Common Core: Basic First Aid and Personal Hygiene Fundamentals Flashcards
What is the sequence to examine an injured person?
- Keep the victim lying down with head level to body unless they are at risk of choking.
- Do not move the victim any more than necessary. Cut or rip clothing to remove.
- Keep the victim reassured and as comfortable as possible.
- Do not touch open wounds or burns with anything other than sterile dressing.
- Do not give an unconscious person anything by mouth.
- If a broken bone is suspected, do not move the victim until the injury is immobilized.
- Transport victim feet first, so rear litter carrier can monitor their breathing.
- Keep the victim comfortably warm, enough to maintain body temp.
Explain the ABCs of basic life support.
A- Airway
B- Breathing
C- Circulation
Maintain open airways, head tilt, chin lift.
Maintain Breathing with rescue breaths.
Maintain circulation with CPR if necessary.
What are the symptoms and treatment of heat cramps?
- Excessive sweating may result in in cramps in the muscles in the abdomen, legs, and arms.
- Move person to a cool place, give them water and replacement electrolytes.
What are the symptoms and treatment of heat exhaustion?
- Heat exhaustion involves serious disturbance of blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs causing weakness, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, and nausea.
- Victim may appear ashen gray, cold or clammy skin, pupils dilated, rapid shallow breathing.
- Move victim to a cool area, loosen clothing, apply cool wet cloths to the head, groin, and ankles.
What are the symptoms and treatment of heat stroke?
- Extremely high body temperatures. Victim had hot, dry skin and pupils are constricted.
- Cool the victims body temperature as quickly as possible with cool water. Bring them to medical facilities as soon as possible.
Discuss capillary bleeding and how to treat it.
Capillary blood is usually brick red in color and oozes out slowly. Not serious and can be controlled with a bandage.
Discuss venous bleeding and how to treat it.
Blood from veins is dark red. Blood escapes in a steady flow. Bandage and pressure.
Discuss arterial bleeding and how to treat it.
Blood is bright red in color and gushes out in spurts that are synchronized with heartbeats. Very serious, apply pressure, bandages, and tourniquet if necessary.
What are the procedures for Adult CPR compression to ventilation ratio?
When one person performs CPR, the ratio to compressions to ventilations is 15 to 2. Four cycles, then check for a pulse.
What is the adult rescue breathing ratio and procedure?
When a pulse is present but no respiration, give 1 ventilation every 5 seconds and check pulse frequently.
Describe the treatment for an open chest wound.
- Immediately seal the wound with any airtight material available.
- Firmly tape the material in place with strips of tape and secure with pressure dressing.
- Give the victim oxygen is available.
- Place victim on the affected side.
- Watch for signs of shock and treat accordingly.
- Do not give them anything to drink.
- Transport to a MTF immediately.
Describe the signs, symptoms, and treatment of shock.
- Pulse is weak and rapid. Breathing shallow. Body cold.
- Keep victim as calm as possible.
- Liquids in small amounts unless they are burned, then they can have juice or water.
- Conservative body heat. Warm enough for comfort but do not overheat.
- Place victim so feet are higher than head.
Explain the importance of personal hygiene/field sanitation and how does it impact readiness?
- Latrines
- Garbage Disposal
- Low Temperature Environments
- Water Treatment
What are three methods of purifying water in the field?
- Iodine
- Calcium hypochlorite
- Boiling
What is the procedure for fractures?
- Use of splints
2. Injuries to bone- closed and open fractures
What is the procedure for sprains?
Cold packs for the first 24-48 hours. Moist heat can be applied after the swelling is reduced.
What is the procedure for joint dislocation?
Do not attempt to reduce a dislocation unless in an emergency situation.
- Loosen the clothing around the injured part.
- Place the victim in the most comfortable position possible.
- Support the injured part.
- Treat for shock.
- Get medical help as soon as possible.
What are the 4 types of burns and their treatments?
- First Degree: epidermal layer us irritated and red. Healing occurs naturally.
- Second Degree: epidermal blisters. Damage extends into but not through dermis. May scar.
- Third Degree: Penetrates into the muscle and tissue. Shock is likely.
