Neurología Flashcards
Type of tremor typically improved with alcohol intake
ACP July 2024
Virus responsible for most cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
ACP July 2024
JC Virus (accept John Cunningham virus; human polyoma virus 2)
Infectious agent most commonly associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome
ACP July 2024
Campylobacter jejuni (accept Campylobacter)
CNS vascular abnormality associated with aortic coarctation
ACP July 2024
Intracranial aneurysm
Eponymous name for tremor with rest, action, and postural components resulting in a wing-beating movement of the upper body
ACP July 2024
Holmes tremor
Eponym for brief paralysis following a seizure
ACP June 2024
Todd paralysis (accept Todds)
Clinical manifestation of Parkinson disease assessed with the retropulsion or ‘pull’ test
ACP June 2024
Postural instability (accept fall risk)
Opthalmologic diagnosis with acute monocular eye pain, visual loss and relative afferent pupillary defect
ACP June 2024
Optic neuritis
Cerebrovascular disorder with symptomatic reversible multifocal narrowing of the cerebral arteries
ACP June 2024
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (accept migrainous vasospasm or angiitis; Call-Fleming syndrome or Call syndrome; thunderclap headache-associated vasospasm; drug or post-partum-induced cerebral arteritis; benign angiopathy or pseudovasculitis of the central nervous system)
Syndrome with Parkinsonian features and pronounced autonomic nervous system failure
ACP June 2024
Multi-system atrophy (accept Shy-Drager syndrome; olivopontocerebellar atrophy; striatonigral degeneration)
Repetitive, stereotyped, suppressible movements
ACP march 2019
Preferred initial drug therapy for idiopathic intracranial hypertension
ACP march 2019
Acetazolamide (accept carbonic anhydrase inhibitor)
Diagnostic study for prolonged altered mental status following convulsive status epilepticus
ACP march 2019
24-hour continuous EEG monitoring
Diagnosis associated with anti–N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antibodies
ACP march 2019
Autoimmune encephalitis (accept limbic encephalitis)
Recurrent throbbing headache occurring after the age of 50 that awakens the patient from sleep
ACP march 2019
Hypnic headache
Diagnosis for progressive weakness, areflexia, and sensorimotor neuropathy extending beyond 8 weeks
ACP July 2019
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (accept CIDP)
Oral drug therapy for multiple sclerosis-related spasticity
ACP July 2019
Baclofen (accept tizanidine and dantrolene)
Most effective treatment for focal dystonia
ACP July 2019
Botulinum toxin injection
Semicircular canal most commonly implicated in an attack of BPPV
ACP July 2019
Preferred antiepileptic drug therapy for women taking hormonal contraceptives
ACP July 2019
Condition characterized by acute, severe, and persistent nonpositional peripheral vertigo
ACP november 2019
Vestibular neuronitis
Two emergency treatments for myasthenic crisis
ACP november 2019
Plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin (both required)
Best diagnostic study for evaluation of suspected nonepileptic seizures
ACP november 2019
Video electroencephalography (accept epilepsy monitoring unit or EMU)
Two most common neuropsychiatric complications of multiple sclerosis
ACP november 2019
Depression and cognitive dysfunction (accept memory loss)
Cause of parkinsonian-hyperpyrexia syndrome
ACP november 2019
Sudden withdrawal of dopaminergic medications
“Signature injury” of soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
ACP October 2016
Traumatic brain injury
Descriptive name of severe headache that reaches maximum intensity in 60 seconds
ACP October 2016
Name of self-limited chorea that occurs during pregnancy
ACP October 2016
Chorea gravidarum
Parkinson-plus syndrome associated with distinctive eye findings
ACP October 2016
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Most common manifestation of temporal lobe epilepsy associated with this coronal FLAIR MRI
ACP October 2016
Complex partial seizure
Visual hallucinations occur most commonly in this form of dementia
ACP September 2021
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Two effective topical treatments for postherpetic neuralgia
ACP September 2021
Topical lidocaine and topical capsaicin
