fundamentals- chapter 26 Flashcards
structures in the digestive system
- mouth
- teeth
- tongue
- pharynx
- esophagus
- stomach
- small intestine
- large intestine
- anus
accessory organs
- salivary gland
- liver
- gallbladder
- pancreas
- the first part of the digestive tract
- contains tongue and teeth
- receives food and breaks it down
- receives secretions from the salivary glands
- tongue is mostly skeletal muscle; most movable organ of the
mouth - adults have 32 permanent teeth
- cuspids, incisors, bicuspids, and molars
parotid glands
- largest salivary glands
- one on each side
- located anterior and inferior to the ear
- secrete saliva into the mouth
- begins digestion of starches
- connects the nasal and oral cavities to the esophagus
- food is forced into the pharynx by the tongue
- muscular tube approx. 20cm long
- propels food into the stomach from the pharynx using muscular
contraction - lining secretes mucus
- located in the ULQ of the abdomen
- capacity of approx. 1.5L
- has 2 sphincters
- temporary storage place for food
- mixes food with digestive juices
- changes food into a semiliquid state
- begins digestion of proteins
- absorbs vitamin B12
small intestine
- duodenum, jejunum, ileum
- mixes food with secretions from liver and pancreas
- finishes digestion
- absorbs nutrients
large intestine
- ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus, cecum
- absorbs fluid and electrolytes
- eliminates waste products
liver and gallbladder
- concentrate, store, and secrete bile into the duodenum
- secretes digestive juices
- produces insulin
changes that occur with aging
dental care and tooth loss
- decreases ability to chew food
decreased gag reflex
- increases risk of aspiration
decreased sense of taste
- may lead to a loss of appetite
decreased muscle tone at sphincters
- increases risk of esophageal reflux
decreased gastric secretions
- may interfere with digestion of food
decreased peristalsis
- increased risk of constipation
- large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules
- makes energy available to the organism
- enables absorbed nutrients to enter bloodstream following digestion
converts food into chemical substances such as proteins and simple sugars to be used by the body for energy production and cellular metabolism
USDA MyPlate
- emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products
- includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts
- low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars
generalized swelling
- essential for replacing and rebuilding body tissues
- hormone production, fluid balance, antibody production, and transportation of nutrients
- approx. 4 kcal/g
- 9 essential amino acids
- 11 nonessential
essential amino acids
- cannot be synthesized by the body
- must be obtained via diet
- “indispensable” amino acids
- all found in soybeans
nonessential amino acids
- can be made by the human body
- dispensable amino acids
protein sources
high-quality, complete
- meat, eggs, milk products, poultry, fish
low- quality, incomplete:
- grains, legumes, vegetables
protein intake
- average DRI is 46-56g protein per day
- protein intake should be 10-15% daily calories
- varies based on activity level, health, and availability of sources
- 0.8g protein per kg body weight
- 1kg= approx. 2.2lb
protein deficiency
- protein energy and nutrient malnutrition
- occurs mostly in first year of life
- causes muscle wasting
- occurs in infants and children soon after weaning from breast milk
- subcutaneous fat preserved
- oedema present
protein excess
- stressful to liver and kidneys
- can lead to excess fat in diet
vegetarian diets
- dairy, eggs, and plants
- dairy and plants; no eggs
- no animal food sources, including honey
vegetarian diets
- well planned vegetarian diets can offer health benefits
- decreased risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes,
- decreased risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes,
- vegans may be deficient in:
- b12, b6, iron, zinc, riboflavin, vit D
- main source of energy
- should make up 50-60% daily intake
- 4 kcal/g
- regulate protein and fat metabolism, fight infection, promote growth of body tissues
- 3 main types
- simple
- complex
- fiber
simple carbohydrates
- glucose is the metabolized form of sugar
- table sugar (sucrose)
- fruit sugar (fructose)
- milk sugar (lactose)
- quickly absorbed into the bloodstream
- can cause quick rise in blood glucose
complex carbohydrates
- breads, pasta, cereal, rice, etc
- broken down into simple sugars for use
- provides more consistent serum glucose level
- recommended to make up 85-95% of carb intake
- cannot be broken down
- aids in elimination
- may decrease fat absorption
- increases stool bulk
- 21-38 g/day recommended
fiber sources
- fruits
- vegetables
- skins of some produce
- grains and cereals
- cooked legumes
- essential nutrient
- supplies concentrated form of energy
- 9 kcal/g
- source of fatty acids
- adds flavor and texture
- dissolves and transports fat-soluble vitamins and phytonutrients (carotenoids)
- insulates and controls body temp
- cushions and protects body organs
- facilitates transmission of nerve impulses
- gives feeling of fullness
- made of fatty acids and glycerol
- fatty acids are saturates or unsaturated
- fatty liquids at room temp are oils
- oils with unsaturated fats
- corn oil, safflower oil, canola oil
Omega-3 fatty acids
- most unsaturated form of fatty acid
- found in fish, canola oil, soybean oil, chicken, eggs, and walnuts
- should be added to diet
- essential nutrients that must be taken in through food sources or supplements
- water-soluble
- easily absorbed into bloodstream
- B complex and vit C
fat soluble vitamins - absorbed in small intestine
- D, A, K, E
- inorganic
- essential for metabolism and cellular function
- major minerals:
- calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine
- trace minerals:
- iron, copper, iodine, manganese cobalt, zinc,
molybdenum, selenium, fluoride, chromium
- iron, copper, iodine, manganese cobalt, zinc,
- most essential of all nutrients
- adult body is 50-69% water
- water requirement is 1mL/kcal intake
- used in every body process
- general rule: intake needs to equal output + 500mL to prevent dehydration `
factors affecting nutrition
- age
- illness
- emotional status
- economic status
- religion
- culture
- food safety
cultural influences
African American
- preferences often contribute to high fat, sugar, and salt content
Hispanic American
- high in carbohydrates such as beans, rice, corn, and tortillas
- can be high in fat because of the use of lard in the preparation of fried foods
Asian American
- high in carbohydrates and vegetables and low in meat and fish
- use of monosodium glutamate (MSG) has decreased but dishes may still have a high sodium and high fat content
Middle Eastern American
- fermented dairy products such as yogurt, meats, grains in the form of wheat or rice at each meal, fresh fruits, and vegetables
- foods may be specially prepared if the individual practices Islam
nutrition counseling
- should include modification of the culture’s traditional diet to accomplish a more healthy composition and preparation while maintaining the diet’s basic components
- patients should be taught how meals can be made healthier by preparing food with less fat and sodium
- should double birth weight by 6 months and triple weight by 1 year
- breast milk recommended for first full year
- formulas can supplement
- solids introduced at 4 to 6 months
toddlers and preschool
- 2 to 5 years
- consume less milk and increase solid intake
- provide small servings
- easy to chew foods
- avoid combination foods
- toddlers prefer single-item foods not touching
- try colorful foods
- provide pleasant environment
- provide easily handled utensils
- try colorful/engaging dishes
- avoid forcing a child to eat
school-age children
- may desire sweet, non-nutritive foods
- provide well balanced breakfast before school
- provide nutritious after-school snacks
- high-calorie, high-sodium preferences may predispose to obesity
- tend to eat many fast foods
- body requires more calories and nutrients during growth
- adolescent females require more iron after menstruation begins
- rely on fast and convenient foods
- obesity and hypertension prevalent
- increased fat and sodium intake
- increased sugar intake
- lack exercise
older adults
- most risk for inadequate nutrition
- may need to decrease calories
- physical limitations make food prep more difficult
- arrange for companionship during meals
- some have limited incomes