Infectología Flashcards
Term for objects or materials which are able to transmit infection if contaminated
ACP June 2024
Fomite (accept fomes)
Name for measles infection in patients with preexisting but incompletely protective anti-measles antibody
ACP June 2024
Modified measles
Systemic reaction to endotoxin-like products released by the death of harmful microorganisms following initiation of antibiotic treatment
ACP June 2024
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Bacterial species associated with bacillary angiomatosis
ACP June 2024
Antibiotic treament of choice for infection with the waterborne intestinal protozoan Cyclospora cayetanensis
ACP June 2024
The most common bacterium infecting adult joints
ACP July 2019
S. aureus (accept MRSA)
Antibiotic treatment duration for Lyme arthritis without neurologic involvement
ACP July 2019
28 days
Most likely organism responsible for this patient’s CSF findings
Falta imagen
ACP July 2019
Listeria monocytogenes
Initial skin decontamination procedure for exposure to HIV containing fluid
ACP July 2019
Wash with soap and water
The two antiretroviral drugs indicated for HIV preexposure prophylaxis
ACP July 2019
Tenofovir-emtricitabine (do not accept Truvada)
Most common cause of health-care related diarrhea
ACP November 2016
Clostridium difficile
Empiric 2-drug antibiotic therapy for patient with this CSF gram-stain
ACP November 2016
Vancomycin and 3rd generation cephalosporin (e.g., cefotaxime, ceftriaxone)
Definition of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
ACP November 2016
Resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin
Infection associated with properdin deficiency
ACP November 2016
Neisseria infection (accept either Neisseria meningitis or gonorrhea)
Condition associated with this rash is transmitted by the Lone Star tick
ACP November 2016
Southern tick-associated rash illness
Recommended treatment of early localized Lyme disease in pregnancy
ACP december 2019
Amoxicillin or cefuroxime axetil (either)
Most likely agent causing aphasia and weakness in patient with CD4 count < 100/µL and this MRI
Falta imagen
ACP december 2019
JC virus
Drug class recommended as initial therapy for candidemia in a non-neutropenic host
ACP december 2019
Specific type of penicillin recommended for the treatment of secondary syphilis
ACP december 2019
A: Benzathine penicillin G
The preferred diagnostic serology test for ehrlichiosis
ACP december 2019
Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test (accept PCR)
Most commonly reported vector-borne disease in the US
ACP June 2021
Lyme disease (accept Borrelia burgdorferi)
Common antecedent event of jugular vein suppurative thrombophlebitis
ACP June 2021
Acute pharyngitis (accept tonsillitis; peritonsilar abscess; Fusobacterium infection)
Adjuvant treatment for tuberculosis meningitis
ACP June 2021
Dexamethasone (accept steroid, glucocorticoid, corticosteroid)
Isolation precautions for disseminated varicella-zoster virus infection
ACP June 2021
Airborne and contact
The 3 most common laboratory abnormalities in patients with human ehrlichia diseases
ACP June 2021
Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated aminotransferases
Agent causing erythema infectiosum infection
ACP August 2021
Parvovirus B19
Antibiotic treatment duration for Lyme arthritis in the absence of neurologic involvement
ACP August 2021
28 days
Two most common lethal complications of direct measles infection
ACP August 2021
Pneumonia and encephalitis
Two most common predisposing factors for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
ACP August 2021
Neutropenia and glucocorticoid use
Therapy utilizing bacteria-specific viruses to treat bacterial infection
ACP August 2021
Phage therapy (accept bacteriophage therapy)
Syndrome of an infection-related toxin that produces a diffuse ‘sunburn’ rash
ACP October 2021
Toxic shock syndrome (accept Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome)
Viral infection associated with the development of B cell lymphomas, T cell lymphomas, and nasopharyngeal carcinomas
ACP October 2021
Epstein-Barr virus
The three primary patterns of West Nile neuroinvasive disease
ACP October 2021
Meningitis, encephalitis, flaccid paralysis
Organism responsible for the most common infectious cause of blindness worldwide
ACP October 2021
Chlamydia trachomatis (do not accept trachoma)
Recommended initial antimicrobial therapy for cryptococcal meningitis in patients with HIV infection
