Odes 4.12 Iam veris comites Flashcards
accubō accubāre accubuī accubitus
to lie near or by, to recline; bend over, project (> ad and cumbo)
** addūcō adducere addūxī adductus **
to lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
Arcadia –ae f.
Arcadia, the central country of Peloponnesus
cadus –ī m.
a jar; wine–jar; an urn
Calēs –ium f.
Cales, a town of Campania
Cecropius –a –um
collis collis m.
hill; mound; high ground; mountain
custōs custōdis m.
guard; sentry/watch; guardian/protector/keeper; doorkeeper/watchman/janitor; jailer, warden; poll watcher; spy; garrison; container; replacement vine shoot
dēsipiō dēsipere —
to be void of understanding, be silly, act foolishly
efficāx –ācis
effectual, powerful, efficient
ēliciō ēlicere ēlicuī
to allure, entice out, elicit
ēluō –ere –uī –ūtus
to wash out or away
flēbilis –e
worthy of tears, lamentable
fluvius fluvi(ī) m.
gaudium gaudi(ī) n.
delight, joy, pleasure
gestiō gestīre
to desire eagerly; act without restraint, exult
hībernus –a –um
(belonging to) winter
immūnis –e
free from service; w. gen., exempt, freed from
- impellō impellere impulī impulsum *
to strike against, impel
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis
unfortunate, unhappy; unsuccessful
Itys –yos (acc. –ym) m.
Itys, a Trojan slain by Turnus
licet licēre licuit/licitum est
it is permitted; (+ subj.) although
meditor meditārī meditātus sum
to think, prepare to; think out; rehearse, practice
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to earn, deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
nardus –ī f. or nardum –ī n.
an Indian plant yielding nard-oil; nard-oil
nīdus –ī m.
a nest; brood, nestling
onyx onychis m./f.
a perfume jar of onyx
ovis –is n.
pinguis pingue
fat, rich, fertile; also, plump, in good condition; dull, gross, heavy, stupid, doltish
plēnus –a –um
full, plump; satisfied; ad plenum (adverbial), to the full
rigeō –ēre
to be stiff, stiffen
sitis –is f.
strepō –ere –uī –itus
to make a noise; murmur; of music, resound; of arms, ring, rattle, clash
studium studiī n.
zeal, enthusiasm; pursuit, study; enthusiastic support
Sulpicius –a –um
Sulpicius, a nomen gentile; the Horrea Sulpicia (later Horrea Galbana) were an important warehouse complex in S. Rome, on the Tiber
** ulcīscor ulcīscī ultus sum **
to avenge
vēlōx –ōcis
but indeed, but yet, yet, but