Odes 3.2 Augustam amice Flashcards
adultus –a –um
full–grown, ripe, mature
āgmen āgminis n.
line (of march), column; army; multitude, throng
amīcus –a –um
friendly (+ dat.)
angustus –a –um
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty
- antecēdō –cēdere –cessī –cessum *
to go before, precede, excel
arbitrium arbitrī(ī) n.
decision, choice
arcānus –a –um
secret, mysterious, hidden
bellō bellāre bellāvī bellātus
to wage war, carry on war, war
Cerēs Cereris f.
wheat; Ceres
claudus –a –um
limping, lame
coitus coitūs m.
meeting, encounter, gathering; conjunction; meeting place, coalescence, union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering, collection
condiscō condiscere condidicī
learn thoroughly; learn about
decōrus –a –um
fitting, suitable; handsome
- dēserō dēserere dēseruī dēsertus *
to leave/depart/quit/desert; forsake/abandon/give up; withdraw support, let down; cease to be concerned with; fail/fall short; (passive w/abl.) be without/deprived
ē ex
out of, from (+ abl.)
- fulgeō fulgēre fulsī *
to shine
hosticus –a –um
foreign; enemy
humus humī f.
ground, soil, earth, land, country
immeritus –a –um
undeserving; guiltless
incestus –a –um
not religiously pure, unclean, impure, polluted, defiled, sinful, criminal
intāminātus –a –um
lacēssō lacēssere lacēssīvī lacēssītus
to provoke, irritate
medius –a –um
middle (of); as subst., midst; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous; in the middle, in half
mercēs mercēdis f.
pay, wages, interest; article for sale, commodity
mīlitia –ae f.
military service/organization; campaign; war; soldiers (collectively), army; military spirit; courage, bravery; the soldiery/military; any difficult work
moenia moenium n. pl.
(city) walls
morior morī mortuus sum
to die
** parcō parcere pepercī parsus **
to forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with (+ dat.)
Parthus –a –um
of or belonging to the Parthians, Parthian; subst. the Parthi, a nation occupying the country of the Medes and Persians
patria patriae f.
country, homeland
phasēlus –ī m.
a light ship, so–called because of its resemblance to a green bean
poena poenae f.
punishment, penalty
poples –itis m.
the hinder part of the knee; hamstring; knee
populāris populāris
public, popular; of one’s own people, native
on behalf of, for, instead of, in accordance with (+ abl.); in order to (LL)
- prōspiciō prōspicere prōspexī prōspectum *
to forsee; see in front; have a view
** rapiō rapere rapuī raptus **
to seize, tear, carry (off) (by death)
rarely (adverb)
- reclūdō –ere –clūsī –clūsus *
to unclose; to open, freq.; throw open; reveal, disclose; unsheathe; cut or lay open (> re and claudo)
rēgius –a –um
royal, of a king, regal
repulsa –ae f.
a rejection, denial, refusal, repulse
rōbustus –a –um
rudis –e
still in its natural state; roughly fashioned, crude, uncultivated
sacrum sacrī n.
(religious) rite, sacrifice; something consecrated, a holy thing, sacred vessel, sacred utensil, holy place, sanctuary, temple
scelestus –a –um
secūris secūris f.
silentium silenti(ī) n.
sordidus –a –um
dirty, sordid; mean, shabby; of no account; disreputable; dressed in rags as a sign of mourning, mourning
sponsus –ī m.
a lover who has promised marriage; fiancé
** sūmō sūmere sūmpsī sūmptus **
to take up; begin; seat, drink, consume; uppose, assume; select; purchase; exact (punishment); obtain; undertake
suspīrō suspīrāre suspīrāvī suspīrātus
to breathe from beneath or deeply; to sigh
tāctus –ūs m.
a touching; touch (> tango)
tergum tergī n. or tergus –oris n.
the back of men or animals; the stern of a ship; skin, hide; gauntlet, hide; form, frame, body; carcass, body; length, long body; a layer, plate; pl., terga, orum, members, frame
trepidus –a –um
fearful, agitated
tūtus –a –um
safe, prudent; secure; protected
tyrannus tyrannī m.
ūdus –a –um
wet, damp
vexō vexāre vexāvī vexātus
to annoy, vex, attack; afflict
via viae f.
way, road, street
virtūs virtūtis f.
manliness, courage; excellence, virtue
vulgāris –e
of or belonging to the great mass or multitude, general, usual, ordinary, every–day, common
vulgō vulgāre vulgāvī vulgātus
to spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute