Common Core: Administration Command and Control Fundamentals (C2) Flashcards
Discuss the role of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command.
- NAVFAC is the Navy’s global shore facilities manager.
- It is an Echelon II SYSCOM reporting to the CNO.
- Provides acquisition and technical support.
- Provides contingency services to the operating and expeditionary forces.
Purpose of the Naval Amphibious Construction Battalion.
The PHIBCBs conduct ship-to-shore transportation of bulk fuel/water supplies, materials, and equipment in support of JLOTS. They also support MPF operations. They also conduct related camp support services, including general engineering and security support.
What is the Combatant Command Staff Engineer.
- Functions as a conduit to relay engineering req. and acquire services from 1NCD, NECC, and NAVFAC.
- Single point of contact providing the CCDR with mission capabilities, organizational structure, equipment, and proper employment of the NCF and NAVFAC.
Discuss how the Commander Fleet Forces Command (CFFC) applies to the operational chain of command.
NCF reports operationally to COMUSFLTFORCOM through Commander, Second Fleet.
Discuss how the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) applies to the operational chain of command.
NECC is only in the administrative chain of command.
Discuss how the Naval Construction Group (NCG) applies to the operational chain of command.
NCG is not in the OPCON
Discuss the National Military Commands chain of command structure under the Operational Chain of Command.
OPCON: President SECDEF Combatant Commander Navy Component Commander
Discuss the National Military Commands chain of command structure under the Service Chain of Command.
Navy Component Command
Define command and control (C2).
The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.
What are the control measures for Top Secret information?
- Top Secret information shall be continuously accounted for, individually serialized, and entered into a command Top Secret register or log.
- Log shall include the date originated, individual serial number, copy number, title, originator, initial page count, disposition, and date of each disposition action.
- Top Secret registers or logs shall be retained for 5 years.
What are the control measures for Secret information?
- Commanding Officers shall establish administrative procedures for the control of Secret information appropriate to their local environment.
- Protect Secret information from unauthorized disclosure by access control and compliance with the marking, storage, transmission, and destruction requirements.
What are the control measures for Confidential information?
- Commanding Officers shall establish administrative procedures for the control of Confidential information appropriate to their local environment.
- Protect Confidential information from unauthorized disclosure by access control and compliance with the marking, storage, transmission, and destruction requirements.
What is the level of authority for Type Commander (TYCOM)?
Type Commanders (TYCOM) control a command (or ship) during primary and intermediate training cycles then moves its OPCON to fleet commander.
What is the level of authority for Combatant Commander (COCOM)?
Nontransferable command authority. Cannot be delegated. COCOM should be exercised through the commanders of subordinate organizations. Provides full authority to organize and employ commands and forces as the combatant commander considers necessary to accomplish assigned missions.
What is the level of authority for Operational Control (OPCON)?
OPCON Authority may be exercised by commanders at any level at or below the combatant command.
- May be delegated
- Authority to perform those functions over subordinate commands as necessary to accomplish the mission
- Includes authoritative direction
What is the level of authority for Tactical Control (TACON)?
TACON Authority over assigned or attached units that is limited to detailed direction or maneuvers within operational area to accomplish mission.
- Provides sufficient authority for controlling and directing application of force or tactical use of combat support assets within assigned tasks.
What is the level of authority for Support?
Support is an element of command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in combat.
What is the level of authority for Administrative Control (ADCON)?
ADCON: direction or exercise authority over subordinate commands in respect to admin and support.
What is the level of authority for Coordinating Authority?
Commander or individual assigned responsibility for coordinating specific functions involving 2 or more military departments.
- Has the authority to require consultation between agencies involved but cannot compel agreement.
Is a consultation relationship.
What is the level of authority for Direct Liaison Authorized (DIRLAUTH).
DIRLAUTH is granted by a commander to subordinate to directly consult with a command within or outside granting command; a coordination relationship not an authority through which command may be exercised.
Support Authority: Supported Commander
Has primary responsibility for all aspects of a task. Refers to commander who prepares OPLANs and OPORDs.
- Commander who receives assistance from another commander.
