nutrition- chapter 19 Flashcards
atherosclerosis/ atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)
fatty plaque on the inside lining of the major blood vessels
- total cholesterol: fat-related compound produced in body; also in foods from animals
- lipoproteins: “packages” wrapped with protein that carry fat in the bloodstream
- triglycerides: simple fats in body or food
- thick, wax-like coating inside artery walls
- contains cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular debris, calcium, fibrin
atherosclerosis risk factors
- age: risk increases with age
- family history: history of premature CVD
- heredity: certain ethnic groups
- familial hypercholesterolemia
- familial hypertriglyceridemia
- blood cholesterol profile: high total and LDL and low HDL
- poor diet, physical inactivity, smoking
- compounding conditions: t2 diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, premature menopause, inflammatory disease
recommendations to reduce risk of atherosclerosis
- well rounded diet
- restrict fat and cholesterol
- regular physical activity
- minimize sedentary behaviors
- abstain from tobacco and avoid secondhand smoke
- lipid-lowering regimen
myocardial infarction (MI)
angina pectoris
cerebrovascular accident
very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs)
intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs)
low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
high-density lipoproteins (HDLs)
metabolic syndrome
acute CVD
- cardiac rest: promotes the return of normal functioning to the damaged heart
- MNT: small feedings throughout the day; soft and easily digestible
- long-term dietary modifications: reduced sodium, mediterranean diet
- heart cath/ angioplasty
- coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
congestive heart failure
pulmonary edema
- accumulation of fluid in the lung tissues
- fluid shift mechanism
- hormonal alterations
MNT for heart failure
chronic disease risk reduction (CDRR)
DASH diet
- low sodium
- AHA recommends < 2g/day
- chronically elevated blood pressure
- “silent killer”
- damages endothelium of blood vessels
- early education/ detection is critical
essential (primary) hypertension
- inherent form of high blood pressure
- no identifiable cause
- considered to be familial
secondary hypertension
- cause can be identified
- symptom or side effect of another primary condition
elevated blood pressure
stage 1 hypertension
stage 2 hypertension
MNT for hypertension
- weight management
- physical activity
- DASH diet
- sodium restriction
- potassium-rich diet
- smoking cessation
- stress reduction
nutrition education
- read food labels
- east fresh foods
- limit processed foods
- decrease saturated fat, trans fat, and salt
- increase use of seasonings
- reduce animal products, combine with complex carbohydrates
- integrate personal desires, ethnic diets, economic restrictions, and food availability, and dietary habits
education and prevention
- prevention begins in childhood, especially with children in high-risk families
- direct education to people and families with risk of heart disease and hypertension
- use of national organizations, community programs, registered dietitians, practical food-preparation materials
resistant hypertension
presence of high blood pressure despite treatment with 3 antihypertensive medications