Odes 1.16 O matre pulchra Flashcards
** addō addere addidī additus **
to add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate
adytum –ī n.
the inaccessible; the innermost part of a temple, accessible only to the priest; a shrine, sanctuary, oracle; the interior of a tomb, or shrine of the dead
equally, justly, fairly; in same/like manner/degree, just as; likewise, also
amīca amīcae f.
female friend
animus animī m.
(rational) soul, mind; spirit; pl., strong feelings
arātrum –ī n
causa causae f.
reason, cause; case; lawsuit; (in abl., often after a word in gen.) for the sake of
** cōgō cogere coēgī coāctus **
to collect, gather, round up, restrict, confine; force, compel; convene; congeal
compescō –pescere –pescuī —
to confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain
Corybās –antis m.
a priest of Cybele
criminōsus –a –um
accusatory; shameful, criminal
dēsecō dēsecāre dēsecuī dēsectus
to cut off
dēterreō dēterrēre dēterruī dēterritus
to deter, prevent
Dindymēnē –ēs or –ae f.
of or belonging to Mt. Dindymon in Phrygia; Cybele
exercitus exercitūs m.
fervor –ōris m.
fury (> ferveo)
** fiō fierī factus sum **
to happen, come about; result (from); take place, be held, occur, arise (event); be made/created/instituted/elected/appointed/given; be prepared/done; develop; be made/become; (facio PASS); [fiat => so be it, very well; it is being done]
flamma flammae f.
flame, blaze; ardor, fire of love; object of love
completely, utterly, entirely
geminō gemināre gemināvī geminātum
to double; to join, unite
Hadriānus –a –um
of the Adriatic sea
hostīlis hostīlis hostīle
iambus iambī m.
an iambic foot, iambus
incola incolae m. or f.
īnsānus –a –um
īra īrae f.
anger, wrath
iuventa iuventae f.
Līber Līberī m.
Bacchus, Dionysus
libet (libēre) libuit libitum est
it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
līmus –ī m.
mud, mire, slime
mītis mīte
mild, gentle, ripe
modus modī m.
measure; limit; rhythm, meter; manner, way; (eius modi) of that kind
mūrus mūrī m.
naufragus –a –um
shipwrecked; causing shipwrecks
Nōricus –a –um
of or belonging to Noricum (roughly modern Austria, famous for its steel), Norican
opprobrium –ī n.
shame, disgrace; insult
particula –ae f.
a small part, little bit, particle, grain, jot
prīnceps –ipis
first; chief; foremost; subst., m., a chief, leader, commander, prince; progenitor, founder, ancestor (> primus and capio)
Promētheus –eī m.
the Titan who stole fire for mankind and warned Zeus not to have a child by Thetis
pulcher pulchra pulchrum
beautiful, handsome
Pȳthius –a –um
of Pytho (the oracle at Delphi); Delphic; (n. pl) a hymn sung to Apollo at the Pythian Games
recantō –āre –āvī –ātus
sing in answer to; charm away; retract, withdraw
sacerdōs sacerdōtis m. or f.
priest, priestess
tentō tentāre tentāvī tentātus
to try, test
Thyestēs (–ae) –is m.
Thyestes, a name, e.g., son of Pelops
tremendus –a –um
to be trembled at; dreadful, fearful, terrible (> tremo)
tumultus tumultūs m.
commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance
from every side/direction/place/part/source; on all/both sides/surfaces; everywhere; completely; allover; from every point of view, in all respects
vīs vis f.
force, power; violence; in pl., (physical) strength