Hematología Flashcards
Most frequent cause of transient aplastic crisis in patients with chronic hemolytic anemia
ACP April 2008
Parvovirus B19 infection
Major use of cryoprecipitate is to replace this blood component
ACP April 2008
Most common enzyme deficiency associated with these red blood cells
ACP April 2008
Glucose 6-phosphate deficiency
Important cause of recurrent abdominal pain in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
ACP April 2008
Portal or mesenteric thrombosis
Disease associated with “sausaging” of retinal veins
ACP April 2008
Macroglobulinemia (accept Waldenstrom’s, hyperviscosity syndrome)
Term for eating of nonfood substances
ACP August 2024
Technical name for ‘bite cells’ on a peripheral blood smear
ACP August 2024
Diagnosis for a patient with mild microcytic, hypochromic anemia, target cells, and normal hemoglobin electrophoresis
ACP August 2024
α-Thalassemia trait (α-thalassemia minor)
Most common type of acute porphyria worldwide
ACP August 2024
Acute intermittent porphyria
Characteristic peripheral smear finding in addition to thrombocytopenia in Bernard-Soulier syndrome and May-Hegglin anomaly
ACP August 2024
Giant platelets (accept macrothrombocytes or abnormally large platelets
Nuclear remnant in red blood cells of asplenic patients
ACP July 2024
Howell-Jolly body
Factor deficiencies in hemophilia A, B and C
ACP July 2024
VIII, IX, XI (must list all three)
Two most common organ systems affected by leukostasis syndrome
ACP July 2024
Central nervous system (CNS) and pulmonary
Antibiotic used as an in-vitro assay for von Willebrand factor binding to platelet receptor glycoprotein Ib
ACP July 2024
Lipid abnormality used as diagnostic criteria for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
ACP July 2024
Name of thalassemia condition characterized by two normal alpha globin chain genes
ACP may 2019
Alpha thalassemia trait (accept alpha thalassemia minor)
Test to diagnose acute intermittent porphyria
ACP may 2019
Urinary porphobilinogen (accept urine porphyrin)
Two FDA approved direct factor Xa inhibitor oral anticoagulants for VTE monotherapy
ACP may 2019
Rivaroxaban and apixaban
Syndrome consisting of eosinophilia without a secondary cause and organ dysfunction
ACP may 2019
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Initial diagnostic study for all patients with confirmed amyloidosis
ACP may 2019
Amyloid typing
Diagnosis for Hgb 5.5 gm/dL with 0.1% reticulocytes and normal platelet count, leukocyte count, and bilirubin
ACP september 2019
Pure red cell aplasia
Underlying diagnosis responsible for this peripheral blood smear following treatment with nitrofurantoin
Falta imagen
ACP september 2019
G6PD deficiency
Diagnosis for splanchnic thrombosis, pancytopenia, and non-immune hemolytic anemia
ACP september 2019
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Most common scoring system used to assess the probability of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
ACP september 2019
4T’s score
Agent that reverses dabigatran anticoagulant effect
ACP september 2019
Idarucizumab (accept Praxbind)
Diagnostic test for this hereditary condition
Falta imagen
ACP January 2020
Osmotic fragility test
Mechanism of action of dabigatran
ACP January 2020
Direct thrombin inhibitor
Diagnosis suggested by positive Coombs test for bound complement
ACP January 2020
Cold agglutinin disease (cold hemolytic anemia)
Two most common organ system dysfunctions associated with leukostasis syndrome
ACP January 2020
Pulmonary and CNS
Diagnosis associated with 25% hemoglobin A, 5% hemoglobin A2, and 65% hemoglobin
ACP January 2020
Sickle cell β-thalassemia
Most patients with leukostasis syndrome are also at risk for this oncological emergency
ACP November 2017
Tumor lysis syndrome
Playing this musical instrument is classically associated with intravascular hemolysis
ACP November 2017
Bongo drum
Two diagnoses most commonly accounting for acute fall in hemoglobin in patients with sickle cell anemia
ACP November 2017
Aplastic crisis and hyperhemolytic crisis
Definitive treatment for porphyria cutanea tarda
ACP November 2017
Giant hemangiomas can be associated with this coagulation disorder syndrome
ACP November 2017
DIC (also accept Kasabach-Merritt syndrome)
Coagulation study prolonged in hemophilia A and B
ACP November 2021
Activated partial thromboplastin time (accept aPTT or PTT)
Pretransfusion erythrocyte treatment to reduce risk of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
ACP November 2021
Increased hepatic deposition of this inorganic substance plays a central role in the pathogenesis of porphyria cutanea tarda
ACP November 2021
Therapy that decreases recurrent stroke in sickle cell disease
ACP November 2021
Transfusion (accept exchange transfusion or hypertransfusion)
Systemic syndrome characterized by engulfment of blood cells by macrophages
ACP November 2021
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Test to detect antibody and complement on the erythrocyte surface
ACP September 2020
Direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test
Condition characterized by an elevated blast cell count and symptoms of decreased tissue perfusion
ACP September 2020
Leukostasis syndrome (accept symptomatic hyperleukocytosis)
All direct oral anticoagulants with generic name ending in ‘xaban’ have this common mechanism of action
ACP September 2020
Xa inhibitor
Condition caused by acquired inhibition of hepatic uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity
ACP September 2020
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Target hemoglobin level for patients with sickle cell disease undergoing moderate-risk surgery
ACP September 2020
10 g/dL
Test of peripheral blood that can identify cell type by patterns of surface antigen expression
ACP November 2020
Flow cytometry
The two hallmark findings of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
ACP November 2020
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia
Difference between the terms ‘folate’ and ‘folic acid’
ACP November 2020