ACP October 2021
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) can produce this toxin
ACP December 2017
Shiga toxin (accept vero toxin)
CDC prefers IGRA over tuberculin skin testing in patients with this medical history
ACP December 2017
Previous BCG vaccination (accept BCG treatment)
The most common organ infected by Nocardia
ACP December 2017
Infection associated with merozoites arranged in Maltese Cross pattern in peripheral blood smear
ACP December 2017
Vancomycin minimum trough concentration recommended for S. aureus vertebral osteomyelitis
ACP December 2017
≥15 μg/mL
Indication for infective endocarditis prophylaxis following cardiac transplantation
ACP September 2017
The two most important human ehrlichial diseases
ACP September 2017
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis and human granulocytic anaplasmosis
Cause of an acute febrile reaction, headache and myalgia within the first 24 hours of erythema migrans treatment
ACP September 2017
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Interval following Td vaccination appropriate for Tdap vaccination
ACP September 2017
At any time
L. monocytogenes meningitis treatment in penicillin allergic patient
ACP September 2017
Term for immunity resulting from minimizing the number of individuals in a population susceptible to an infection
ACP April 2024
Herd immunity (accept herd effect; community immunity; community effect)
Eponym for area of parenchymal lung consolidation with involvement of adjacent lymph nodes in primary tuberculosis infection
ACP April 2024
Ghon complex
Likely diagnosis for patient with relative bradycardia, pulse-temperature dissociation, abdominal pain, and small rose-colored skin rash
ACP April 2024
Enteric fever (accept typhoid fever; typhoid and paratyphoid infection)
Eponymous name for severe leptospirosis infection complicated by fever, jaundice, kidney failure, and hemorrhage
ACP April 2024
Weil disease
Primary treatment for post-kidney transplant BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy
ACP April 2024
Decrease immunosuppression
Recommended hand hygiene intervention to limit outbreaks of Clostridioides difficile infection
ACP February 2024
Hand washing with soap and water (accept hand washing)
Noninfectious morphological form of Giardia that adhere to the mucosa of the small bowel
ACP February 2024
Most common viral cause of recurrent benign lymphocytic meningitis
ACP February 2024
Herpes simplex virus, type 2 (accept HSV-2; do not accept HSV alone)
Primary syphilis in HIV-infected individuals is more likely to have this distinguishing clinical feature
ACP February 2024
Multiple chancres
Bacterial genus associated with cellulitis in patients treated with leeches
ACP February 2024
Organism responsible for most cases of chronic bacterial prostatitis
ACP March 2020
E. coli
Immediate postexposure prevention for varicella-zoster virus infection in immunocompromised patient
ACP March 2020
Varicella-zoster immune globulin
The antibodies and antigen assessed by the 4th generation HIV test
ACP March 2020
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody and HIV p24 antigen (all three required)
Disease that can cause these syndromes: ulceroglandular, glandular, oculoglandular, pharyngeal, typhoidal, and pneumonic
ACP March 2020
The 3 most common sites for nocardiosis infection
ACP March 2020
Lung, CNS, and skin
The most common pathogen responsible for jugular vein suppurative thrombophlebitis
ACP April 2020
Fusobacterium necrophorum
The most common symptom of primary tuberculosis
ACP April 2020
This temperature threshold sustained for 1 hour defines neutropenic fever
ACP April 2020
> 38.0°C (100.4°F) (accept 38.0°C or 100.4°F)
Clinical syndrome associated with ‘sandpaper’ rash and ‘strawberry tongue’
ACP April 2020
Scarlet fever
Preferred antibiotic treatment of traveler’s diarrhea for travelers to Asia
ACP april 2020
Agent responsible for oral hairy leukoplakia
ACP june 2020
Ebstein-Barr virus infection
Condition characterized by fever, hypotension, diffuse erythroderma, and multiple organ involvement
ACP June 2020
Toxic shock syndrome
The three stages of early syphilis
ACP June 2020
Primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, early latent syphilis
Two ocular infectious complications of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis
ACP June 2020
