Common Core: General Military Tactics Flashcards
What are the key components of a standard battle load for Fighting Load Carrying Equipment?
Items to make carrying a full load more comfortable
- 9mm holster
- 3 point sling
- MOLLE Vest
- Field Pack
- Ammo Pouches
- E-Tool Cover
Describe the construction and elements of a hasty/skirmisher’s position.
- Shallow put that provides limited protection while firing from prone.
- Trench is body-length
Describe the construction and elements of an improved one-man fighting position.
- Made as small as possible to limit target size.
- Constructed with a water sump, firing step, grenade sump, and parapet.
- Built as wide as the occupant and as tall as the occupant standing on the firing step.
- Provides protection from tanks passing over.
Describe the construction and elements of an improved two-man fighting position.
- Essentially two one-person positions.
- Better security, allows one to sleep while other guards.
- Less protection from tanks, shelling, and strafing fire.
Explain the characteristics of camouflage.
- Take advantage of available natural concealment.
- Alter the form, shadow, texture, and color of objects.
- Camouflage is constant and continuous.
Explain the characteristics of cover.
- Protection from enemy fire
- A hill is natural, a parapet is artificial
What are the characteristics of concealment?
- Protection from observation
- Brush, grass, and shadows are natural
- Burlap, tents, or nets are artificial
What actions should be taken if you are caught in the light of a ground flare?
Move quickly and quietly out of the light
What actions should be taken if you are caught in the light of an overhead flare?
Immediately seek cover as low as possible and don’t move until the light goes out.
What is the 1st Order to the Sentry?
Take charge of this post and all government property in view.
What is the 2nd Order to the Sentry?
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or heading.
What is the 3rd Order to the Sentry?
To report violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
What is the 4th Order to the Sentry?
To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
What is the 5th Order to the Sentry?
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
What is the 6th Order to the Sentry?
To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.
What is the 7th Order to the Sentry?
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
What is the 8th Order to the Sentry?
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
What is the 9th Order to the Sentry?
To call the officer of the deck in any case not covered by instruction.
What is the 10th Order to the Sentry?
To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.
What is the 11th Order to the Sentry?
To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
What are the military aspects of terrain as it applies to a defensive force using the acronym KOCOA
K- Key Terrain Features O- Observations and Fields of Fire C- Cover and Concealment O- Obstacles A- Avenues of Approach
What is the use and care of the topographic map?
- Portrays terrain and landforms in a measurable form as wall as the horizontal features represented.
- Fold map properly, carry in waterproof packet, use light lines when marking.
What is the use and care of a lensatic compass?
- Used to define an azimuth and determine direction.
- An azimuth is a horizontal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from north.
What are the five basic colors used on a military map? How are they applied?
Black: Man-made features and cultural areas.
Blue: water features
Green: vegetation
Red-Brown: relief features such as contour lines
Red: main roads, built up areas, enemy positions
Describe the military grid system.
- Provides a uniform system for referencing and making measurements
- Each grid is identified by two sets of digits.
What is resection?
Resection is locating the unknown position of the user by sighting on two or three known features in called resection.
State the twelve patrol planning and preparation steps.
- Study the mission.
- Plan use of time.
- Study the terrain and situation.
- Organize the patrol.
- Select personnel, weapons, and equipment.
- Issue the warning order.
- Coordinate.
- Make reconnaissance.
- Complete detailed plans.
- Issue patrol order.
- Supervise, inspect, rehearse, and re-inspect.
- Execute the mission.
What is the planning process for issuing a five-paragraph order using BAMCIS?
B- Begin Planning A- Arrange for reconnaissance and coordination M- Make the reconnaissance C- Complete the Plan I- Issue the patrol order S- Supervise preparations
What is the purpose of a security patrol?
Security patrols are sent out the perimeter of the defense area is a static defense. Primary importance is observing any enemy troop buildup or movement and the types of weaponry they may possess.
