Bioestadistica Flashcards
Name of ratio that compares two absolute risks
ACP september 2019
Relative risk (accept risk ratio)
NNT if the absolute risk reduction is 10%
ACP september 2019
A graphical technique to assess the possibility of publication bias in a systematic review
ACP september 2019
Funnel plot
Type of screening bias associated with overrepresentation of indolent disease in the screen-detected cohort
ACP september 2019
Length bias (accept length-time bias)
One word definition for the probability that an event will occur divided by the probability that it will not occur
ACP september 2019
Statistical term for estimation of the probability of disease before testing
ACP August 2021
Pretest probability
The inverse of this measure is used to calculate the number needed to treat (NNT)
ACP August 2021
Absolute risk reduction
A negative likelihood ratio of 0.2 decreases the probability of disease by approximately this amount
ACP August 2021
30% (accept 0.30)
Arithmetic operation used to combine 2 likelihood ratios of 2 independent findings for a disease
ACP August 2021
Case-control study variant that uses a specified number of control patients for analysis of each case
ACP August 2021
Nested case-control study
Number of persons with a disease over the entire population
ACP September 2021
The meaning of the mnemonic SPin
ACP September 2021
Specificity rules in
A positive likelihood ratio of 10 increases the probability of disease by approximately his amount
ACP September 2021
45% (accept 0.45)
Direction of change of the positive predictive value when disease prevalence increases
ACP September 2021
Tool that can visualize the best cut-off point of a test to maximize sensitivity and specificity
ACP September 2021
Receiver operating characteristic curve (accecpt ROC curve)
Statistical term describing how close two or more repeated measurements are to each other
ACP May 2024
Measure of disease burden expressed as the number of years lost to ill-health, functional impairment, and premature death
ACP May 2024
Disability adjusted life years
A positive likelihood ratio of 2 increases the probability of disease by approximately his amount
ACP May 2024
Study structure used to answer two or more separate research questions in a single cohort of participants
ACP May 2024
Factorial design (accept multi factorial design)
The proportion of the incidence of a disease in a population due to exposure that would be eliminated with removal of the exposure
ACP May 2024
Population attributable risk (accept attributable risk; population attributable fraction)
Statistical term describing the closeness of measurements to a specific value
ACP March 2024
Usual effect of increasing sample size on width of the confidence interval
ACP March 2024
Narrowing (accept decreasing)
A negative likelihood ratio of 0.5 decreases the probability of disease by approximately this amount
ACP March 2024
Statistical methods used when data is not normally distributed
ACP March 2024
Non-parametric statistics
Eponymous term for a form of selection bias that causes hospital cases and controls to be systematically different from one another
ACP March 2024
Berkson bias (accept Berkson paradox)
Word referring to the ability of a study to detect a true difference between two treatment groups
ACP May 2020
Likelihood ratios may be calculated using these two diagnostic test characteristics
ACP May 2020
Sensitivity and specificity
Name associated with the formula 1/(absolute risk reduction)
ACP May 2020
Number needed to treat (accept NNT)
Name of this statistical formula for calculating conditional probability
Falta imagen
ACP May 2020
Bayes’ Theorem (accept Bayes’ Law, Bayes’ Rule, Bayesian Analysis)
Tool used to compare the operating characteristics of two or more tests
ACP May 2020
ROC curve (accept receiver operating characteristic curve)
The estimated probability that a study’s results are true when α = .05
ACP July 2020
.95 (accept 95%)
Term for number of new cases of disease divided by the population
ACP July 2020
Type of bias due to early detection of disease without change in eventual mortality
ACP July 2020
Lead-time bias
Name of error associated with rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true
ACP July 2020
Type I error (accept α [alpha] error)
Name of this nomogram used to interpret likelihood ratios
Falta imagen
ACP July 20202
Fagan nomogram
Measure of association between exposure and outcome
ACP January 2018
Odds ratio
Name for the estimate of precision about a mean
ACP January 2018
Confidence interval
Positive likelihood ratio of 2 increases the probability of disease by this percentage
ACP January 2018
Reciprocal of this number is used to calculate the number needed to treat (NNT)
ACP January 2018
Absolute rate (risk) reduction
Category of variable that can be quantified using an infinite arithmetic scale of values
ACP January 2018
Continuous variable
Type of bias resulting from the study population not reflecting the intended target population
ACP February 2023
Selection bias
Term for concealment of group allocation from individuals involved in a clinical research study
ACP February 2023
A positive likelihood ratio of 5 increases the probability of disease by approximately this amount
ACP February 2023
Type of bias that overestimates survival due to detection of an excess of slowly progressing cases of the disease
ACP February 2023
Length time bias (do not accept lead time bias)
Score used to reduce selection bias by enabling balancing of participant characteristics between observed treatment and control groups
ACP February 2023
Propensity score