Support Authority: Supporting Commander
Commander who provides augmentation forces to a supported commander, or who develops a supporting plan.
Support Authority: General Support
A Seabee element provides general construction/engineering support to the component. Tasked by the NCE Operations Officer in coordination with the component command staff engineer.
Support Authority: Mutual Support
Seabees supporting each other.
Support Authority: Direct Support
A Seabee element providing direct construction/engineering support to one unit.
Support Authority: Close Support
Provides support on projects ad objectives with the supported force through coordination with the NCE Operations Officer and provides force protection, movement, and communications tasks through coordination with the supported force.
What is the mission of the Naval Construction Regiment?
- NCR provides C2 of assigned units.
- Responsible for construction program management
- Coordinates crisis action planning
- Validates and allocates resources to subordinate units.
- Limited construction contracting capability when augmented by NAVFAC.
What is the mission of the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion?
The NMCB primary mission is the construction of advance base facilities in support of the armed services engaged in military operations.
- Additionally repair, maintenance, and capital improvement of shore facilities and lines of communication during contingency, emergency, or disaster recovery operations.
What is the mission of the Underwater Construction Team?
UCTs are specially trained and equipped units that provide underwater engineering construction, repair, and inspection capabilities to meet requirements.
What is the mission of the Construction Battalion Maintenance Units?
CBMUs provide follow-on operations, maintenance, and repair at advance base shore facilities constructed by the NMCB. CBMUs also perform security operations. The CBMU can accomplish limited construction tasking, but is normally employed in the later phase of an operation.
What is the mission of NAVFAC?
NAVFAC provides support to the NCF and the fleet commanders in planning, design, construction, maintenance, and environmental compliance for Navy shore facilities worldwide.
What is the mission of the Naval Amphibious Construction Battalion?
PHIBCB provide civil engineering support to the naval beach group during initial assault and follow-on phases of amphibious operations. This includes floating causeway, ship-to-shore fueling, pier construction, construction and automotive maintenance, and limited beach improvement construction.
What is an OPLAN?
Operation Plan: Any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies.
- A complete and detailed joint plan
- concept of operations,
- all annexes applicable to the plan,
- time-phased force and deployment data.
What is an OPORD?
Operation Order: a directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.
What is a WARNO?
Warning Order: A preliminary notice of an order of action that is to follow.
- A planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military courses of action.
What is a FRAGO?
Fragmentary Order: An abbreviated form of an operation order issued as needed after an operation order to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that order.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Command Staff?
- The command staff reports directly to the CO.
- Consists of the XO, CMC, Safety Officer, a Marine Advisor, and the command’s ombudsman.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Executive and Special Staff?
- The executive staff includes department heads and company commanders.
- All report to the XO.
- Chaplain, 3M, Chief MA, Medical, etc
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S1?
Administrative Department is responsible for planning, executing, and monitoring the command’s administrative and personnel support.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S2?
Intelligence: is limited to human intelligence gathering and the assessment and dissemination of intelligence reports.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S3?
Operations: has functional authority over battalion construction and disaster preparedness programs.
- Controls project planning process
- Documents command policies and methods of implementing, administering, and monitoring construction
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S4?
Supply: lead by a Supply Corps Officer and provides support to include:
- financial management of the battalion
- Material Support Functions
- Service functions
- Management of assigned TOA
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S6?
Communications and information systems departments: issues and maintains NMCB tactical communications equipment and computer assets.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the S7?
Training: Responsible for the formulation and administration of the formal military and technical training programs.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Company Commander?
The company commander is usually a LT CEC officer who is responsible for following the policies of the CO.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Company Chief?
The company chief is the senior enlisted assigned to the company, usually an E8 or E9. They are the primary administrative assistant and technical advisor to the company commander.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Commander?
Generally a CPO, the platoon commander is responsible for the training, discipline, control, and tactical development of their platoon.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Chief?
Next senior person in the platoon. Performs all the duties assigned by the Platoon Commander and is ready to assume command in their absence.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Squad Leader?
