Depressive Disorders Flashcards
Types of depressive disorders
•Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
•Major Depressive Disorder
•Persistent Depressive Disorder
•Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Used to be called dysthymia
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Symptoms in this cluster of disorders include somatic and cognitive changes which typically affect an individual’s ability to function
Distinctions: severity, duration of episodes, degree of chronicity, and presumed etiology
Depressive D/O
Major depressive disorder characterizes what two disorder
Bipolar and depressive disorders
Diagnostic criteria for specific episodes are identical, regardless of the condition in which they appear.
•Distinction made based on frequency and duration of the episodes and whether or not accompanied by manic or hypomanic episodes.
Major depressive disorder
For a dx of MDD an individual must
show 5 symptoms that include depressed mood or anhedonia and four other manifestations of depression
Symptoms of MDD may include
–Weight loss without attempting to do so
–Insomnia or hypersomnia almost every day
–Fatigue or lack of energy
–Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
–Difficulty concentrating
–Repeated suicidal ideation
Etiology of MDD
there is a genetic component although the precise characteristics of the genetic factors are not yet established.
Prognosis of MDD
Outcomes will vary; some do well, experience few recurrences and better postepisode function and others have chronic and severe courses. More positive emotion is associated with better outcome
Prognosis factors for recurrence of MDD
Severity of the episode and sever symptoms of depressed mood, intense sadness, and anorexia. Long working hours, work-family conflict, negative thinking, and co-existing social phobia
combination of the characteristics of t DSM-4 conditions: chronic major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder
Etiology, prognosis, and implications of dysthymia
Etiology: Unclear
Prognosis: relatively intractable
Implications: same as indicated for major depressive d/o
5 or more symptoms before and during menses indicating Premenstrual Dsyphoric Disorder
emotional lability, irritability, depressed mood, anxiety, decreased interest in activities, poor concentration, lethargy, changes in appetite and sllep, feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control, and physical symptoms
Etiology, prognosis, and implications of premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Etiology: Unclear
Prognosis: resolves with onset of menopause
Implications: cognitive and functional impairments; primarily emotional regulation impaired; working memory has been demonstrated to be impaired. May have higher absenteeism and lower productivity at work
What are Depressive Disorders?
They include:
•Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
•Major depressive disorder
•Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
•Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
•Substance/medication induced depressive disorder
•Depressive disorder due to another medical condition
•Other/Unspecified D.D.