Odes 2.14 Eheu fugaces Flashcards
- absūmō absumere absūmpsī absūmptum *
to take away, destroy
Aeolidēs –ae m.
a son or descendant of Aeolus; Ulysses; Misenus; Clytius
** afferō afferre attulī allātus **
to bring to (word/food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause
amīcus amīcī m.
male friend
amplus –a –um
great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable, generous
annus annī m.
Auster –trī m.
Auster, the southerly or south wind, opposite to Aquilo; wind in general; the south
autumnus autumnī m.
careō carēre caruī caritus
to lack, be without, be free from (+ abl.)
cēna cēnae f.
dinner, principal meal; course; meal; company at dinner
centum; centēsimus –a –um
100; 100th
clāvis –is f.
a key
Cōcȳtus –ī m.
Cocytus, “the river of lamentation,” in the underworld
- colō colere coluī cultus *
to live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain; honor, cherish, worship; tend, take care of; adorn, dress, decorate, embellish
colōnus colōnī m.
farmer, colonist
damnō damnāre damnāvī damnātus
to pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom;discredit; seek/secure condemnation of; find fault; bind/oblige under a will
Danaus –ī m.
brother of Aegyptus, father of the fifty Danaids
alas! oh no!
ēnāvigō –āre –āvī –ātus
(intrans.) sail forth from; (trans.) sail across
in vain; for nothing, to no purpose
fugāx –ācis
swift in flight; fleet; timid (> fugio)
Gēryōn –onis or Gēryonēs –ae m.
Geryon, a giant with three bodies, dwelling in Gades, slain by Hercules, who carried his herd of cattle to Italy
hērēs hērēdis m. or f.
illacrimabilis –e
lacking tears, pitiless; unwept, unmourned
indomitus –a –um
untamed, ungovernable, wild
lacking, poor; destitute of (+ gen.)
īnstāns –antis
present, immediate
languidus –a –um
languid (> langueo)
- linquō linquere līquī *
to leave, relinquish
mōra mōrae f.
mūnus mūneris n.
service; duty, office, function; public show (esp. with gladiators); gift; tribute, offering; bribes (pl.)
- noceō nocēre nocuī nocitus *
to harm, hurt; injure (+ dat.)
pavīmentum –ī n.
a level surface beaten firm, hard floor, pavement
pietās pietātis f.
responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety
placeō placēre placuī placitum
to be pleasing, please (+ dat.)
Plūtō (Plūtōn) –ōnis m.
Pluto, son of Saturn, king of Hades
pontifex pontificis m.
Postumus –ī m.
a praenomen (sometimes used as a cognomen)
potior, potius
having more control (over); more powerful; better entitled to; more desirable
indecl. adj., whatever number, as many as
raucus –a –um
harsh–sounding, noisy
rūga –ae f.
senecta –ae f.
old age
Sīsyphus (Sīsyphos) –ī m.
Sisyphus, son of Æolus, king of Corinth, famous for his cunning and robberies
taurus taurī m.
** tingō tingere tinxī tinctum **
to wet, moisten; dye, color
Tityos –ī m.
Tityos, a giant, son of Jupiter and Elara, who was slain by Apollo for offering violence to Latona
trecēnī –ae –a
300 each
ūllus –a –um
uxor uxōris f.
wife; [uxorem ducere => marry, bring home as wife]
vēscor vēscī
to eat, feed on