NCF Officer: Doctrine Fundamentals Flashcards
Describe and discuss Combatant Commander tasking and force sourcing.
- Geographic combatant commanders are assigned AORs, but may operate forces wherever required to accomplish their mission.
- When significant operations overlap boundaries of two combatant commands, a JTF will be formed.
What are the roles, responsibilities, and chain of command for the Unified Commander?
- A command with broad continuing missions under a single commander, from two or more military departments.
- Unified Commander: subordinate unified command; JTF; functional component; Service component; single-Service force; specific operational force.
- Responsible for the development and production of joint operation plans; maintaining preparedness of the command; carrying out assigned missions; and assigning tasks to subordinate commands.
What are the roles, responsibilities, and chain of command for the Geographic Combatant Commander?
- Indo-Pacific
What are the roles, responsibilities, and chain of command for the Functional Combatant Commander?
- Cyber
- Space
- Special Forces
- Strategic
- Transportation
Define and discuss Combat Engineering support in Joint Operations.
- Mobility: engineer recon, airfield, heliports, assault bridging, clearance operations, and combat roads.
- Countermobility: Barriers, obstacles, mines, and unexploded ordinance.
- Survivability: Fighting positions; force protection construction support; camouflage, concealment and deception.
Define and discuss General Engineering support in Joint Operations.
- Road construction
- Bridging
- Railroad construction
- JLOTS support
- Port construction
- Environmental support
- Enemy POW facilities
- Base camps and FOB
Define and discuss Geospacial Engineering support in Joint Operations.
- Generation and management of geospatial information
- Terrain analysis and visualization
Describe and discuss what Operation Plans are and how they relate to your unit.
- Any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies.
- A complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description for the concept of operations, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a time-phased force and deployment data.
Discuss the NMCB and their involvement with MPF operations.
- NMCB is the primary operational naval construction division (NCD) unit for construction and engineering operations.
- Contingency engineering, limited combat engineering, and C2.
- May sere as a forward echelon of a larger NCR deployment.
Discuss the UCT and their involvement with MPF operations.
- Underwater engineering, construction, repair, and inspection.
- Deploys before an MPSoffload to inspect piers, beaches and anchorage for suitability, damage, and obstructions.
- Not organic on the MPS.
Discuss the NCR and their involvement with MPF operations.
- NCR is an operational unit exercising C2 over multiple subordinate engineer or expeditionary units.
- Construction program management, coordinates CAP, and validates and allocates resources to subordinate units.
Discuss the ACB and their involvement with MPF operations.
- Works under the NBG to conduct offload operations.
- MPS offload, construction, camp support
Discuss the NCHB and their involvement with MPF operations.
- Operates and maintains the cranes on the MPS.
- Coordinates with NBG for LO/LO offload.
Discuss the CBMU and their involvement with MPF operations.
- Camp maintenance
- Medical
Discuss the capabilities of the Army Engineers.
Army engineers provide the JTF with engineering capabilities at each echelon within the command. Generally at the brigade level and below the focus is on combat engineering.
Discuss the capabilities of the Navy Engineers.
Seabees under the NCF have rapidly deployable units of various sizes tailored to provide responsiveness and flexibility. Seabees provide advances base construction to include airfields, LOCs, underwater and amphibious construction, and battle damage repair.
Discuss the capabilities of the Marine Corps Engineers.
Marine Corps engineers’ primary tasking is combat engineering and general engineering in support of MAGTFs.
Discuss the capabilities of the Air Force Engineers.
Air Force engineers are trained and equipped with organic capabilities to support al aspects of airfield operations where heavy strategic airlift, bombers, or fighters will operate on a daily or frequent basis. Prime BEEF and RED HORSE.
Discuss the capabilities of the DOD Construction Agents.
USACE and NAVFAC are designated as construction agents for the design and construction execution of US military facilities worldwide.
Discuss the capabilities of Standing Contingency Contracts.
Civil augmentation programs such as the Navy’s global contingency construction (GCC) contract program provide additional options and flexibility in general engineering and logistics support.
What is the purpose of the JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States?
JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, is the capstone publication for all joint doctrine, presenting fundamental principles and overarching guidance for the employment of the Armed Forces of the United States
What is the purpose of the JP 3-34, Joint Engineering Operations?
JP 3-34 provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders and prescribes doctrine for joint operations and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans.
What is the purpose of the JP 4-01.6, Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS)?
It provides fundamental principles and guidance for logistics planning, execution, and assessment in support of joint operations. This publication provides joint doctrine to plan, command and control, and employ resources within the Defense Transportation System.
What is the purpose of the NWP 4-04, Naval Civil Engineering Operations?
It describes the capabilities and limitations of naval civil engineering forces and provides methodologies for the integrated employment of naval civil engineering forces supporting joint warfighting environments across the range of military operations (ROMO) such as major operations, stability operations, and limited contingency operations
What is the purpose of the NTTP 3-02.3M, Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Operations?
What is the purpose of the NTTP 4-04.1M, Seabee Operations in the MAGTF?