Odes 1.15 Pastor, cum traheret Flashcards
Achāicus (Achāius) –a –um
of Achaia; Achaean; Greek (> Achaia)
Achillēs –is m. or Achilleos –eī m.
Achilles (name)
adsum adesse adfuī adfutūrus
to be near or by; to be present, at hand
adulter adultera adulterum
adulterous , unchaste, false, deceptive
aegis –idis f.
the goatskin shield of Jupiter or Minerva
Aiāx –ācis m.
Ajax, the son of Telamon; Ajax, the son of Oileus, called also Ajax the Lesser
alter altera alterum
the other (of two)
anhēlitus –ūs m.
hard–breathing; puffing, panting (> anhelo)
terrible, cruel
aurīga –ae m.
a charioteer; a groom
avis avis f.
caesariēs –eī f.
the hair of the head
calamus –ī m.
a reed or cane; an arrow
caneō canēre canuī
to be white
cervus –ī m.
a stag, deer
cithara –ae f.
the cithara, cithern, or lute
collinō collinere collēvī collitus
smear over; soil, defile
coniūrō coniūrāre coniūrāvī coniūrātus
to swear together; conspire, unite; form an alliance
crīnis crīnis m.
currus currūs m.
Dardanus –a –um
Trojan; subst., the Dardanian; Aeneas; the Trojan, for the nation
- dīvidō dīvidere dīvīsī dīvīsus *
to divide; separate, break up; share, distribute; distinguish
lo! behold! look!
exitium existi(ī) n.
destruction, ruin
fātum –ī n. or fātus –ī m.
destiny, fate; in pl. (often), death
fēmina fēminae f.
woman; wife
ferus –a –um
wild, fierce
furiō –īre
to be mad, to rage
Gnōsius –a –um
of or belonging to Gnosus, Gnosian; Cretan
Graecia Graeciae f.
grāmen –inis n.
grass, plant, herb
hasta hastae f.
hospita –ae f.
she who entertains, a hostess
Īdaeus –a –um
of Mount Ida (either in Crete or in the Troad), Idaean; pertaining to Cybele, goddess of the Trojan Ida
Īliacus –a –um
belonging to Ilium; Ilian, Trojan
Īlium –iī n.
impavidus –a –um
not afraid; fearless, intrepid
imperitō imperitāre imperitāvī imperitātus
to command, govern, rule (> impero)
ingrātus –a –um
unpleasant, displeasing; ungrateful, displeased
Lāërtidēs –ae m.
Odysseus, son of Laertes
lupus lupī m.
mātrōna –ae f.
a matron, mother (> mater)
melior melius
** moveō movēre mōvī mōtus **
to set in motion, stir (up), move
Nēreūs –eī or –eos m.
Nereus, a sea–god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, and father of the Nereids; (meton.), the sea
Nestor –ōris
Nestor, a son of Neleus, and king of Pylus, famous among the heroes before Troy for his wisdom and eloquence. He is said to have lived through three generations of men
nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus
to come to know, learn, recognize; (in perfect) know; become familiar with; examine, study, inspect; try (case); accept as true; recall
nuptiae –ārum f. pl.
marriage, nuptials
obruō obruere obruī obrutum
to cover, overwhelm
opus operis n.
work; need
pāstor pāstōris m.
pectō –ere –pexī –pexus
to comb
Phryges –um m.
Phrygians, the inhabitants of Phrygia, which originally included the Troad, hence, also, Trojans, sing., Phryx, ygis, m., a Phrygian or Trojan
piger pigra pigrum
lazy; inactive, barren
** polliceor pollicērī pollicitus sum **
to promise
Priamus –ī m.
Priam, son of Laomedon, king of Troy; Priam, a Trojan youth, son of Polites and grandson of King Priam
prōferō prōferre prōtulī prōlātus
to bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention
Pylius –a –um
of Pylos (the birthplace of Nestor); (masc. as subst.) Nestor
quantus –a –um
how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
also, too
** reperiō reperīre repperī repertus **
to discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent
Salaminius –a –um
Of Salamis
spīculum –ī n.
sharp point, sting, arrow
Sthenelus –ī m.
Sthenelus, an Argive chief, charioteer of Diomedes; Sthenelus, a Trojan slain by Turnus
strepitus –ūs m.
a noise; an uproar; din; stir, noise of festivity; confused noise (> strepo)
sūdor sūdōris m.
Teucer (Teucrus) –crī m.
Teucer, first king of Troy, son of the river–god Scamander, and father–in–law of Dardanus; Teucer, son of Telamon and Hesione, half–brother of Ajax, and founder of Salamis in Cyprus
thalamus –ī m.
marriage bed; bedchamber
vallēs vallis f.