Odes 3.30 Exegi monumentum Flashcards
Aeolius –a –um
pertaining to Aeolus; Aeolian
Aufidus –ī m.
Aufidus, a river in Apulia
- cingō cingere cīnxī cīnctus *
to surround, encircle; gird (on onself)
** crēscō crēscere crēvī crētus **
to come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted
Daunus –ī m.
Daunus, a mythic king of part of Apulia, father–in–law of Diomedes, and father of Turnus
Delpicus –a –um
dīruō –ere –uī –utus
to overthrow, tear apart or away from
edāx –ācis
voracious, greedy
** exigō exigere exēgī exāctus **
to drive out, exact, collect; achieve, complete
fuga fugae f.
imber imbris m.
rain, storm
innumerābilis –e
countless, innumerable, immeasurable, immense
Italus –a –um
Italian.; subst., Itali, orum, m., the Italians (> Italia)
laurus –ī f.
Libitīna –ae f.
the goddess of corpses, Death
Melpomenē –ēs f.
Melpomene, a name, e.g., muse of tragic and lyrical poetry
meritum meritī n.
punishment, reward
obstrepō –strepere –strepuī –strepitum
make a noise
perennis perennis perenne
lasting throughout the year, everlasting, never failing, unceasing, perpetual, perennial
pȳramis –idis f.
a pyramid
interrog., relat., and indef. in, by, what way? how?; where, which way, side, direction; for quacumque, any way, anywhere; in any way, by any means; where, in whatever way; so far as
recēns recentis
fresh, recent; rested
rēgālis –e
belonging to a king; regal, kingly, royal (> rex)
seriēs –eī f.
a chain of things, train, row, succession, series (> sero)
situs sitūs m.
situation, position, site; structure; neglect, disuse, stagnation; mold
tacitus –a –um
all the way, right on; all the time, continuously, at every point, always
volēns –entis
willing, ready, unresisting, spontaneously