Odes 4.10 O crudelis adhuc Flashcards
crūdēlis crūdēle
cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthirsty, savage, inhuman; harsh, bitter
- dēcidō –ere –cidī (
to fall down; fall (> de and cado)
faciēs facieī f.
appearance, face, form
hispidus –a –um
shaggy, hairy
today, nowadays; at the present time
īnspērātus –a –um
unhoped for; unexpected
involitō involitāre
to fly over, float over
plūma –ae f.
feather, down
prior priōris
former, previous, prior, first; ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, people of an earlier time
Pūniceus –a –um
of Punic or Phoenician color; reddish, red, rosy, crimson; purple–colored, purple (> cf. Poeni)
speculum –ī n.
** vertō vertere vertī versus **
to turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy