Odes 3.5 Caelo tonantem Flashcards
- adfīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus *
to fasten to, put to; perf. p. pass., clinging to
- adiciō adicere adiēcī adiectus *
to throw at, add
- claudō (clūdō or clodō) claudere clausī clausus *
to close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine
- cōnsenēscō senēscere senuī — *
to grow old together, grow old, become gray
- dissentīō dissentīre dissēnsī dissēnsus *
to disagree
- excidō excidere excidī *
to fall out, drop; perish; be forgotten; lapse (into actions, etc.)
- invertō –ere –vertī –versus *
to turn over; invert, change
- prōterō –ere –trīvī –trītus *
to rub before; trample upon or down, crush to pieces
- rependō –pendere –pendī –pensum *
to make up for; balance
- rēstringō –ingere –inxī –ictum *
to tie back, restrain with bonds
- trahō, trahere, trāxī, tractus
draw, drag; assign (to a particular category)
** oblīvīscor oblīvīscī oblītus sum **
to forget (+ gen.)
** āmittō āmittere āmīsī āmīssus **
to lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop
** habeō habēre habuī habitus **
to have, hold; consider
** vīvō vīvere vīxī vīctus **
to live, be alive
aeternus –a –um
everlasting, eternal
aevum aevī n.
eternity; lifetime, age
at another time, some other time, at other times
otherwise, differently; in any other way [aliter ac => otherwise than]
ancīle –is n. (gen. pl. ancīliōrum in Horace, Odes 3.5)
small figure-of-eight shield; pl., the sacred ancilia, made by the Romans in imitation of the ancile which came down from heaven
Āpūlus –a –um
Apulian; of or from Apulia
arvum arvī n.
ploughed land, field
Augustus –ī m.
Augustus, a surname of Octavius Caesar; the month of August
aurum aurī n.
Britannus –ī
captīvus –a –um
taken in war; captured, captive; of a captive or of captives; subst., captivus, i, m., a captive (> capio)
Carthāgō Carthāginis f.
cōnsilium cōnsiliī n.
deliberation; plan, advice; judgment
Crassus –ī m.
cūria cūriae f.
senate; meeting house; curia/division of Roman people; court (Papal/royal)
damnum damnī n.
damage, injury
dēlūbrum –ī n.
the place for sacrificial cleansings; a shrine, temple, sanctuary (> deluo, cleanse)
dēnsus –a –um
thick, dense
dēterior dēterior dēterius; dēterior –ius; dēterrimus –a –um
dīiūdicō dīiūdicāre
to distinguish, know apart, discern, perceive the difference
exemplum exemplī n.
example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent; pattern, model; parallel, analogy; archetype; copy/reproduction, transcription
exsul exsulis m.
extricō –āre
to set free, set loose
fīrmō fīrmāre fīrmāvī fīrmātus
to strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish
flāgitium flāgiti(ī) n.
shame, disgrace; scandal, shameful act, outrage, disgraceful thing; scoundrel
foedus –a –um
fūcus –ī m.
seaweed; dye (orig. that derived from a seaweed), pretense, disguise
immiserābilis –e
unpitied, pitiless
iners –ertis
unskilled, lazy; unadventurous, unmanly
īnscius –a –um
not knowing; unaware, unwitting, ignorant; amazed, bewildered; w. gen., ignorant of
labō labāre labāvī labātus
to give way, begin to yield; totter; of the mind, waver; falter, flag, despond
Lacedaemonius –a –um
Lacedaemonian, Spartan
lāna –ae f.
līs lītis f.
lawsuit; quarrel
lōrum lōrī n. or lorus –ī m.
thong, strap, strip of leather; shoe strap; whip; dog leash; reins
maereō –ēre
to be sorrowful, sad; mourn, grieve (cf. miser)
marītus –a –um
of or belonging to marriage, matrimonial, conjugal, nuptial,
medicō medicāre medicāvī medicātus
to treat, medicate (with); dye (with)
Mēdus –a –um
Median, of Media, of the Medes
nātus nātī m. (or gnātus)
son; (in plural) children
negōtium negōti(ī) n.
pain, trouble, annoyance, distress; work, business, activity, job
obstō obstāre obstitī obstātum
to stand in the way; hinder, block
parvus –a –um minor –or –us minimus –a –um
small, little, cheap; unimportant
pāx pācis f.
peace; favor
perfidus –a –um
faithless, treacherous, false
perniciēs pernicieī f.
ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief
plaga –ae f.
a tract, region; zone; hunter’s net
Poenī –ōrum m.
the Carthaginians; Africans
populō populāre populāvī populātus
to plunder, devastate
porta portae f.
gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal (soccer)
present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious
probrōsus –a –um
shameful, ignominious, infamous
prōvidus –a –um
foreseeing, prescient; cautious, circumspect, provident, prudent
pudīcus –a –um
bashful, modest, chaste, pure, virtuous
pugnō pugnāre pugnāvī pugnātum
to fight
Pūnicus –a –um
Punic; Carthaginian; bright red, scarlet
reditus reditūs m.
return, revenue
rēgnō rēgnāre rēgnāvī rēgnātus
to rule, reign
Regulus –ī m.
Regulus (a name); esp. M. Atilius Regulus, general in 1st Punic War (264 to 241 BCE)
removeō removēre removī remōtus
to move back; put away; withdraw; remove
Rōma Rōmae f.
once (one time)
signum signī n.
mark, impression, sign, signal; standard
socer socerī m.
Tarentum –ī n.
Tarentum, a city of Greek origin on the coast of lower Italy
toga togae f.
tortor –ōris m.
an executioner, tormentor, torturer
torvus –a –um
stern, grim, wild; savage, lowering; fierce; shaggy; adv., torvum and torva, sternly, wildly
Venāfrānus –a –um
of Venafrum (a town in Campania)
(added to the first word of a question); whether