Preseptal (periorbital) cellulitis, orbital cellulitis, subperiosteal abscess (any 2)
A rapidly growing mycobacterium that is the most common cause of skin infection associated with contaminated whirlpool footbaths
ACP June 2020
M fortuitum, M. chelonae, or M. abscessus (any one)
Tuberculin skin test threshold to initiate treatment for latent TB in a patient planning to take infliximab
ACP July 2020
5 mm
Most common form of naturally occurring anthrax
ACP July 2020
Eponym for the pathognomonic mucosal finding of measles
ACP July 2020
Koplik’s spots
Drug of choice for pregnant patients with life-threatening human ehrlichiosis
ACP July 2020
Doxycycline or rifampin (either)
Three intestinal infections most likely to result in profuse watery diarrhea
ACP July 2020
Cholera, cryptosporidiosis, and Cyclospora
AIDS-related primary CNS lymphoma is related to this infection
ACP June 2018
Epstein-Barr virus
Infectious Disease Society of America single oral temperature threshold defining neutropenic fever
ACP June 2018
> 38.3°C (101°F)
Sepsis with Capnocytophaga canimorsus is associated with this medical condition
ACP June 2018
Therapy for MRSA bacteremia in vancomycin allergic patient
ACP June 2018
Mosquito genus responsible for transmitting malaria
ACP June 2018
Anopheles mosquito
Dose and route of ceftriaxone to treat uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis
ACP October 2018
250 mg IM
Period of time to provide endocarditis prophylaxis following completely repaired congenital heart defects with prosthetic material
ACP October 2018
6 months
Malaria species associated with crescent or sausage-shaped gametocytes
ACP October 2018
P. falciparum
Most common bacterial cause of Lemierre syndrome
ACP October 2018
Fusobacterium necrophorum
The principle tick vector for E. chaffeensis
ACP October 2018
Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum)
IDSA guideline recommends treatment of C. difficile colitis with vancomycin for this rise in serum creatinine
ACP December 2018
> 1.5 × baseline (accept 1.5 )
Class of antibiotics that is first-line therapy for pertussis infection
ACP December 2018
Name of toxin responsible for S. aureus toxic shock syndrome
ACP December 2018
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (accept: Toxic shock syndrome toxin, TSST, or TSST-1)
Organism associated with ulceroglandular, glandular, oculoglandular, pharyngeal, typhoidal, and pneumonic syndromes
ACP December 2018
Francisella tularensis
Plasmodium species which infects humans and macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia
ACP December 2018
Hormone precursor used as a biomarker for bacterial infection
ACP May 2023
Two drug combination approved for pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV infection
ACP May 2023
Tenofovir and emtricitabine (do not accept Truvada)
Most frequently fatal rickettsial disease in the US
ACP May 2023
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Organism responsible for cat scratch disease
ACP May 2023
Bartonella henselae (do not accept Bartonella alone)
Common term for shistosomal cercarial dermatitis
ACP May 2023
Swimmer’s itch
Three component tests included in the CDC-recommended initial blood test for HIV infection
ACP January 2023
HIV-1 antibody, HIV-2-antibody, p24 viral antigen (accept ‘HIV 1 and 2 antibodies and p24 viral antigen’, do not accept ‘viral load’)
Term for strains of enteric Escherichia coli capable of producing Shiga toxin
ACP January 2023
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (accept enterhemorrhagic E. coli)
Aspergillus-specific serum immunoassay potentially useful in diagnosing invasive infectionName of reclassified genus for Clostridium difficile
ACP January 2023
Galactomannan assay
Genetic disorder associated with fulminant infection in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
ACP January 2023
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (accept G6PD deficeincy)
Name of reclassified genus for Clostridium difficile
ACP January 2023
Initial symptom of Rockey Mountain Spotted Fever
ACP June 2013
Measurement criterion for a positive PPD in injection drug users
ACP June 2013
≥ 10 mm
Infection associated with “sulfur granules” in draining sinuses
ACP June 2013
Name of this rash caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum
Falta imagen
ACP June 2013
A gram-negative infection in HIV patients that mimics Kaposi sarcoma
ACP June 2013
Bacillary angiomatosis (accept organism, Bartonella)