Odes 3.10 Extremum Tanain Flashcards
aesculus –ī f.
The tallest species of oak, the winter or Italian oak (with edible acorns) sacred to Jupiter
amāns –antis
loving, fond, affectionate; (subst.) a lover
before, earlier, previously; in front of (+ acc.)
Aquilō –ōnis m.
Aquilo, the north wind; wind in general; wintry, tempestuous wind; the north
caelestis caeleste
from/of heaven
** currō currere cucurrī cursus **
to run/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly
curvō curvāre curvāvī curvātus
to bend, curve; swell; wind (> curvus)
foris foris f.
** gignō gignere genuī genitus **
to create, bring forth, beget, bear
glaciō –āre –āvī –ātus
to turn into ice, freeze
Lycē –ēs f.
Lyce, a (Greek) female name (“From Lycia”; a region of S Asia Minor)
Maurus –ī m.
Maurus (a name)
nūbō nūbere nūpsī nūptum
to marry
nūmen nūminis n.
divine power/will, divinity, divine spirit, numen
** obiiciō obiicere obiēcī obiectus **
to throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one’s teeth; present
paelex –icis f.
a mistress who was a rival to a wife or lover, “the other woman”
pallor –ōris m.
paleness, pallor (> palleo)
Pēnelopē –ēs f.
Pierius –a –um
Pierian, of the Muses
to lament, mourn
** porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum **
to stretch forth, hold forth, lift; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend (> pro and rego)
procus –ī m.
one who asks, a wooer, suitor (> procor, ask)
remūgiō –īre
to bellow again or loudly; resound, reëcho
rigidus –a –um
hard, rigid, strict
sata satōrum n.
things sown or planted; grain, growing grain; crops (> sero, serere, sevi, satus)
superbia superbiae f.
arrogance, pride, haughtiness
supplex supplicis
suppliant; a suppliant (> supplico, beseech)
Tanais –is m.
Tanais, a Rutulian
viola –ae f.
a violet