Naval Support Elements Flashcards
What is the NSE?
Naval Support Element
What units comprise NBG-1?
- BMU-1
- ACU-1
- ACB-1
- ACU-5
- NBU-7
What units report to CNSE?
- Offload Control Unit (OCU)
- Beach Party Group Commander (BPGC)
- Beach Support Unit (BSU)
- Defense Unit (DU)
Who provides Seaward Security?
- Coastal Riverine Force (CRF) (under NECC)
- Coast Guard port security
- HN Seaward Support
- NSE MPFUB with weapons mounted
- Army or Marine Corps
- Amphibs, LCUs
Who does CNSE report to?
Commander, MPF (CMPF) or the Commander, LOTS (CLOTS)
What is the MPF MAGTF Chain of Command?
MAGTF CE (Command Element)
- GCE: Ground Combat Element
- ACE: Aviation Combat Element
- LCE: Logistics Command Element
- NCE: Navy Command Element
What is the CMPF Command Structure?
CMPF (Commander, MPF)
- MPS: Maritime Prepositioning Ships
- NSE: Naval Support Element
- MESF: Maritime Expeditionary Security Force
Who reports to the BSU?
- Safety Element
- Camp Support Element
- Logistics/Supply Element
- Medical Element
- MWR Element
- Transportation Element
- Electronics Repair Element
- Lighterage Support Element
Navy Cargo Handling Battalion
- Provides a maximum of 22 hatch teams of 9 skilled cargo handlers. Operate in two 12-hr shifts on 24hr continuous basis.
Who from NBG is the OCO?
Who from NBG is the DUC?
Defensive Unit Commander: S7
Who from NBG is the DCNSE?
Deputy NSE Commander: ACB CO
Who from NBG is the BSC?
Beach Support Commander: ACB S3
What units comprise the Offload Control Unit (OCU)?
What units comprise the Beach Party Group (BPG)?
What units comprise the Beach Support Unit (BSU)?
What units comprise the Defensive Unit (DU)?
Where are the MPSRONs located?
- MPSRON 2: Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia)
- MPSRON 3: Western Pacific (Guam and Saipan)
Who is the Commander, ESG-3?
Rear Admiral Michael Baze
Who is the Commander of NBG-1?
Commodore Leigh
Who is the CO of BMU-1?
CDR Mahaffey
Who is the CO of ACU-1?
CDR Checca
Who is the CO of ACU-5?
CAPT Nelson
Who is the Commander of PAC Fleet?
Admiral Samuel Paparo
Who is the Commander of 3rd Fleet?
VADM Koehler
What is the ACB-1 mission?
To provide logistics-over-the-shore support COMPACFLT amphibious force and MPF operations including ship-to-shore transportation of combat cargo, bulk fuel/water, and tactical camp operations.