- Fourth Degree: charred, black, crispy, and dry. Healing not possible.
Why is hand washing and personal hygiene important?
Disrupts the transfer of germs and bacteria. Wash hands with soap and potable water.
Why is foot care important?
Wash feet when possible, make sure to clean between the toes. Take boots off when sleeping and try to elevate feet. Change socks daily and when they become wet.
What is the importance of acclimatization?
All personnel should gradually become acclimated to heat and humidity when Mission allows. Significant heat acclimatization requires 3-5 days and full can take up to 2 weeks. Cool or cold climates take longer.
How to apply a compress dressing.
Initially around the part of the limb with the smallest circumference. The terminal end should be secured with a safety pin or tape.
What is the treatment for frostbite?
- Superficial frostbite can be thawed with body heat. Do not rub.
- Deep frostbite must be protected from further injury and thawed rapidly. Do not thaw if refreezing is possible.
What is the treatment for trench foot?
Cold injury from prolonged exposure to wet, cold temperatures.
Handle affected area gently, do not rub. Remove wet shoes and socks. Do not rupture blisters or apply anything. May be cleansed carefully and exposed to dry air.
What is the treatment for hypothermia?
Internal body temperature dropping. Shivering, feeling if listlessness, drowsiness, and confusion. Bring body temp up.
What are the four general rules for using a stretcher?
- Bring the stretcher to the casualty
- Always fasten the victim securely to the stretcher.
- Move victim feet first so rear barer can watch for signs of breathing difficulty.
- Use proper lifting techniques. The bearer at the patients head calls the lift.
Describe using a Stokes stretcher to move a patient.
- Padded with 3 blankets. Two lengthwise and one under the head.
- Strap patient with straps over feet, thighs, hips, and chest.
Can be used in ship to ship transfer. Maxed at one patient and 400lbs.
Describe using an Army litter to move a patient.
Semi-rigid support used to immobilize casualty with neck or back injuries.
Describe using a Miller board litter to move a patient.
Outer plastic shell with injected foam core. Fits within a Stokes basket. Impervious to chemicals and elements. Full body immobilization. Can be used in confined space and vertical extrication.
Describe using an improvised stretcher to move a patient.
Must be well padded. Only for patients who can tolerate some sagging, bending, or twisting.
Describe using a spine board to move a patient.
Used in the immobilization of suspected or real fractures of the spinal column.
Describe using a emergency rescue lines to move a patient.
Can be used to haul a person to Safety only in extreme emergencies. Running bowling is passed around the body, just below the hips, and a half hitch is placed just under the arms.
Describe using rescue and drag carry techniques to move a patient.
Fireman's Carry One and Two Man Support Cardy One-and-two-man arm Carry Saddleback Carry Pack-strap Carry Back lift and Carry Pistol-belt Carry Neck drag
What are the steps in a 09-line MEDEVAC request?
- Location of pick up
- Radio frequency, call sign
- Number of patients by precedent
- Special equipment needed
- Number of patients ambulatory or litter
- Security at pick up
- Method of marking at pickup site
- Patient nationality and status
- NBC Contamination
Describe the proper use of a field tourniquet.
Should only be used as a last resort for severe, life-threatening hemorrhaging.
- Apply between wound and heart.
- Never loosen a tourniquet after applying.
- Mark the patient on the forehead with a T and the time the tourniquet was applied.
Explain the importance of field sanitation for latrines and how does it impact readiness?
Latrines must be 100 yards from water supplies and messing facilities.
Explain the importance of garbage disposal and how does it impact readiness?
- Divided into wet and dry.
- Must be removed before attracting flies or vermin.
- Garbage pits are usually not more than 30 yards from mess areas and not less than 100 yards from water supplies.
Explain the importance of field sanitation in low-temperature environments and how does it impact readiness?
- Considerations for how sewage and garbage disposal is effected by lower temperatures.
- Use disposal bags.
Explain the importance of water treatment and how it impacts readiness?
Safe water in sufficient amounts is essential, and water not properly treated can carry diseases and bacteria.
What are three methods for controlling bleeding?
- Direct Pressure
- Elevating
- Indirect pressure