NB (63) (64) Learning and Memory (1) Flashcards
Define Declarative memory
Subdivisions of Declarative memory?
Define Procedural memory?
Define Short-term memory
Define Long-term memory
Explain Serial processing of memory
Explain Parallel processing of memory
Define Consolidation
The role of Hippocampus in memory?
Where is storage done in the brain?
and where does recalling happen?
What is Amnesia?
memory loss due to brain insult
Define Retrograde and Anterograde amnesia
Pathogenesis of Korsakoff’s syndrome?
Complications of the degeneration of the cerebellar anterior lobe vermis in Korsakoff’s syndrome?
Other neurological signs can include ataxia, especially of gait, due to degeneration of the cerebellar anterior lobe vermis. So gait is affected but distal limb control is not. There may also be a confusional state.
Explain the effectiveness of vitamin B1 treatment for Korsakoff’s syndrome.
Treatment with vitamin B1 can lead to remarkable and rapid recovery of the motor and confusional problems, but the amnesias usually persist.
2 structures that Declarative memories are critically dependent upon?
medial temporal lobe and nuclei in the diencephalon.