What is the purpose of a reconnaissance patrol?
Recon patrols are sent out to gain information about the enemy or the terrain.
Describe the five-paragraph order: Situation
- Enemy forces
- Friendly forces
- Attachments
Describe the five-paragraph order: Mission
- States mission in clear and concise statements
- Mission is unit specific- what is to be accomplished
Describe the five-paragraph order: Execution
- Concept of operation
- Tasks
- Coordinating instruction
Describe the five-paragraph order: Admin and Logistics
Admin and logistics:
- Supply and transportation concerns
- Food
- Bullets
- Medical
- POW handling instruction
Describe the five-paragraph order: Command and Signal
Command and Control:
- Chain of command and communications information
What is SMEAC?
Situation Mission Execution Admin and Logistics Command and Signal
What are the elements of a SALUTE Report?
Size of the enemy units Activity of the enemy Location of the enemy unit Uniform worn by the enemy Time of each activity noted Equipment used or carried by enemy
What are the elements of a SAFE Report?
S- security
A- place automatic and crew-served weapons
F- clear fields of fire
E- emplacements
What is the information included in a range card?
- 2.
How would you call for fire or for indirect weapon support?
- Observer identification
- Target locations
- Method or engagement
- Warning Order
- Target description
- Method of fire and control
How would you call for Close Air Support?
CAS is requested using the 9-line brief.
How would you utilize fire commands for direct weapon support?
ADDRAC is instructions to direct and control fire of a squad when a squad leader decides to fire on a target.
What is ADDRAC?
A- Alert D- Direction D- Description R- Range A- Assignment C- Control
What are the elements of a fire plan?
- Primary firing positions
- Alternate firing positions
- Supplementary fire positions
What are sectors of fire?
Sectors of fire are assigned to an individual, unit, or crew-served weapon.
- Pie shaped sections with lateral limits.
- Lateral limits extend from the firing position to an easily identifiable terrain feature.
- Interlocking sectors of fire to ensure mutual support by adjacent units.
What is the procedure for handling detainees and Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW)?
Six S's for EPWs: Search Secure Silence Segregate Speed Safeguard
What are the force protection conditions and threat levels?
THREATCON ALPHA: general threat against personnel or facilities.
THREATCON BRAVO: increased or more predictable threat.
THREATCON CHARLIE: incident occurs or intelligence is received.
THREATCON DELTA: immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intel indicates such action is likely to occur.
Define Rules of Engagement and the importance of knowing the ROE for the theater you are in.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff defines the ROE. It applies to all US forces.
Describe the circumstances when deadly force would normally be authorized?
1) Self defense of defense of others when lesser means will not work.
2) Defense of property vital to national security.
3) Defense of property dangerous to others (weapons, ammo)
4) To prevent the escape of a prisoner likely to cause death or serious body injury to another.
What is the deadly force triangle?
A decision model in the determination to use deadly force. The enemy must have the ability, opportunity, and intent to cause harm.
What is protective wire entanglement?
Prevents close surprise attacks. Placed around each fighting position at hand grenade range (35-50m).
What is tactical wire entanglement?
Used to hamper enemy aggression. Places along the front of the defensive line.
What is supplementary wire entanglement?
Places to conceal the exact line of tactical wire.
What is the purpose of triple-standard concertina fence?
Two lines of concertina serving as the base with a third resting on top. A platoon can place a 984ft section in an hour.
What is the purpose of double apron fence?
Typical is a 4 and 2 pace fence. A 984ft section can be placed in 1.5hrs.
What is the purpose of low wire entanglement?
Used when concealment of the barrier is essential. It is a double apron fence constructed with medium pickets instead of long ones.
Discuss evasion when isolated in an enemy area.
- Know the enemy’s location.
- Look for signs of group movement.
- Watch the actions of civilians, may indicate pending action.
- Use firearms only in an emergency.
- Avoid people as long as possible.
- Identify yourself when approaching friendly lines.