Folate is the natural form of the vitamin, folic acid is the synthetic, therapeutic form (accept synthetic or therapeutic)
Meaning of ‘wet purpura’
ACP November 2020
Hemorrhagic blisters in mucous membranes, such as the oral mucosa
Most common drug associated with hemolytic anemia
ACP November 2020
Acronym describing acute respiratory distress, elevated B-type natriuretic peptide level, and elevated central venous pressure within 6 hours of transfusion
ACP December 2020
TACO (Transfusion–associated circulatory overload)
Condition resulting from IgG autoantibodies directed against platelet membrane glycoproteins
ACP December 2020
Primary immune thrombocytopenia (accept ITP, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, immune thrombocytopenic purpura)
Two direct oral anticoagulants approved as initial therapy without heparin for venous thromboembolism disease
ACP December 2020
Apixaban and rivaroxaban
A syndrome defined by the occurrence of two or more immune cytopenias
ACP December 2020
Evans syndrome
Diagnosis accounting for absence CD55 and CD59 on red cells and granulocytes
ACP December 2020
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
The most common of the four acute porphyrias
ACP April 2018
Acute intermittent porphyria
Major antibody-related complication of hemophilia
ACP April 2018
Inhibitors to factor VIII or IX (accept inhibitors)
Condition characterized by inheritance of only one functional alpha globin chain
ACP April 2018
Hemoglobin H
Name of units used to measure coagulation inhibitor titers
ACP April 2018
Monoclonal antibody effective in the treatment of complement-mediated hemolytic uremic syndrome
ACP April 2018
Cause of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly in myelofibrosis (myeloid metaplasia)
ACP July 2018
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
Post-surgical complication of bevacizumab therapy
ACP July 2018
Delayed wound healing
In addition to fresh frozen plasma, a therapeutic source of fibrinogen
ACP July 2018
Most specific morphological abnormality associated with myelodysplastic syndrome
ACP July 2018
Ring sideroblasts
Otherwise known as Factor VI in the coagulation cascade
ACP July 2018
Activated Factor V
Two most common sites of bleeding in hemophilia A
Joints and muscles
Eponym for Coombs-positive warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia and immune thrombocytopenia
ACP November 2018
Evans syndrome
Most common cause of thrombocytosis >1,000,000/µL
ACP November 2018
Anticoagulant associated with platelet clumping
ACP November 2018
Otherwise known as Factor IV in the coagulation cascade
ACP November 2018
A specific disease entity reflecting a deficiency of hematopoietic stem cells resulting in peripheral pancytopenia and bone marrow aplasia
ACP January 2022
Aplastic anemia
Antibody type classically associated with warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
ACP January 2022
Initial medical therapy for patients with thrombocytosis-associated stroke
ACP January 2022
Aspirin and cytoreductive therapy (accept hydroxyurea, anagrelide, or pegylated interferon for cytoreductive therapy)
Diagnosis associated with absence of the GPI anchor on two hematopoietic cell lines
ACP January 2022
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Syndrome causing noninfectious fever and rash during the neutrophil recovery phase after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
ACP January 2022
Engraftement syndrome
Term for the stacking of red blood cells on a peripheral blood smear
ACP June 2023
Rouleaux (accept rouleaux formation)
Common term for the t(9;22) translocation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ACP June 2023
Philadelphia chromosome
Autoantibodies directed toward complexes of herparin and this protein result in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
ACP June 2023
Platelet factor 4 (do not accept only platelet factor)
Elevation of this metabolic intermediate is associated with folate deficiency
ACP June 2023
Eponym for calculation using CBC parameters useful in differentiating iron deficiency anemia from thalassemia
ACP June 2023
Mentzer index (accept erythrocyte count divided by the mean corpuscular volume)
Clinical condition most commonly associated with ‘bite cells’ on a peripheral blood smear
ACP April 2023
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (accept G6PD deficiency)
Hereditary hemochromatosis is most commonly associated with a mutation in this gene
ACP April 2023
HFE (accept C282Y)
Medication with indications for treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia and acne
ACP April 2023
Tretinoin (accept all-trans retinoic acid, ATRA)
Eponym for triad of iron deficiency anemia, dysphagia, and esophageal webs
ACP April 2023
Plummer-Vinson syndrome (Accept Paterson-Brown-Kelly Syndrome or sideropenic dysphagia)
Scoring system to predict severity of ADAMTS deficiency in suspected thrombotic thrombcytopenic purpura
ACP April 2023
A thrombotic microangiopathy caused by severely reduced activity of ADAMTS13
ACP August 2022
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (accept TTP)
Diagnosis most strongly suggested by widely variable and random changes in serial platelet counts
ACP August 2022
Thalassemia syndrome associated with 2 normal alpha globin chain genes
ACP August 2022
Alpha thalassemia trait
Myelodysplastic disorder that classically presents in older women with refractory macrocytic anemia and normal platelet count
ACP August 2022
Isolated del(5q) (accept 5 q syndrome)
Monoclonal antibody to treat Waldenström macroglobulinemia
ACP August 2022
Factor that carries factor VIII in the circulation
ACP April 2013
von Willebrand factor
Four vitamin K dependent coagulation factors
ACP April 2013
II, VII, IX, and X (name all)
A metalloproteinase that is deficient in TTP
ACP April 2013
Intervention that decreases recurrent stroke in sickle cell disease
ACP April 2013
Exchange transfusion
Cause of splenomegaly and hepatomegaly in myelofibrosis (myeloid metaplasia)
ACP April 2013
Extramedullary hematopoiesis