Odes 4.1 Intermissa, Venus Flashcards
** abeō abīre abiī abitum **
to go away
aemulus –ī m.
Albānus –a –um
pertaining to Alba; Alban; subst., Albani –orum, m., the Albans
ars artis f.
skill, art; guile, trick
Berecyntius –a –um
pertaining to Berecyntus, a mountain of Phrygia, sacred to Cybele
twice (in composition bi–)
blandus –a –um
flattering, charming, pleasant; attractive
** capiō capere cēpī captus **
to seize, take (up), capture; win
Cinara –ae f.
Cinara, a (Greek) female name (“Artichoke”)
citreus –a –um
of the citrus–tree; made of citron wood
cōmis(s)or –āre
to carouse
decem; decimus –a –um
10; 10th
decens decentis
becoming, seemly, attractive
dēlectō dēlectāre dēlectāvī dēlectātus
to delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight; (passive) be delighted/glad, take pleasure; (+ inf.) enjoy (being/doing)
fācundus –a –um
speaking easily, fluent, eloquent
fistula –ae f.
a pipe, tube, water–pipe; reed–pipe
- flectō flectere flēxī flexus *
to bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften
there, in that place
** intermittō intermittere intermīsī intermīssus **
to leave off, intermit, omit, suspend, interrupt, neglect
lacrima lacrimae f.
tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge
lacus lacūs m.
lake; cistern, reservoir
Ligurīnus –ī m.
Ligurinus, a male name (“Ligurian”)
lūstrum –ī n.
a purifying atonement; the national lustrum or atoning sacrifice, the suovetaurilia, made at Rome every fifth year, at the taking of the census; the period of a lustrum, five years; an indefinite period; age (> luo, to atone)
marmoreus –a –um
of marble, marble; like marble; smooth, marble–; fair (> marmor)
Māvortius –a –um or Mārtius –a –um
pertaining to Mavors or Mars; ; warlike, martial; of Mars; son of Mars; received in battle, honorable; sacred to Mars (> Mavors)
Māximus –ī m.
Maximus, a title of Fabius Rullianus (cons. B.C. 322) and his descendants, the most illustrious of whom was Fabius Cunctator
mūtuus –a –um
interchangeable, reciprocal; on both sides; per mutua, mutually, to each other (> muto)
nāris –is f.
a nostril; pl., nares, ium, the nostrils; the nose
nocturnus –a –um
olor –ōris m.
a swan
parum; minus; minimē
too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less
Paulus –ī m.
Paulus; esp. L. Aemilius Paulus, general killed at Cannae (216 BCE)
plūrimus –a –um
very many, most; (sing. as subst.) many a one
prope propius proximē
nearly, almost/nearest, next, immediately following; prep. + acc.
purpureus –a –um
whenever; as often as; at some time, at one time or other
reus reī m.
party in law suit; plaintiff/defendant; culprit/guilty party, debtor; sinner
revocō revocāre revocāvī revocātus
to call back, recall; revive; regain
rūrsus or rūrsum
turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again
Salius –a –um
of the Salii (dancing priests of Mars)
somnium somni(ī) n.
dream, vision; fantasy, day–dream
tempestīvē (comp. tempestīvius)
at the right time, opportunely, seasonably
tempus temporis n.
the side of the forehead, temple
tūs tūris n.
verbum verbī n.
word; verb
** vinciō vincīre vīnxī vīnctum **
to bind, tie up
volūbilis –e
turning, whirling, spinning (> volvo)