Most common cause of death in patients with Parkinson disease
ACP September 2021
Pneumonia (accept aspiration pneumonia)
Kidney disease associated with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
ACP September 2021
Nephrotic syndrome
Symptom of normal pressure hydrocephalus most responsive to CSF shunting
ACP September 2021
Gait difficulty (accept gait apraxia, magnetic gait, glue-footed gait, frontal ataxia)
Most common presenting severe symptom of diabetic amyotrophy
ACP September 2017
Most effective drug treatment for trigeminal neuralgia
ACP September 2017
Name of syndrome describing delayed neurologic sequelae following carbon monoxide poisoning
ACP September 2017
Delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome
Tremor that occurs exclusively with writing
ACP September 2017
Primary writing tremor
Ice-pack test is associated with this autoimmune neuromuscular disorder
ACP September 2017
Myasthenia gravis
Usual initial treatment of a multiple sclerosis relapse
ACP October 2021
High-dose intravenous glucocorticoid (accept high-dose steroid or high-dose corticosteroid)
Systolic blood pressure threshold for treatment of hypertension in the setting of intracerebral hemorrhage
ACP October 2021
> 180 mm Hg
Syndrome characterized by persistent symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury
ACP October 2021
Postconcussion syndrome
Chromosome 19 gene variant associated with increased risk of Alzheimer disease
ACP October 2021
APOE-4 (accept apolipoprotein E-4)
Term for the transitional period from wakefulness to sleep
ACP October 2021
Condition treated with the otocanolith repositioning maneuver
ACP December 2021
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (accept BPPV)
Nerve responsible for burning pain, paresthesia, and hypesthesia over the upper outer thigh
ACP December 2021
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Cerebrospinal fluid electrophoresis finding characteristic of multiple sclerosis
ACP December 2021
Oligoclonal bands
Term used to describe episodic vertigo in patients with other clinical features of migraine
ACP December 2021
Vestibular migraine (accept migrainous vertigo)
Also known as ‘alarm clock headache’
ACP December 2021
Hypnic headache
Eponym for cephalic zoster complicated by facial paralysis or by auditory or vestibular symptoms
ACP June 2020
Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Diagnosis associated with this finding
Falta Imagen
ACP June 2020
Basilar skull fracture
Stroke subtype most commonly linked to pure motor hemiparesis
ACP June 2020
Lacunar (accept subcortical)
Fortification spectrum is a phenomenon associated with this disorder
ACP June 2020
Muscle condition associated with ‘ragged red fibers’ on muscle biopsy
ACP June 2020
Mitochondrial myopathy
Laboratory finding diagnostic of primary ovarian failure
ACP October 2023
Elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
ACP October 2023
Type of cancer associated with chronic anovulation
ACP October 2023
Endometrial (accept Uterine)
Sexually transmitted infection associated with punctate microhemorrhages of the cervix (‘strawberry cervix’)
ACP October 2023
Trichomonas vaginalis (accept Trichomoniasis)
Most effective form of emergency contraception
ACP October 2023
Copper intrauterine device (accept IUD)
Recommended breast cancer screening regimen for women who received chest wall radiation between ages of 10 and 30 years
ACP October 2023
Annual mammogram and breast MRI
Pain perceived as coming from an amputated limb
ACP August 2020
Phantom pain
Name of this graphical representation of cerebrocortical motor control
Falta Imagen
ACP August 2020
Motor homunculus (accept homunculus)
A common benign MRI finding in patients with migraine
ACP August 2020
Nonspecific white matter lesion (accept hyperintensity)
Most common identifiable arterial disorder predisposing to carotid artery dissection
ACP August 2020
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Limbic encephalitis associated with ovarian teratomas
ACP July 2020
Anti-NDMA receptor encephalitis
Duration of neurologic dysfunction defining transient focal ischemia without infarction
ACP September 2020
<24 hours
French term for trigeminal neuralgia
ACP September 2020
Tic douloureux
Syndromes characterized by bradykinesia, tremor, and multiple system degeneration
