Odes 1.5 Quis multa gracilis Flashcards
This list includes all the words for Odes 1.5
The list for the next poem will exclude all the words that appear in this one.
aequor aequoris n.
level surface; sea; plain
amābilis –e
antrum –ī n.
a cave, cavern, grotto
asper –a –um
rough/uneven, coarse/harsh; sharp/pointed; rude; savage; pungent; keen; bitter
aura aurae f.
breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven
aureus –a –um
of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid
coma comae f.
hair, tresses
crēdulus –a –um
that easily believes, credulous, easy of belief, confiding, unsuspecting
deus deī m.
egō meī mihi mē mē
I; me
ēmiror ēmirārī ēmirātus sum
wonder very much at
fallax –ācis
deceitful, treacherous, false
fidēs fideī f.
faith, trust; trustworthiness; confidence
flāvus –a –um
golden, yellow
fleō flēre flēvī flētus
to cry for; cry, weep
fruor fruī frūctus sum
to enjoy, profit by, delight in (w/abl.)
gracilis gracile
grātus –a –um
charming, pleasing; grateful, pleased
alas! oh!
in, on (+ abl.); into, onto; against (+ acc.)
indicō indicāre indicāvī indicātus
to point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse
īnsolēns –entis
unaccustomed, unusual, not used, contrary to custom; haughty, arrogant
liquidus –a –um
clear, liquid, melodious
mare maris n.
miser misera miserum
wretched, pitiable, miserable
multus –a –um
much, many
munditia –ae f.
cleanliness; elegance, refinement
mūtō mūtāre mūtāvī mūtātus
to change; take in exchange, give in exchange
nescius –a –um
ignorant, unaware
niger nigra nigrum
black; black of heart
niteō nitēre nituī
to shine, look bright, glitter, glisten
odor –ōris m.
scent, smell, odor, fragrance
pariēs parietis m.
wall (of a house)
perfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour over or along; drench
powerful, strong; capable; mighty
puer puerī m.
boy, slave
Pyrrha –ae or Pyrrhē –ēs f.
a female name (Greek), meaning “Fiery”.
quī quae quod
some, any; what…, which…; who, which, that
quis quid
who, what
how many times; as often as, whenever
religō religāre religāvī religātus
to tie up, bind fast; (perhaps, and rarely) untie
rosa rosae f.
sacer sacra sacrum
sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable (the Via Sacra was the principal street in Rome)
simplex –icis
artless, naïve, lacking guile
spērō spērāre spērāvī spērātus
to hope (for)
under; at the foot of; near; up to (+ abl.)
suspendō suspendere suspendī suspēnsum
to hang, suspend
tabula tabulae f.
writing tablet (wax covered board); painting; plank/board
tū tuī tibi tē tē
urgeō urgēre ursī
press upon, pursue
ūvidus –a –um
moist, wet, damp, dank, humid
vacuus vacua vacuum
empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of; available; free from romantic entanglements, fancy-free
ventus ventī m.
vestīmentum –ī n.
garment, clothes (pl.)
vōtīvus –a –um
offered as the fulfilment of a vow, votive
and; both…and