Odes 3.1 Odi profanum vulgus Flashcards
Achaemenius –a –um
Persian, Parthian; of the Persian royal family
aerātus –a –um
furnished with copper, bronze; made of bronze; bronze–covered; with brazen prow; armed with bronze; armed
agrestis agrestis agreste
rural, rustic
altum altī n.
deep sea; height
arbustum –ī n.
a growth of trees; a grove; thicket (> arbor)
arceō arcēre arcuī
to ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate
Arctūrus –ī m.
Arcturus, the principal star in the constellation Boötes; Arcturus
ātrium –ī n.
atrium, court
bonus –a –um
** cadō cadere cecidī cāsum **
to fall, sink; die, be killed; derive from, proceed from (a source)
caementum –ī n.
a rough, unhewn stone, as it comes from the quarry, a quarry-stone
cantus –ūs m.
a singing or playing; melody; song; strain, sound; incantation, charm (> cano)
capāx –ācis
containing much, wide, large, spacious, roomy, capacious
clārus –a –um
bright, clear; famous, distinguished
cliēns clientis m.
client (of a patron), dependent
- contendō contendere contendī contentus *
to stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend (bow/catapult); tune; stretch out; compete/contend (fight/law), dispute; compare/match/contrast; demand/press for; strain/tense; make effort, strive for; speak seriously/passionately; assert; hurl, shoo
contrahō contrahere contrāxī contractus
to collect, contract, reduce; shrink because of pain
costum –ī n.
costum (an eastern) aromatic plant
culpō culpāre culpāvī culpātus
to blame, censure
cūnctus –a –um
all, entire, all together
- dēcēdō dēcēdere dēcessī dēcessus *
to withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave; relinquish/cease; desert/abandon;stray/digress; pass away/depart life, die; subside/cease (feelings); disappear
dēlēniō dēlēnīre dēlēniī dēlēnītum
to soothe; soften
** dēmittō dēmittere dēmīsī dēmissum **
to send down, drop; cause (ideas, etc.) to enter (one’s consciousness), make (someone) absorb
- dēscendō dēscendere dēscendī dēscēnsus
to descend, climb/march/come/go/flow/run/hang down; dismount; penetrate/sink; stoop; demean; drop/become lower (pitch); be reduced; trace descent/come down
dēsīderō dēsīderāre dēsīderāvī dēsīderātus *
to desire/want, long/wish for, request, require/need; miss, lack; lose; want to know; investigate/examine/discuss (L+S); raise the question
dēstringō –stringere –strīnxī –strictum
to strip off, touch gently, criticize
dīvitia dīvitiae f.
riches (pl.), wealth
doleō dolēre doluī dolitus
to feel pain, suffer, be in pain, ache
ēlabōrō ēlabōrāre
to labor, endeavor, struggle, make an effort, take pains
eques equitis m.
horseman/cavalryman/rider; horsemen (pl.), cavalry; member of the equestrian order; knight (abb. eq.); (wealthy enough to own his own horse); horse
Falernus –a –um
Falernian, from the region of Mt. Falernus in Campania, famed for its wines
fāma fāmae f.
report, rumor; reputation, fame; tradition, story
famulus –a –um
pertaining to the house; (subst.) a house servant or slave; manservant; attendant
fastīdiō fastīdīre
to feel disgust, shrink, flinch, loathe, dislike, despise; show an aversion to (food or drink)
fastīdiōsus –a –um
full of disgust, squeamish, disdainful, scornful; wearisome, nauseating
faveō favēre fāvī fautus
to favor, be devoted to; show partiality, support someone enthusiastically
frequēns frequentis
crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant; frequens senatus: a senate with adequate attendance, a quorate senate
fundus fundī m.
base, foundation, farm
Gigantēus –a –um
of the Giants, connected with the Giants
haedus –ī m.
a kid, Haedi, orum, m., the constellation of the Kids in the hand of Auriga, whose rising portends storms
to here, hither
** iaciō iacere iēcī iactus **
to throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter; (of buildings) throw up, pile up
īdem eadem idem
impetus impetūs m.
attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
lapis lapidis m.
stone; milestone; jewel
lēx lēgis f.
lingua linguae f.
tongue; speech, language; dialect
maior māius
bigger; older
mendāx –ācis
given to lying; false, deceitful (> mentior)
minae –ārum f. pl.
threats, menaces; projecting points, pinnacles
mōlēs mōlis f.
large mass; rock/boulder; heap/lump/pile, bulk; monster; mole/jetty/dam/dike; large structure/building; military structure, wall, ramp; causeway/embankment; crowd, throng; heavy responsibility/burden; difficulty/danger; might/force
mōliō –īre
to build, erect; to start (pass.)
mōs mōris m.
custom, practice, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals
operōsus –a –um
full of labor, painstaking, active, busy, industrious, laborious
ōrdinō ōrdināre
to order, set in order, arrange, adjust, dispose, regulate
orior orīrī ortus sum
to rise, arise; be born
- pendeō pendēre pependī *
to hang, hang down
permūtō permūtāre permūtāvī permūtātus
to exchange
petītor –ōris m.
one who tries to obtain something; a candidate for office
Phrygius –a –um
Phrygian, Trojan; subst., Phrygiae, arum, f., Phrygian or Trojan women (> Phryx)
postis –is m.
doorjamb; door
profānus –a –um
in front or outside of the sacred inclosure; not sacred; profanos facere, to desecrate; subst., profani, orum, m., the unconsecrated; uninitiated, profane (> pro and fanum, shrine)
purpura –ae f.
purple color, purple; purple border or fringe
redēmptor –ōris m.
a contractor, undertaker, purveyor, farmer
** redūcō redūcere redūxī reductus **
to lead back, back, roll back; bring back; restore; reduce
rītus –ūs m.
a farm of religious ceremonial; a form, rite; custom, manner; abl., ritu, in the manner of, like
sapor –ōris m.
a taste, relish, flavor, savor
scandō scandere scandī scānsus
to mount, climb, ascent
sedeō sedēre sēdī sessus
to sit, remain; settle; encamp
sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsus
to perceive; feel
Siculus –a –um
pertaining to the Siculi, an ancient race, part of which migrated from Latium to Sicily; Sicilian (> Siculi)
sollicitō sollicitāre sollicitāvī sollicitātus
to disturb, worry; stir up, arouse, agitate, incite
sulcus –ī m.
a furrow; furrow; track, train
supercilium –ī n.
Tempē indecl. n.
valley of the Peneus R. between Mt. Olympus and Mt. Ossa, famous for its scenic beauty
torreō –ēre –uī –tostus
to burn, scorch, roast, parch; rush, roll; of a river bank; p., torrens, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.
trirēmis –is f.
a vessel with three banks of oars, a trireme
tumultuōsus –a –um
bustling, confused, disorderly, turbulent, tumultuous
urna urnae f.
ūsus ūsūs m.
use, enjoyment; experience, skill, advantage; custom
verberō verberāre verberāvī verberātus
to whip, flog, beat
vīnea –ae f.
vulgus vulgī n.
common people/general public/multitude/common herd/rabble/crowd/mob; flock
Zephyrus –ī m.
Zephyrus, a gentle west wind, the western breeze, zephyr