ACP September 2020
Parkinson-plus syndromes
Condition characterized by a lack of sensory or visual perception on one side
ACP September 2020
Hemispatial neglect (accept hemineglect, spatial neglect, hemiagnosia)
Condition associated with dislodged otoconia from the macula of the utricular otolith
ACP September 2020
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (accept BPPV)
The most common cranial neuropathy associated with Lyme disease
ACP February 2018
Facial (7th) nerve palsy
Amplifying hosts for West Nile virus infection
ACP February 2018
Birds (accept crows, ravens, jays)
Migraine subtype characterized by unilateral weakness during the aura
ACP February 2018
Hemiplegic migraine
Definitive diagnostic test for anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
ACP February 2018
Anti-NMDA receptor antibodies (CSF or serum, neither required)
Screening for this allele is recommended before starting carbamazepine in patients of Asian ancestry
ACP February 2018
HLA-B*1502 allele
Degenerative neurological disease treated with galantamine
ACP May 2018
Alzheimer’s disease (accept dementia or dementia with Lewy bodies)
Another name for lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
ACP May 2018
Meralgia paresthetica
Headache type that may be treated with microvascular decompression
ACP May 2018
Trigeminal neuralgia
Pregnancy-related condition associated with reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy
ACP May 2018
Eclampsia (accept preeclampsia)
Neurologic condition that presents like diabetic amyotrophy but without diabetes
ACP May 2018
Idiopathic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy
Category of vertigo associated with spontaneous bidirectional or vertical nystagmus
ACP September 2018
Central vertigo
Condition accounts for 25% of patients previously diagnosed with cryptogenic stroke
ACP September 2018
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Dementia type associated with severe sensitivity to neuroleptics
ACP September 2018
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Eponym for serotonin syndrome diagnostic criteria
ACP September 2018
Term that describes dream enactment
ACP September 2018
REM behavior disorder (accept parasomnia)
Cranial nerve injury associated with acute mydriasis
ACP April 2023
III (3)
Likely diagnosis for acute-onset headache, neck pain, and new-onset Horner syndrome
ACP April 2023
Carotid artery dissection
Common term for lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
ACP April 2023
Meralgia paresthetica
Inherited muscle ion channel defect characterized by episodes of painless muscle weakness
ACP April 2023
Periodic paralysis (accept hypokalemic periodoic paralysis or hyperkalemic periodic paralysis)
Non-epileptic neurological disorder characterized by uncontrollable episodes of crying or laughing that are incongruent with mood
ACP April 2023
Pseudobulbar affect (also accept emotional incontinence)
Eponym for late amnestic neuropsychiatric manifestation of Wernicke encephalopathy affecting memory
ACP May 2023
Korsakoff Syndrome
Most common location of initial muscle weakness in Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
ACP May 2023
Proximal lower extremities (accept lower extremities)
Eponym for progressive spreading of jerking activity along a limb in focal motor status epilepticus
ACP May 2023
Jacksonian march
First line drug for prevention of recurrent cluster headaches
ACP May 2023
Common term for long-term complication of Bell Palsy resulting in spontaneous tearing associated with eating
ACP May 2023
Crocodile Tears Syndrome (accept Bogorad’s Syndrome; gustatolacrimal reflex; paroxysmal lacrimation)
Next test for high probability subarachnoid hemorrhage but normal CT
ACP January 2013
Lumbar puncture
Cause of painless weakness, muscle atrophy, and upper and lower motor neuron signs
ACP January 2013
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Syndrome manifested by motor function limited to blinking or moving eyes vertically
ACP January 2013
Locked-in syndrome
Type of weight loss diet that can worsen symptoms of patients treated for Parkinson’s disease
ACP January 2013
High protein
Neurological term that describes inability to correctly draw a clock face
ACP January 2013
Constructional apraxia