Responsible for the squad. In combat, responsible for the care and maintenance of the weapons and equipment in the squad. Also responsible for for fire discipline, fire control, and maneuvering the squad. Only fires weapon in critical situations.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Fire Team Leader?
Reports to squad leader and responsible for their fire team. Serves as a rifleman only when necessary.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Automatic Rifleman?
Provides heavy firepower and is the backbone of the fire team.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Rifleman 1 and 2?
Carry extra ammunition and guard the flank of the fire team.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the Grenadier?
In combat, the grenadier is close to the squad leader.
What is the mission of the Naval Expeditionary Combat Command?
NECC: organize, train, and equip our forces to meet the maritime security operations and join contingency operations requirements.
What is the mission of the Naval Construction Force?
NCF provides combat construction forces to fulfill operational and forward engagement requirements of combatant commanders and component commanders.
- Provide contributory engineering support to naval shore activities
- Exercise C2 over NCG and SRG by providing the planning, training, and resources to organize, train, operate, and maintain Seabee units.
What is the mission of the Coastal Riverine Squadrons?
Riverines Force establishes and maintains control of rivers and waterways for military and civilian purposes, denies their use to hostile forces, and destroys waterborne hostile forces as necessary.
What is the mission of Explosive Ordinance Disposal?
EOD: highly trained, skilled technicians who are experts in explosives, diving, and parachuting. Render safe all types of ordinance, including conventional, improvised, chemical, biological, and nuclear.
What is the mission of Expeditionary Diving?
Provides a capability for construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance of ocean facilities in support of Naval and Marine Corps operations.
What is the mission of Expeditionary Intelligence?
Intel: Provides tactical force protection/indications and warning intelligence collection.
What is the mission of Expeditionary Logistics?
Responsibly for providing expeditionary logistics capabilities for the Navy, primarily with the maritime domain of the littorals, and conducts surface and air cargo handling missions.
What is the mission of Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command?
Mans, trains, equips, and deploys sailors to facilitate and enable a Navy Component of Joint Task Force Commander to establish and enhance relations between military forces, government, and the populace.
What is the mission of Combat Camera (COMCAM)?
Generate video and still documentation of combat operations, contingencies, exercises, and Navy events of historical significance.
What is the mission of Expeditionary Combat Readiness?
Provides support to Navy Individual Augmenters (IA) and Ad-Hoc units employed in or in support of Overseas Contingency Operations. ECRC directly assists IA sailors in CONUS.
Discuss the procedure required to determine clearance eligibility.
The CO has ultimate authority and responsibility for all determinations regarding persons who may have access to classified information under their control.
Discuss the procedure required to grant access.
COs will determine those position functions under their control that require access to classified information, and may authorize access to the incumbents of such positions who have officially been determined to be eligible by the appropriate adjudicative authority.
Discuss the procedure required to grant interim security clearance.
COs may grant access to classified information to any individual who has official need-to-know, established security clearance eligibility, and about whom there in no known un-adjudicated disqualifying information.
Discuss the procedure required to adjust or suspend access.
Access to classified information will be formally terminated when it is no longer required in the performance of assigned DON duties and/or when the individual’s security clearance eligibility is revoked.
What is the Joint Clearance and Access Verification System (JCAVS)?
JCAVS is the application that supports command security personnel providing capabilities such as communication links with the CAFs, e-QIP links to submit investigation requests, and record keeping capabilities.
Discuss Top Secret Security Clearance and how it applies in a tactical environment.
Top Secret: unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
PSI: expires every 5 years.
Discuss Secret Security Clearance and how it applies in a tactical environment.
Secret: unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.
PSI: expires every 10 years.
Discuss Confidential Clearance and how it applies in a tactical environment.
Confidential: unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security.
PSI: expires every 15 years
What is the mission of the Seabee Readiness Group (SRG)?
An SRG plans and delivers training, mobilization, and local support to NCD units to ensure that they achieve and maintain high operational readiness. They are located at each of the two NCF homeports.
What is the mission of the Naval Construction Force Support Unit (NCFSU)?
The NCFSU provides logistical support for the NCR as well as other NCF units. They manage, maintain, and inventory material, transportation, and construction equipment auxiliary assets.