Discuss survival when isolated in an enemy area.
Size up the situation. Undue haste makes waste. Remember where you are. Vanquish fear and panic. Improvise Value living Act like the natives Learn basic life skills
Discuss escape when isolated in an enemy area.
- If you are captures, escape as soon as possibly. Your physical condition will be at its best.
- Fall back on the Code of conduct.
Discuss the different combat maneuvers, formation and ambush procedures for patrolling.
- Column
- Wedge
- Skirmishers (right or left)
- Echelon (right or left)
What are immediate actions for enemy contact during convoy operations?
- Driver attempts to drive through the killing zone.
- Personnel return fire immediately.
- Occupants dismount and take immediate offensive action against enemy positions.
What are the procedures for establishing a LZ?
Take into account the following:
- Ground Obstacles
- Gradient (slopes)
- Surface Conditions
- Winds
What information is contained in a nine-line medical evacuation request?
- Location of the pick-up site.
- Radio frequency, call signs, and suffix.
- Number of patients by precedence.
- Special Equipment required.
- Number of patients ambulatory vs liter.
- Security at pick-up site.
- Method of marking pick-up site.
- Patient nationality and status.
- NBC Contamination
What is the purpose of combat hand and arm signals in the field?
Signals are used to transmit commands or information when voice communication is difficult or impossible, or when silence must be maintained.
What is on the Convoy Commander’s checklist?
- Mission requirements
- Reconnaissance
- Route Selection
- Liaison and Coordinate
- Convoy Organization
- Movement Plan
- Security Enroute
- Service Support
- Communications
What considerations should you have when considering a convoy route?
Convoy routes are selected by identifying, evaluating, and comparing factos that tend to facilitate or impede convoy movement and control. This includes mission, enemy, terrain, weather, troops, and available support.
What factors determine the speed at which a convoy will move?
- Physical conditions and level of training of the vehicle operators
- Types of the vehicles
- Degree of urgency required
- Weather
- Road conditions
What is the effectiveness and employment of early warning devices and pyrotechnics?
- Trip flares: used to give warning of attack or infiltrating enemy troops.
- Booby traps: used to incapacitate, wound, or kill
What are the key components of a standard battle load for Bivouac Equipment?
Minimum Necessities for Field Living
- Canteen/Camel-Pak
- E-Tool
- Mess Kit
- Poncho and liner
- One Man Tent
- Poly-Pro undergarments
- Gore-Tex Jacket/Pants
- 4-Part Sleeping Bag
What are the key components of a standard battle load for Protective Equipment?
Provides personal protection from injury
- Modular Tactical Vest (MTV)
- Kevlar Helmet w/Bliss Kit
- Camouflage Cover
- Eye Protection
- Hearing Protection
- Hand Protection
What is intersection?
Intersection is locating an unknown point by successively occupying at least two or three known and positions and sighting on the unknown point.
What is the purpose of security patrols.
To provide physical security.
What are the three types of reconnaissance patrols?
- Route
- Area
- Zone
What are the different types of combat patrols?
- Raid
- Contact
- Ambush
- Security
- Urban
What are considered the four defensive principles of war?
- Surprise
- Security
- Unity of command
- Mass
What is fire discipline?
- The ability to efficiently apply fire to a target.
- The ability to select and designate targets.
- Preserve the element of surprise by opening fire at the desired moment only.
- Regulate the rate of fire.
- Shift from one target to another.
- Adjust and cease-fire.
What is Article 1 of the Code of Conduct?
I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and out way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
What is Article 2 of the Code of Conduct?
I will never surrender of my own freewill. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
What is Article 3 of the Code of Conduct?
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
What is Article 4 of the Code of Conduct?
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which may be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
What is Article 5 of the Code of Conduct?
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their causes.
What is Article 6 of the Code of Conduct?
I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
What are the Convoy Route Classifications?
- Open route
- Supervised route
- Dispatch route
- Reserve route
- Prohibited route