Nuclear - Radiation Safety, Radiopharmaceuticals Flashcards
What is the uniformity standard performance parameter for detectors in SPECT?
Describe the findings
Uniformity test
Describe the findings
Cracked crystal
Describe how to measure change in sensitivity?
record the time taken to acquire a preset number of counts using a set dose
What is the cause of “ring artifact” on SPECT imaing?
non-uniformity on SPECT
How frequently should these QC measures be performed:
- Plexiglas phantom
- Uniformity correction
- COR –> weekly or monthly
- Plexiglas phantom –> quarterly or annually
- Uniformity correction –> manufacturer recommendation
What are examples of COR artifacts?
- Doughnut artifact (360 degrees)
- Tuning fork artifact (180 degrees)
What is a survery meter (Geiger counter, Geiger-Mueller counter, GM counter)?
used daily to detect radioactive contamination in labs
What are QC checks that should be done on survey counters daily?
- Battery check
- Source check
- ensure meter responds to radiation
How often should survey counter calibration be performed?
What are the standard testing done on dose calibrators?
- Background
- Voltage
- Accuracy
- Constancy
- Linearity
- Geometry
What are common isotopes used for annual dose calibrator accuracy testing?
- Co-57
- Cs-137
*** Results must be within 5%
****sources must be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
What does a geometry test measure?
ability of the dose calibrator to measure accurately with consistent activity at different volumes
- performed at installation, recalibration, “plug-in”
What is a constancy test?
- designed to show that a long half-life source yields reproducible readings
- within 5% of decay corrected accuracy readings
- check each setting (isotope) button
What is a linearity test?
assesses ability to read both high and low activity (range)
- performed quarterly
What is a Rad?
- radiation absorbed dose
- energy absorbed in material
What is a Gray?
100 Rad = 1 Gray
SI unit for Radiation Absorbed Dose
Define Relative Biological Effectivenss (RBE)
- ratio of biological effectiveness of one type of ionizing radiation relative to another, given the same amount of absorbed energy
- different types of radiation have diffierent biologic burdens
How can you calculate a Roentgen Equivalent Man (Rem)?
Rem = Rad x QF
- 1 Rad gamma rays = 1 Rem
- 1 Rad alpha particles = 20 Rem
What is the international unit for Rem
Sievert (Sv)
- 100 Rem = 1 Sv
Describe the radiological units summary
- Roentgen (R)
- Rad
- Rem
- SI units
- Gray (Gy)
- Sievert (Sv)
What are the Quality Factors (QF):
- XR, Gamma rays
- Beta particles
- Neutrons and Protons
- Alpha particles
- XR, Gamma rays –> 1.0
- Beta particles –> 1.0
- Neutrons and Protons –> 10
- Alpha particles –> 20
What is the international unit to express dose equivalent?
Sievert (Sv)
What are the assumptions and limitations of the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) method?
- radioactivity is uniformly distributed in the organ
- organ size assumed for the standard person
- cellular level micro-dosimetry is not modeled
What is the effective radiation dose per examination:
- Tc99m Sestamibi
- Tl201
- Cardiac cath
- CT angio
What is the dose limit:
- non-occupational dose limits from occupational sources (shielding of rooms, breastfeeding)
1 mSv (100 mRem)
What is the dose limit:
- infrequent exposure from other’s medical procedures (family member, release to public)
5 mSv (500 mRem)
What is the dose limit:
- occupational dose limits
- models determining the equivalent chance of developing major cancer = as that of a major work related event
What are the Quarterly ALARA Investigational Levels?
What steps should be taken if you reach a Quarterly ALARA investigational level?
- Level I –> Notify and action taken at RSO discretion
- Level II –> Investigate and take action
What is the natural background received by a person living the US each year?
300 mRem/year
What is the annual whole-body dose limit for an occupational worker?
5 Rem or 0.05 Sv
What is the dose limit:
- Pregnant workers
500 mRem (5 mSv) over gestation period
- < 50 mRem / month
- fetus is a non-occupational worker
What are the regulations for breastfeeding?
reduce the dose to a newborn infant to < 1 mSv (actual regulation is < 5 mSv)