Neuro Flashcards
Which spinal tract functions to sense fine touch, pressure and vibration?
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus
Which spinal tract functions to sense pain and temperature?
Spinothalamic tract
Which spinal tract excites flexor muscles and inhibits extensor muscles of the upper body?
Rubro-spinal tract
Sensory loss on the outer aspect of forearm and arm including the thumb, plus weakness in flexing elbow. Root level affected?
Where does blood accumulate in rupture of the bridging vein?
Between dura and arachnoid
Where does blood accumulate in rupture of posterior communicating artery aneurysm?
Between arachnoid and pia
Where does blood accumulate in rupture of the middle meningeal artery?
Between dura and pterion (skull)
Acute numbness, decreased sensation on one side of body. 80, HTN. Type of stroke?
What anatomical area contains the primary auditory complex?
Superior temporal gyrus
What anatomical area controls the temperature of the body?
What anatomical area contains the oculomotor nucleus?
What type of fibres are carried by anterior nerve rootlets?
Motor fibres
an ANT runs about- motor
What type of fibres are carried by posterior nerve rootlets?
Sensory fibres
poSterior- SenSory
Multiple Sclerosis CSF finding?
Unmatched oligoclonal bands
Thunderclap headache diagnosis
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Xanthochromatic CSF from Lumbar Puncture
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Lucid period after head trauma, then sudden collapse
Extradural haemorrhage
Cogwheel rigidity
Raised CK suggests what neurological disorder?
Muscular Dystrophy
Toe walker, positive Gower’s sign
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Mask like facies
Fluctuating cognitive deficit (2)
Lewy Body Dementia,
Vivid non threatening hallucinations (eg children or animals)
Lewy Body Dementia