Odes 1.6 Scriberis Vario Flashcards
adamantinus –a –um
of adamant (a mythical substance like steel), adamantine
Agrippa –ae m.
Agrippa; M. Vipsanius Agrippa (d. 12 BCE)
āles –itis m./f.
large bird, bird of prey; an omen or augury (from watching birds)
** cēdō cēdere cessī cessum **
to go, move; yield; withdraw
cōnor cōnārī cōnātus sum
to try, attempt
convīvium convīviī n.
banquet, feast
culpa culpae f.
fault, blame, responsibility (w/ gen.); crime (esp. against chastity); negligence; offense; error; (sense of) guilt; fault, defect (moral or other); sickness, injury
cursus cursūs m.
running; speed, zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement, march; revolution (wheel); course, direction, line of advance, orbit; voyage, passage; race; career; series; lesson
dēterō dēterere dēteruī dēteritum
to rub off, remove; wear down, diminish
dīgnus –a –um
worthy (of) (+ abl.)
duplex –icis
double, two–fold; two-faced, deceitful
ēgregius –a –um
singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent
equus equī m.
horse; steed
** gerō gerere gessī gestus **
to bear; manage, conduct; perform
grandis grandis grande
full–grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old
imbellis –e
unwarlike, peaceful
ingenium –(i)ī n.
ability, talent; disposition
iuvenis iuvenis m.
youth; young man
laus laudis f.
praise, approval, merit; glory; renown
lyra –ae f.
Maeonius –a –um
of Maeonia (eastern Lydia, supposedly Homer’s birthplace); of Homer, Homeric
Mārs Mārtis m.
Mērionēs –aem.
Meriones (name); a companion of Idomeneus, from Crete
mīles mīlitis m.
Mūsa –ae f.
a Muse, one of the goddesses of inspiration of poetry and the arts and sciences
ops opis f.
power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.)
Pallas –adis f.
Pallas Athena, identified by the Romans with Minerva; ramus Palladis, the bough sacred to Pallas, the olive
pār paris n.
an equal; pair; pair of contestants
Pēlīdēs –ae m.
The son of Peleus, Achilles; Neoptolemus or Pyrrhus, grandson of Peleus
Pelops –opis m.
son of Tantalus, father of Atreus and Thyestes
so as to pass by, past; beyond; except (+ acc.)
proelium proeliī n.
pudor pudōris m.
decency, shame; sense of honor; modesty; bashfulness
quis quid after sī nisī ne or num
anyone, anything, someone, something
** scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptus **
to write
solitus –a –um
having been accustomed, wont; p., wonted, usual, habitual
stomachus –ī m.
the gullet; chest, stomach; bad temper
** tegō, tegere, texī, tectum **
tenuis tenue
thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
Trōïcus –a –um
tunica tunicae f.
tunic, undergarment, shirt
tuus –a –um
your, yours
Tȳdīdēs –ae m.
the son of Tydeus;Diomedes, who wounded Aphrodite/Venus when she took part in the battle before Troy
Ulixēs –is (–eī or –ī) m.
Ulysses, son of Laertes, king of Ithaca, and one of the Greek chiefs at Troy, distinguished for shrewdness and cunning
unguis –is m.
fingernail; claw, talon
Varius –iī m.
Varius; L. Varius, a tragic poet, contemporary with Virgil and Horace
victor victōris m.
conqueror; victor; [in apposition => victorious, conquering]