Neurodevlopmental & Intellectual Disabilities (Ch 8) Flashcards
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Group of conditions with onset in developmental period (before birth)
The range of developmental deficits
Very specific to global impairments
Specific deficits
Usually in learning or control of executive function
Global deficits
Of social skills or intelligence
Co-occurring deficits
Happens at the same time
Intellectual development disorder
Deficits in mental abilities
Impairments in adaptive function
Comes from acquired insult
Communication disorders
Language disorder
Speech sound disorder
Social communication disorder
Child-onset fluency disorder
Childhood-onset fluency disorder
Disturbance of normal fluency, production of speech, repetition of sounds, prolonged consonants or vowels, broken words, blocking, pronounced words w/ excess physical tension
Autism is characterized by
Deficits in social communication and social interaction
Deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts may include:
Deficits in social reciprocity
Nonverbal communication for social interaction
Skills developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
Difficulty staying on task, not listening, losing materials at levels inconsistent with age or developmental level
Inattention and disorganization
__________ is a neural developmental disorder defined by impairing what 3 levels?
Inattention, Disorganization, Hyperactivity-impulsivity
Overactivity, fidgeting, inability to stay seated, intruding into other people’s activities, and inability to wait are characteristics of what I aspire NT of ADHD?
Neurodevelopmental disorder that persists into adulthood with impairments of social, academic, and occupational functioning
Types of Neurodevelopmental motor disorder
Developmental coordination disorders
Stereotypic movement disorder
Tic disorders
This disorder is characterized by deficits in the acquisition and execution of coordinated motor skills and is manifested by clumsiness and slowness or inaccuracy of performance of motor skills that cause interference with ADLs
Developmental coordination disorders
Disorder diagnosed when an individual has repetitive, seemingly driven, and apparently purposeless motor behaviors (hand flapping, body rocking, head banging, self biting, hitting):
Stereotypic movement disorder
Disorder with presence of motor or vocal tics
Tic disorders
This disorder involves sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movements or vocalizations
Are tics just localized to motor?
Tourette’s disorder, chronic/persistent motor or vocal tic disorder, provisional tic disorder, other specified tic disorder, and unspecified tic disorder are examples of what disorder?
Tic disorders
Tic disorders are diagnosed by the defined
Presumed etiology
Clinical presentation
Diagnosed when specific deficits in an individual’s ability to perceive or process information efficiently and accurately
Specific learning disorder
Specific learning disorder is characterized by
persistent and impairing difficulties with learning foundational academic skills in reading, writing, and/or math
Used to enrich the clinical description of the individual’s clinical course and current symptomatology
Specifiers are determined by
Age at onset
Severity ratings
Association with known medical or genetic condition or environmental factor
Intellectual disability severity levels
Mild, moderate, severe, profound
Intellectual disability severity covers what 3 domains?
Conceptual (academic)
Social domain
Practical domain
Diagnostics features of intellectual disabilities
Function is typically measured with individually administered and psychometrically valid, comprehensive, culturally appropriate, psychometrically sound tests of intelligence
Example of diagnostic tool for intellectual disabilities
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) — Most commonly used developmental test
How many standard deviation does an individual with intellectual disability fall below the population mean
Individuals with intellectual disabilities have scores approximately two standard deviations or more below the population mean
What are the 3 adaptive function domains?
Conceptual domain
Social domain
Practical domain
This domain involves competence in memory, language, reading, writing, math reasoning, acquisition of practical knowledge, problem solving, and judgment in novel situations
Conceptual domain
This domain addresses the awareness of others’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences; empathy; interpersonal communication skills; friendship abilities; and social judgment
Social domain
This domains is directed towards learning and self-management across life settings, including personal care, job responsibilities, money management, recreation, self-management of behavior, and school/work task organization. (Basic ADL’s and IADL’s)
Practical domain
Adaptive functioning is influenced by
Intellectual capacity
Personality features
Vocational opportunities
Cultural experience
Coexisting general medical conditions and mental disorders
Genetic syndromes (gene mutations and chromosomal disorders), metabolism, brain malformations, maternal disease, environmental influences
Prenatal etiologies
Genetic example of prenatal etiology
Turner syndrome
Maternal example of prenatal etiology
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Environmental influence example of prenatal etiology
labor and delivery related events leading to neonatal encephalopathy
Example of perinatal tellectual disability cause
Loss of O2
hypoxic ischemic injury, traumatic brain injury, infections, demyelinating disorders, seizure disorders, severe and chronic social deprivation, and toxic metabolic syndromes and intoxications (mercury, lead, etc.)
Who is more likely to be diagnosed with mild and severe forms of ID
Why might gender difference occur in ID?
Sex linked genetic factor and male vulnerability to brain insult
When an individual fails to meet expected developmental milestones in several areas of intellectual functioning
Global developmental delay