it. This involves:
1. identifying the problem
2. analyzing the current situation
3. establishing goals and objectives
4. developting a plan
BFES Training Manual
The “Do” step of the PDCA model
once the plan is developed you proceed to the implementation phase. This involves:
1. executing the plan
2. collecting data
3. documeting deviations
BFES Training Manual
The “Check” step of the PDCA model
After implementing the plan, you evaluate the results and compare them against the established goals.This step Involves:
1. monitoring and measureing
2. comparing to objectives
3. analysing variances
4. identifying root causes
BFES Training Manual
The “Act” step of the PDCA model
based on the findings from the check phase, you take appropiate actions to adress the identified gaps and improve the process. This involves:
1. making adjustment
2. implementing improvements
3. standardizing
4. continual improvemnet
BFES Training Manual
Whate is the rule of thumb for span of control in the fire service?
an officer can effectively supervise five to six idividuals
BFES Training Manual
What factors affect the number of people being supervised
- the ability and experience of the officer
- the ability and experience of the firefighters
- the nature of the task
- the relationship of task being performed by one individual to the tasks being performed by other individuals
- the stability and competence of the organization
BFES Training Manual
What are the roles and responsiblities of an IC?
1. their ros is to direct all operations and is doen by choosing command over action and working form a strategic level rather than a task level
2. their role is to move toward the correct action
3. their role is to operatie in a clinically calm manner by looking and acting professional at all times
1. they must protect, remove and provide care for endangered citzens
2. they must provide for firefighting safety and survival
3. they must stop the fire
4. conserve property during and after fire control operations
BFES Training Manual
To have effective command and control the IC must consider four areas of management. What are they
- Stress Management: Delegate and redures the number of subordinates you are dealing with. Makes for easier control, reduces stress place on you. Reduces stress on officer by limiting responsibility to assigned tasks.
- lone ranger management: you must be ready to act as a single sommander. You must delegate and allow your officers ot operate at their highest level
- midpoint management: you have to be prepared to inherit ongoing scenarios
- Scarce resource management: you must keep abreast of resources availabel initialy and if you do not have enough be aware of what has to be done to obtain what you want and where to get it.
BFES Training Manual
What is the documentation flow chart in the guide to incident documentation?
1. Worksheets: tactical worksheet, BFES occicial worksheet
2. Personnel: witness statements, exposrue reports
3. CAD: CAD report - captains to complete, CAD report - IC to complete
4. Platoon Chief: Incident Reporting Email
5. Mutula Aid: mutual aid provided - mutula aid reporting,Mutula aid requested (from two or more services): significant event report
6. Post incident: post inciden actions SOG 1-17 (post-incident debrief, PIR, AAR), Major incident report as requested by Deputy of Operations